The Sean Morgan Report

The RFK Wildcard with Duane Cates | SEAN MORGAN REPORT Ep. 6

Sean Morgan

Could the sanctuary city of Mayor Adams be inching closer to its brink? Is Biden facilitating human smuggling by opening the borders? Join us as we dissect these contentious issues with our guest, Dwayne Cates, a noteworthy substack writer and political analyst. We scrutinize Mayor Adams' recent remarks about his city's capacity and challenge the prevailing narrative. Dwayne, with his razor-sharp insights, brings to light the irony of the situation, the demographic shift since Biden's open border policy, and the ominous tactics of the "rain strategy".

But wait, we have more! The baffling destruction of Senator Rand Paul's office, the chilling implications of Agenda 2030, and the possibility of RFK Jr partnering with Donald Trump all come under our radar. Get a taste of the thrilling dynamic between the formidable Rand Paul and the stumbling Fauci. We also weigh in on the dystopian eugenics program, the transhumanist agenda, and the potential fallout from the DOJ's recent actions. And as if that's not enough, we unravel what Trump's recent interview might signify for RFK Jr and the Democratic nomination. Buckle up for a rollercoaster ride of political commentary and analysis.

In this episode of SMR, Sean Morgan interviews Duane Cates about how RFK Jr. came out of his congressional testimony smelling like roses and exposing the democratic establishment.

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Speaker 1:

Next, on the Sean Morgan Report, dwayne Cates analyzes the RFK Jr wild card and we're going to question the mainstream narrative and expose media propaganda right now.

Speaker 2:

That's a great question, that's a good question. Great question, that's a great question.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's a really good question. It's a great question. Well, you're right. Well, Dwayne Cates joins us, a prolific substack writer and political commentator. Dwayne, thanks for coming on the show. I wanted to show a clip of the mayor of New York and get your analysis on this. Let's play the clip. It's Mayor Adams saying that his sanctuary city can't handle any more immigrants.

Speaker 3:

We stated several months ago that we have reached full capacity and that full capacity was verbalized. And now New York is just going to be visually actualized. We're going to see how much of our cup has basically run its over. We have no more room in the city and we need help.

Speaker 1:

Well, dwayne, it's been pretty ironic to watch this unfold, from these mayors of these sanctuary cities saying that they won't even report illegal immigration, and now they're saying they don't have room for one more, some of them saying that residents should be opening up their homes for these illegal immigrants. What do you have to say about this?

Speaker 2:

OK, I've seen the headline of Mayor Adams saying this, but I haven't actually seen the clip. He looks like, obviously the deer caught in headlights. He understands and, believe me, it's a lot worse than what he's letting on. I had to struggle for Grace a moment ago listening to this clown who's attempting to run a once great American city. Talk about how full New York City is. I live in Texas. As a matter of fact, I live in South Texas. I live in Corpus Christi, just outside of Corpus Christi, texas, and if you look on a map, we are what then? I'm not going to say spitting distance, because the way I drive I can be on the border in about just under an hour and we're full. Texas has been full for about the last 10 years.

Speaker 2:

Donald Trump came in was a breath of fresh air. His techniques and the things he implemented via policy, and via foreign policy as well as domestic, actually shut off what we were calling the flood, because under Obama they were using what I've called the rain strategy, which is pitter-patter, pitter-patter, pitter-patter. It's a lot of different people but very small groups coming across Once Trump got into office, these charities that pretend that they're Christian. I'm not going to mention any names, but there are certain charities south of the border that pretend to be Christian, which are actually full blown communist, immediately began forming what came to be called the caravans, and that was the flood strategy that began under Trump, not his doing. He still managed to get Mexico to implement strict measures, the 28,000 Mexican soldiers all of that under his administration.

Speaker 2:

And now I get to hear poor little Eric Adams just cry. He's saying we're full, new York City's full. I'd like them to send them another 100,000 tomorrow. He'll find out what full really looks like because we've been dealing with this here in the state of Texas and all the border states, really including California, although it's run by when, I think, is a practicing Luciferian. They'll find out what full looks like because we've been dealing with this for years and they were completely and absolutely unconcerned about it.

Speaker 1:

That's a good point and I like the term that you use the rain pitter-patter strategy and it really has gone under the radar for even decades, to the point where we can't even calculate how many illegal immigrants we have living in the country. And this is a demographic issue, this is a voting issue. This is an issue that could change our culture, could change who is elected, because, of course, the illegal immigrants who have children have legitimately American citizen children, and then they have children and they tend to have more children than legacy Americans, and so that really changes the landscape of American politics over time. And I believe that what we're up against are people who are thinking really long term. Right, they're thinking how can we win elections a decade from now? So these illegal immigrants and their children traditionally have voted Democrat, and I think that one of Trump's strategy is like, hey, can we get the Latino votes to vote Republican? That could really change things. Any comment on that, duane?

Speaker 2:

If you follow Michael Yon on Twitter, he's stating that the demographic not just the demographics but the gender of a lot of the people that are coming across the border has switched from the Trump era Ever since Biden got in and opened our borders, which is insanity. It's complete insanity. The Biden administration, I think and I could say this without any equivocation whatsoever is aiding and abetting human trafficking. Be on the shout out now. They are aiding and abetting human trafficking. But the type of people coming across the border now we're seeing video clip after video clip people running across the Texas border in camouflage uniforms that are all military age no children, some women, but they're also. Basically they can be soldiers too, and I used to think that they were just handed these camouflage uniforms. You can see this.

Speaker 2:

There are hundreds of clips of people running across the border in Texas who are literally geared out military style and you ask well, what's that? Well, it's obviously they're just trying to hide from the Border Patrol, as they're moving in units of over a hundred and they're coming into the border, and then we wonder why all of these things in our country start catching fire or blowing up. So I mean this, the open border strategy, and you see, the demographic of the people coming across is changing. You don't see as many women or kids at all now. They're still coming because they need the children. They need the children for specific and various but specific, varied but specific purposes. But most of the people coming across now that we're seeing are military aged males, and my impression of why this is the case is we're looking at literally what I consider is in the future agenda 2030.

Speaker 1:

Agenda 2030, which they already have written down, basically that their strategy is to flood the First World Nations with these immigrants and so forth and eventually Declare all we don't need any borders at all, we need a world police, a world government and so forth.

Speaker 1:

We've talked a lot about the idea that the way warfare was done in the past, with bombs and people wearing uniforms and so forth, is to a great extent it's over and we're changing to information warfare, psychological warfare and, in this case, sleeper cells, ways of getting people, subversives, into the country, military age with military knowledge and training, not just from China or Iran or Cuba or where have you. It could be a lot of different places and it could be more than one enemy. It could be enemies that are colluding. It's hard to tell because we don't have the intel, because we have the policy to just let them in. So what we don't know? We don't know. What we don't know.

Speaker 1:

We have no idea who's already crossed into the border. We do know that several of them have already been on terror watch lists. So it is scary to think about and this is why we as Americans, especially near the border, need to do everything we possibly can within the law, of course, peacefully to stop this insanity. We're going to take a quick break. When we come back, we want to talk about Rand Paul, criminally referring Dr Fauci to the DOJ.

Speaker 5:

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Speaker 1:

Well, you can get a free consultation with Dr Kirk Elliott's team. Just click on the link. In the description below we're talking to Dwayne Cates about Rand Paul criminally referring Dr Fauci to the DOJ for lying to Congress about gain of function research. This is an obvious lie and this is something that you would think would be an open and shut case. But do you really think, dwayne, that the DOJ, the Biden DOJ, is going to turn on their Messiah figure of Dr Fauci?

Speaker 2:

The Garland DOJ? No, I don't think that for one second. So Rand Paul has criminally referred Dr Fauci to Merritt Garland, the Biden DOJ, for criminal prosecution for repeatedly lying to Congress. I also have some breaking news for you. This was a tweet from this morning, senator, and I got video here. I just linked it in your chat. Senator Rand Paul's office was destroyed last night in a fire. This comes a day after announcing Bouchie had been referred for investigation. There was probably something they wanted to destroy that was in his office, or they're sending another message, you know, like some insane-act neighbor breaking most of Rand Paul's ribs while he's out mowing his lawn.

Speaker 2:

Senator Rand Paul is a champion for the American vision and the American spirit and I support him 100%. It seems to me that the mask slips. This Fauci Messiah thing that that people were doing back during the pandemic was really disturbing to me and then watching the several times at least twice now Anthony Fauci, who is a CIA trained liar and operative, has sat down twice in front of Rand Paul and been absolutely deconstructed. Because Dr Rand Paul knows the exact, specific questions that need to be asked to Fauci. I'll never refer to him as a doctor. He's a blood-sucking aparachic. Sorry, I feel very strongly about this guy. I think he's basically attempting to participate in a long-term eugenics program which has killed millions. That's what I actually believe that Rand Paul has twice now been able to absolutely turn Fauci into a stuttering idiot because he knows what to say when you listen to Fauci in front of anybody else he's glib, he's articulate, he lies, he's deceptive. He gets away with it. He doesn't get away with it in front of Dr Rand Paul.

Speaker 2:

I'm thinking that whatever just happened was certainly some form of retaliation. I absolutely because obviously the timing. But I also think this has something to do with something that was maybe in Dr Paul's office that was going to be presented as evidence. This may have been an attempt to destroy evidence. I certainly hope it didn't succeed. But this is where we're at right now. Dr Paul is a check on whatever this thing is that's trying to implement this eugenics program against the human rights. We're beginning to see what appears to me to be a depopulation agenda. As I said during another recent interview, I said that if you think this is just Trudeau being a tyrant or Biden being a criminal, you're missing the bigger picture. These people only go after anybody. They're all installed, they're all controlled. They only go after people who interfere in Agenda 2030. The DOJ, all the stuff they're doing against parents that are interfering with their education of young people. It all has to do with the removal of God. All of it has to do with Agenda 2030, which, ultimately, is a transhumanist agenda.

Speaker 1:

Well, you said that you don't think Garland's going to go after Fauci. I can see why you would say that, but you would think that they would want to fall guy for COVID, because that is going to. There is going to be reckoning for what happened with the pandemic.

Speaker 1:

I believe, that People are waking up to that RFK Jr certainly waking up the Democratic base about it. As he campaigns and as the injuries mount up and as people kind of wake from the spell of fear that they were under during the pandemic, they're more receptive and they're going to be demanding justice. And maybe Fauci and Biden will become the fall guys for that. Well, I guess time will tell on that. But people like Steve Bannon and Roger Stone they had the process crimes and they, for refusing to go before Congress or what have you, they had legal results from that. So you would think that people who lie to Congress would eventually have to deal with the consequences.

Speaker 2:

I want to qualify my statement. Allow me to say this Nothing will happen under Garland. Under Garland, nothing will happen.

Speaker 1:

Right and so if Trump wins if Trump wins and Trump has a DOJ, we're gonna see a lot of reckoning and he's promised that. He's promised that I am your reckoning. I believe those were Trump's words, speaking of Donald Trump. He had an interesting interview. Let's take a look at the clip and I'll get your thoughts on this.

Speaker 7:

If he runs, though as a third party candidate, what do you think that does in this next election?

Speaker 8:

I don't know, but he's got great support in the party. He's got in the Democrat party. He's got 20% I said a poll today 23% of the vote. That's a lot of vote and so I don't know it's would he run as an independent? He get a lot of votes, I can tell you.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, that's. You know a lot of people like you and him as a combination too. I don't think that can happen. But have you ever thought about that? I just Trump Kennedy. He looks good on a bumper stick. No, when people suggested it, I read the same things that you do.

Speaker 8:

There are a lot of people suggesting it. There's no question about that. No, I've known him over the years. He's a smart guy and well-intentioned. I really believe he's very well-intentioned.

Speaker 1:

So Donald Trump coming short of saying he would run with Kennedy, but giving him a kind of a glowing endorsement in many ways. And Robert Kennedy tweeted out that under no circumstances would he ever run with President Trump, but he's running for the Democratic nomination. Of course he has to say that. Any thoughts Dwayne?

Speaker 2:

Yes. So when asked directly, well, I guess I'm gonna have to say semi-directly by that host Trump, the first word out of Trump's mouth was no. And everything after that is, to me, completely wrong. So the answer is no, I don't see RFK Jr running with Trump. What I do see is remember Trump used the I word independent, which is what RFK Jr will probably do when the absolutely can see it coming. 100 miles away, kneecapping of his candidacy occurs via the DNC Okay, so he's gonna probably running as an independent. I would anticipate and I wouldn't mind.

Speaker 2:

Even though I don't agree with them on everything, I'm gonna say this there is a nexus coming between that's where two disparate forces meet, okay, and there is a nexus coming. This country is so polarized and so divided. We need good shepherds to lead us back to sanity, to probity, to brotherhood, to humanity, because we're too polarized and too angry at one another. And look at these two people. Look at Trump and RFK Jr. They're doing both of that. Trump has the ear of a certain segment of the population. Rfk Jr has an ear of people who will never hear what Trump has to say. Okay, and understand that these two people are trying to lead us back.

Speaker 2:

I used to talk about this very often. Donald Trump is standing in the safe, sane, prosperous middle ground. Everything you're seeing from these people in media is trying to push you towards extremism. They don't care if you're a racial or religious or whatever extremist or a conny extremist, whatever doesn't matter left or right. As long as you're an extremist, they win. They can make hay out of that. They can do something with that. As long as you're an extremist. Donald Trump and now you can see RFK Jr are standing in the safe, sane middle where they're willing to talk out their differences and figure out how to proceed. And remember, trump's a fantastic deal maker. He doesn't try to dominate and beat the other people or the other party into submission. He makes a deal with them that everybody's happy and can live with. So my thinking here is they're both starting to lead people away from the fringes, from the extremes, from polarization which has been done to us by people who are always seeking to control and manipulate us right out of what it means to be an American.

Speaker 1:

I think you're on to something when you say Trump's a deal maker, and what kind of deal could he strike to unify the two sides that exist politically in our country? He actually already considered having Kennedy in his cabinet back in 2016, 2017, or not necessarily cabinet, but in his administration and ended up going away from that. But the point is he's known the guy, he trusts the guy and he could be in a Trump administration maybe not the VP, but he could be in there and that would be a really interesting thing. We're gonna take a quick break. When we come back. We wanna show some clips to RFK because he's been in the news and I think what he's saying is making heads explode of the Democrat establishment. We're gonna show those clips as soon as we get back.

Speaker 5:

The First Friday of Every Month, starting August 4th, at 4.30 Eastern.

Speaker 6:

I didn't talk about vaccines in that speech. I didn't talk about anything that could be. It was a verbose and subject. I just was talking about my campaign things, that conversation that we ought to be happy with each other as Americans. But I was shut down and that is why the First Amendment's important.

Speaker 1:

RK Jr on the stand in Congress, pointing out the fact that he's being censored. A liberal is being censored for talking about the verboten subjects and they tried to smear him and censor him.

Speaker 4:

Let's take a look at the next clip. Rings that have unfolded over the last few days and throughout this entire Congress are a malignant clown show. Robert F Kennedy Jr is a living breathing false flag operation. His whole campaign is being run by right-wing political operatives who have one objective try to take down President Joe Biden.

Speaker 1:

Well, dwayne, that's an interesting choice of words because to have a Kennedy, a legacy American political power family that's always been Democrat, supposedly be Republicans or conservatives. I mean, of course he's trying to take down Biden. That's his political opponent. I mean, isn't this very, very just loaded language for Democrats to be unleashing against someone who's on their side?

Speaker 2:

I was about to say that watching Hikim Jeffries try to shoehorn all of those power words into somebody who has a very history and storied pedigree, which is RFK Jr the Kennedy legacy trying to use all those power words against him, gave RFK Jr an opportunity to deliver an eight-minute speech. Now remember they started out with Washerman Schultz and Stacey Plaskett trying to censor him, trying to smear him, calling him racist and anti-Semitic. Gave him an opportunity to use that as a springboard for an eight-minute speech which I predict will go down in history as one of the greatest speeches ever delivered in American political history. And he basically with his quavering voice because he does have that issue, I can look past that and he delivered a very eloquent, impassioned speech about what's destroying our country, and it's the polarization I just mentioned a minute ago.

Speaker 2:

These people during that hearing, absolutely fanned the flames of their narrative and you have to understand the stuff that they were throwing against, like Jeffries and all these other people were throwing against RFK Jr have. Most of it has already been debunked and some of the things they took the chief exception of RFK Jr saying which gave them the ability to cast him they're trying to cast him in their crappy movie as a racist and an anti-Semite is completely and utterly ridiculous once you actually know the facts. So these people are depending on you, not having a memory, not having any curiosity whatsoever. It's certainly not doing any digging or research of your own or research, just Googling some stuff or using a search engine to pull up the facts about what RFK Jr is talking about. And once you do that, their narrative just implodes, it goes away. So yesterday RFK Jr came out looking like a boss and the Democrats all have egg on their faces, and it's well-deserved.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can almost smell the desperation as they try to paint him as an anti-Semite and a racist, when he couldn't be further from that. Let's take a look at the anti-Semite claims from Debbie Wasserman and Shultz.

Speaker 7:

I'd like to raise a point of order, a point of order pursuant to House Rule 11, clause 2, which Mr Kennedy is violative of. I move that we remove into an executive session because Mr Kennedy has repeatedly made despicable anti-Semitic and anti-Asian comments, as recently as last week.

Speaker 1:

So they don't want to give you any of the comments he actually said, because it's just obviously not true. But this is their playbook. If you go against their agenda which you've pointed out is Agenda 2030, if anyone wants to know what their agenda is, that's it then you are labeled an anti-Semite. They don't have anything else. All they can do is name call, and it's always according to these type of subversive, divisive tactics. But the more extreme they go and the less logical they are with the name calling, the less effective they are. So this is going to result in those words no longer having any power, don't you agree? I do.

Speaker 2:

And yet, first, when you dig into the statement, what's their cause, what's their justification for labeling RFK Jr a anti-Semite and a racist, you find out it comes from a quote he made on video about I don't know how long ago, about two to three weeks, where he talked about and this is key, this is obfuscation. This is trying to make you look over here, look here, don't look there, look over here. Okay, that's what they're doing, because he said something that's already been determined to be factual, and that is that many of these bio weapons labs they try to refer to them as just you know, biolabs or whatever they try to drop the word weapon. That's not what's happening.

Speaker 2:

Most of these facilities around the world, in Taiwan and in Ukraine, that they originally tried to say were not there, are funded by the Pentagon or the DARPA or the Department of Defense. They're funded and it's all coming out that fountains. All these, the familiar names, the usual suspects DASAC, collins, many others, newland, the Obamas and the Bidens, by the way are directly tied to these bio weapons labs in Ukraine, and what you find out is that there has been research underway for decades of these. These understand, these are US Department of Defense funded by a labs which are researching pathogens that can target ethnic populations pathogens- that's the key thing, and they don't want people to know that's possible.

Speaker 1:

Putin actually put this out as saying that there were, there was research targeting the Slavic ethnicity, targeting Russian ethnic Russians, and that that's part of what the invasion Ukraine is all about. But they don't want that to be part of the conversation. But if you talk about it, you're a racist. Dwayne, we've run out of time, but we are going to put a link of your sub stack in the description below. People can access your, your brilliant and humorous writing and your political commentary. And thank you for doing what you do, dwayne, they can check your live streams on Twitch as well. Thank you all of you for watching Amp News US. We are America's Patriot only network. Make sure you go to ampnewsus register for amp insider Every Thursday evening. Talk to our show hosts and other influencers. You can get your questions answered. Go to shummorganreportcom to get my breaking news updates. God bless, are you patriots? Good night, good night.