The Sean Morgan Report

Trump's Legal Strategy with Dave Hayes | SEAN MORGAN REPORT Ep.9

Sean Morgan

In this episode of SMR, Sean Morgan interviews the Praying Medic Dave Hayes about Tucker's bombshell interview with the former Chief of the Capitol Police. Next, Is Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes correct about the space force having the evidence of 2020 election fraud, and how might Trump use his subpoena power in his current legal proceedings

Could the Capitol attack be part of a larger web of deception? Join me as I pull back the curtain on startling revelations alongside Dave Hayes, author of the Q Chronicles. We dissect the Capitol Police Chief's enlightening interview - one that mainstream media has conveniently sidestepped. From highlighting the suspicious lack of intelligence sharing to posing hard-hitting questions about the denied entry of the National Guard, we brave the uncomfortable truths that have been shrouded in silence. We also touch on a story that's been swept under the rug - a tale of the New Jersey State Police beating the DC National Guard to the Capitol.

But there's more. Dave Hayes returns to lend his expertise as we scrutinize the murky allegations of election fraud. Ignored by mainstream media, we bring to light the evidence laid out in various legal trials, contemplating the strategic moves of Trump in the process. Could there be even more damning evidence tucked away in the confines of the National Security Agency? As we consider these puzzles, we also reflect on the future. What does this mean for the 2024 elections? Can Trump hope for vindication? Tune in for a thought-provoking discussion that dares to challenge mainstream narratives and ask the difficult questions.

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Speaker 1:

Morgan report. The Capitol Police Chief tells all on Tucker and praying. Medic Dave Hayes gives us his input on the Jan Halper video that Trump reposted. We're going to question the mainstream narrative and expose media propaganda right now.

Speaker 2:

That's a great question. That's a good question. That's a great question. That's a great question. Well, that's a really good question. That's a great question, right.

Speaker 1:

Well, the praying medic, dave Hayes, joins us today. He is the author of the Q Chronicles. Dave, thanks for coming on the show. Did you get a chance to watch the interview Tucker, former Capitol Police Chief.

Speaker 4:

Oh yes, I did. I watched it last night. It was great. A lot of really good information.

Speaker 1:

Well, let's give a taste to everyone. We can play the clip and then I'll get your input. So let's play the clip now.

Speaker 3:

You've described this as an intelligence failure, but if failure is something that happens accidentally, none of the intelligence that was coming up, talking about the stormy of the Capitol, killing members of Congress or killing my police officers, was ever discussed at the conference calls that I was on, at least.

Speaker 5:

That doesn't seem to make sense at all.

Speaker 3:

It doesn't make sense. I'm looking at my men and women having their asses handed to them and my first thought was fuck it, I will take whatever discipline there is.

Speaker 5:

Once things got out of control for 71 minutes, pelosi refused to allow you to bring in the National Guard. Why don't we have answers?

Speaker 3:

It doesn't seem like people really want to get to the bottom and it gets worse from there. I had a conference call with the leaders of all the law enforcement. It was a call I coordinated. Not one person on that call talked about any concerns for the intelligence. The attack on the Capitol that we were seeing. That was out. That's what's. That's what's scary.

Speaker 5:

This sounds like a setup to me. I'm sorry it does. New Jersey State. Police beat DC National Guard to the Capitol Wait cops drove from New Jersey before the National Guard could get from the Armory on Capitol Hill to the Capitol. Why isn't this story everywhere? I have no idea.

Speaker 1:

And that is the interview that Fox wouldn't air. And so Tucker, after he was, you know, fired, I guess you could say from Vox News actually invited him back that former Capitol Police chief interviewed him for a sit down. Dave, how historic is it that the number one guy on TV news is fired for being too edgy and now he has to circumvent the mainstream media to get these stories out there?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, interesting turn of events, isn't it? Yeah, the number one guy in cable news is fired because he's talking too much truth to the public. Nothing to see here, just move along. I think it's. It's incredible that the lengths that the mainstream media will go to to cover up the truth, the fact that Fox would get rid of and here's the killer they did not cancel his contract, they did not fire him. He is still under contract, he's still being paid. They just won't let him air any, any of his programs on the network because it would do too much damage to the narrative. So they took the loss financially, they took the loss in ratings. They told him look, you're not, you're still with us, you're still contracted. And he would not be able to go to another news agency because he's under contract. But they're just not going to let him, you know, enter into a new contract. So he apparently cut some kind of a deal with Elon, where Elon gave him the inside track on their new video platform and he's just been blowing up Twitter with his new news.

Speaker 4:

And you know, this whole January 6th thing. It's all narrative control. The whole thing was contrived by people like Nancy Pelosi, mitch McConnell, fbi DOJ. They concocted a narrative, concocted a scenario. I think that Capitol Police was set up. I think they're absolutely set up for failure. The reason why Chief of Police was not in the Intel briefings, didn't get the information, didn't get the threat assessments, because they didn't want him to know what they had planned.

Speaker 4:

And they had planned this thing, actually, interesting, in a filing in a court filing in the J6 trial, the DOJ admitted to having 40 assets inside the crowd on January 6th, plus Homeland Security. They had their people. We now know that there were Army special forces Teams inside the crowd. That crowd was crawling with with feds and it was crawling with feds for a purpose. They wanted to create a narrative right, and they got their narrative and now the truth is coming out. So I'm really glad to see that Tucker is doing the work he's doing and that this police chief is coming out. If anyone's interested, the Capitol Police Chief. He did another interview with Lou Dobbs about a month ago. That was the first interview that he did. You might want to just check out that video. You can probably find it on YouTube or rumble. That is also a very good interview.

Speaker 1:

What do you think were the main revelations that the public needs to know to interviews?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I think the I think that he is a credible witness because he is very apolitical when Tucker Tucker has a particular Political angle that he that he's coming from on this story and he tried to get this police chief to Kind of agree with his, his narrative, his perspective, and the police chief was just like look, you know, I'm not into politics, I'm not going to say, I'm not gonna point the finger of blame, I'm just going to tell you what happened. Here's the timeline, here are the events that happened here, the phone calls I made. Here's the people I contacted. These are the responses they gave me very objective, he's very factual and he presents what I think is a very compelling story. He has not he's not changed his story in the two and a half years since January 6th. He's telling a consistent story. It washes with everything that I've seen and and and the video and what we know to have happened.

Speaker 4:

I think people, I think the big takeaways are that he was, he was cut out of the intelligence loop and it appears that it was done intentionally. And it's interesting because his Agency capital police. They have an intelligence officer and an intelligence agency and one of the guys who was working in that intel group, terek I forget his last name, his first name is Terek. He has come out as a whistleblower and he said his boss had intel, had the information about what was going down and she did not pass it along To the people below or the people above at capital police, including the chief. She was then A Temporarily promoted to capital police chief after he was fired. She was then given a voter no confidence by the officers and then she was given a cushy job as police chief in Some small town in Los Angeles or, sorry, san Francisco.

Speaker 4:

It's clear when you connected dots that the capital police chief was kept out of the loop, that they did not want him to know what the real threats were. They did not want him to know that there were all kinds of feds embedded in the crowd. They did not. They also did not want any federal resources to help him. He didn't get help until 6 pm Hours after the ins, the, the rioting had pretty much been quelled. They set him up for failure. They set the capital police up for failure. They I think they wanted and they planted a violent protest to smear MAGA, to smear Trump, to smear Trump supporters, to create a narrative so that they could then accuse patriotic people of being insurrectionists and terrorist, domestic terrorists. It's all narrative control, and these guys were set up for failure.

Speaker 1:

That's well said and you would think if there were 40 of these official people embedded in the crowd and when you started mentioning Homeland Security and all the other agencies and then all the informants, you know we're talking over 100, maybe 200 people and that's enough to have stopped a ride if that was actually their job instead of, you know, starting one Exactly. But this January 6th narrative has become even more important right now because of the indictment of Donald Trump. So, having this type of interview with Tucker and Lou Dobbs, and now Trump having the ability to subpoena and bring things into evidence in this type of proceeding and, of course, the public's understanding of January 6th is so as a part of all of this, how could this play out? You know that's something that I wanted to play the next video, because Dr Jan Halper has been talking about this strategy of Trump. We'll play the clip and then get your thoughts on that.

Speaker 6:

They've made a huge, huge mistake with this one, because, even though we thought what was going to happen was they were going to go after him for treason or sedition, but they did criminally charge him, but they didn't go to that extreme. As a result, he has due process so he can subpoena people and bring things in. Now let me say something about this 2020 election is that Biden is the legitimate president, but he's the legitimate president of what is now the bankrupt US corporation, and that was a treaty in 1871. While on September 12th 2018, trump created an executive order Within that he outlined, in future elections, any kind of foreign or domestic interference, specifically for the 2020 election. So we say how did he know some of these things were going to happen? Election integrity on both sides of the aisle is tough. It's really tough, but what this has done is it's opened the door for Trump to present his case.

Speaker 1:

I know that was a loaded interview with a lot of different bombshells in it, but let's focus on the beginning part, where she talked about his subpoena power in the due process of this proceeding and related to January 6 and the 2020 election. How could that play out?

Speaker 4:

Yeah Well, that was a loaded interview and I was very surprised to see both Trump and Flynn repost that video on True Social. It created quite a stir in the Anaheim community, obviously, and a bunch of us went diving into this issue about the corporation of America and Jan presented some true information and she also presented some information at video that I think probably is not very well substantiated. I'll just say that. But to your question about how would this play out with President Trump's you know the prosecution and the indictments, I think the reason why Flynn and Trump re-truthed that video is that they wanted people to get a little bit of a glimpse, insight into what's going on. So she talked about in that video that Trump didn't want a civil war. If he would have tried to retain power on the claims of a fraudulent election, it would have created a civil war. So rather than put the country through a civil war, he decided to take a different tack. He and Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell and others have been presenting information to the public over the last two and a half years. Evidence of fraudulent elections. Mainstream media can scream all they want. There's no evidence of fraudulent elections. We just saw a couple of days ago, michigan State Police, in their investigation, found what looks like a massive fraudulent ballot campaign in Michigan to the tune of over 100,000 fraudulent ballots from the 2020 election. There's more evidence of election fraud coming out all the time.

Speaker 4:

Trump is going to when he, when they prosecute him in discovery, he'll get access to some documents. He will get to subpoena some witnesses and he'll get to subpoena some documents. The concern that I have with that is they brought this in a venue that they can control. They have a very, very they have a judge who's very sympathetic to the regime, to the global communist regime, so she is going to do everything she can to suppress Trump's rights, to make sure he's not able to get access to documents Some documents. I think that some of his requests for subpoenas will be rejected. Some of his requests to present evidence will probably be rejected.

Speaker 4:

I think Trump and his attorneys are going to have a very difficult battle in that venue, even if they can get this judge recused, which they should be able to, because she's tied up with Barisma. She was with the legal firm that represented Barisma and Hunter Biden. She was actually at the law firm that Hunter Biden worked at, so she has a big conflict of interest. They need to try to get her recused, but she's the one who's going to make that decision and I don't think she will recuse. Even if she did. The other judges in that district are all pretty liberal leaning. I don't think Trump's going to get a fair shake in that venue. I hope that his attorneys move for a change of venue, maybe get it to West Virginia someplace. That's going to be more of a level playing field, but I don't know how any of that's going to go. In theory she's right. Trump will have an ability to present evidence, subpoena documents and subpoena witnesses, but he's in a very difficult venue. That's going to make it an uphill battle.

Speaker 1:

Right. And then there's also the court of public opinions. So even if he doesn't win over the judge and the jury or however it plays out there, the public will be learning about things and focusing on the facts the whole time, so that's also very important. Let's take a quick break. Sorry, I didn't mean to catch up, go ahead.

Speaker 4:

Oh sorry, now the judges ruling on Trump's on the prosecution's demand to basically impose a gag order on Trump so he can't talk on social media and at the rallies about what's going on with the trial, and the judge is actually imposing some restrictions on Trump's ability specifically to discuss any evidence that is given to him during discovery that is marked sensitive, and then it's going to be up to the prosecution to decide what is sensitive. So they're going to do everything they can to try to prevent Trump from having access to information that hurts their case.

Speaker 1:

Right, or to even be able to discuss the most relevant topics for running for president that he should be able to talk to the public about. So they're trying to muzzle him, but the funny thing is, the more they try to do that, the more he can complain about it and prove that the system's rigged against him, which is what kind of motivates his base to get out there and vote. So we are going to take a quick break when we come back, when we dive deeper into these concepts and also show a clip of Michigan fraud case that is breaking and we have a state police report that substantiates that. So play that clip as soon as we get back.

Speaker 7:

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Speaker 2:

October of 2020, some women brought in some stacks of these registrations in Muskegon, michigan into the city clerk's office and the city clerk noticed that they all had the same handwriting and we're talking eight to 10,000. She immediately had red flags. She contacted the state police. They started an investigation. Now, no one has ever reported on this, except for one little blip in the local news at the time. Well, we have the police report now and it is amazing, Steve.

Speaker 1:

So I think that you know they've been repeating that lie, dave, that there is no evidence of election fraud or election problems. Just keep repeating it, repeating it and to try to brainwash the American public, to not think about it, not look at the evidence that's out there. But if we we in the alternative new media, we Team Trump, trump and his team legal team and his supporters have the focus, the consciousness of the whole country looking at the evidence that Trump will be presenting, it could become kind of a household name or a household understanding of these various examples in various battleground states where these operations took place, and so that when someone from the brainwashed left tries to say there is no evidence, then the person can respond well, what about in Michigan when two women brought in 10,000 registrations with the same signature and the same handwriting? What about that one?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, well, part of Trump's legal defense is going to be the production of evidence of election fraud, because the claim against him is that he knew there was no election fraud and therefore, when he claimed that there was election fraud, he was lying and he knowingly lied, and that's what they're charging him with. So they have to allow him to put on a defense whereby he can present all the evidence that supports his belief that the election was fraudulent. Right, so in a fair court, they have to let him present the evidence of election fraud. Right, we'll we'll see how much the judge lets him present. But what to your point, when the media says there's no evidence of election fraud? Trump was at that town hall and that I forget her name the Gallup was interviewing him. Every time Trump said anything about election fraud, she very quickly said there's no evidence of election fraud, there's no evidence of election fraud. She kept on saying that because she's trying to keep that, that drumbeat going with the mainstream media that there's no evidence of election fraud. Well, if there's no evidence of election fraud, then I want to ask anyone who says there's no evidence of election fraud what exactly has been going on in all of Kerry Lake's election trials.

Speaker 4:

She was given let's see two days in the first trial and three days in the second one to present evidence of election fraud. It's called an evidentiary hearing. In an evidentiary hearing, the plaintiff if it's a civil trial the plaintiff gets to present evidence to support their claim. And Kerry Lake presented witness testimony, she presented documents, she presented video evidence. All of that is evidence. It was marked as evidence. Entered into a court of law. She spent days. She could have presented evidence for a week, but the judge only allowed her to present evidence for a couple of days.

Speaker 4:

To say there's no evidence of election fraud just is plain ignorant. People in Garland Feverito down in Georgia has been presenting evidence of election fraud for three years in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that the Zuckerberg Dropboxes were unconstitutional violation of state law and that the election was run basically illegally. There's been all of these hearings and trials where evidence of election fraud has been presented, yet the mainstream media keeps on saying there's no evidence of election fraud. They don't understand what evidence is. So we're going to find out. I think Trump's going to present even more evidence that we don't even know about yet.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's something that Jan Helper Hayes brought up in the interview is the concept that many of us have kind of assumed that the Space Force or some agency has kind of the cyber proof, the cyber evidence of election fraud at that level they do. Yeah, go ahead. Please comment on that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, the National Security Administration, nsa agency. Nsa has been scooping up all electronic communications in the United States for decades Any, every keystroke, every email, every text message, every data transfer that happens in the United States, nsa has it, they collect it, they have it all. And so when Q says we have it all, q is not joking. They literally have all electronic communications. So if there is any evidence of election fraud, that is electronic, whether it's transferring data, whether it is flipping votes, whether it's emails, text messages, they've got it. Trump was the president for four years and he had access to the highest level of information. I have no doubt that Trump knows exactly what kind of fraud happened, where the evidence is, and can probably get it if he needs to. So Right, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So, as we're talking about this, the situation seems a little too perfect, in a way, for Trump to be able to present this evidence for the public at this opportune time. It's almost as if Trump wanted this to happen, and some people would even go far as to saying, hey, maybe Jack Smith is on Trump's team, or maybe this is the art of war and he's using the enemy's tactics against them. How do you interpret these situations? For example, mike Pence he could be subpoenaed to talk about January 6.

Speaker 4:

He will be subpoenaed to talk about January 6. I am not in the camp that believes that all of these people who look like they're working against Trump are secretly working with him. I understand the underlying assumptions. I understand the reason why people say that this is political theater, that people like Pence and Merrick Garland and Bill Barr are all secretly working with Trump and they're going to pull some big reveal at the end and let everyone know that it was all theater. I understand why people say that they have to have something to hope in. They're hoping that there are good people in the FBI, doj and the intelligence community who are secretly working with Trump and that these people who look like bad actors are actually the people who are going to turn everything around and give us a big victory at the end. You have to have some reason to hope that there's going to be a good outcome. I have a different hope. I believe that the military is going to step in at some point and start cracking skulls and making arrests. So I don't believe that these people are secretly working with Trump. I think that they're all working against Trump.

Speaker 4:

But Trump did write the book the art of the deal, based on Sun Tzu's book Art of War, and Trump is just a very good person when it comes to strategy and tactics. He can outthink people, people like Jack Smith. They're not very smart. If if Jack Smith was a was a reasonably intelligent person, he wouldn't be doing the things he's doing. He's making a lot of mistakes and Trump is just is able to take advantage of people's Strategic and tactical mistakes and he just knows how to outplay people on the battlefield. So we're just gonna continue to watch Trump outplay these people and I believe he'll be vindicated in the in the in the end.

Speaker 4:

I think, it's gonna be a bumpy road, but he'll be vindicated.

Speaker 1:

I Wanted to ask you about the bumpy road parts. We don't have much time left, but I guess this could. This could be as as simple and easy as the military saying, yep, here's the evidence of election fraud. Or it could be so bad that Trump loses all of these, these legal proceedings and he's they rule. He can't run, even run for president, and then you know the military stepping in because there's really no other option.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I Don't even know if, if any of this, I really doubt that any of these cases against Trump are gonna go to trial prior to the 2024 election. I don't think this is gonna happen. They're gonna produce Hundreds of thousands of pages of discovery documents that have to be gone through. Most of this stuff Well, I would say a lot of it's gonna be classified information. The attorneys are gonna have to get security Clearances, which they don't have right now. This thing is gonna be dragged out for a very long time. I don't think any of this is gonna go to court prior to the 2024 election and I think it's just gonna be a battle Up until that election, if that election actually happens, I mean, I'm.

Speaker 4:

I miss some agreement with Colonel McGregor that I don't. I'm not convinced the 2024 election is gonna go off the way people think it will.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of variables, including Biden's pretty old and decrepit as it stands, and there a lot of different Shake-ups that could occur even before the campaign, you know before.

Speaker 4:

I don't think Biden's gonna run for in 2024. They're gonna swap him out with somebody else, so Could be exactly.

Speaker 1:

We were on time, david. Thank you so much. We're gonna put a link in the description below praying mediccom. You can get all of his books and all of his resources there and go to amp news dot US and register for air and register for amp insider where every Thursday evening you can connect with our show host live and get your questions answered. That is Sean Morgan report comm. Get my break. God bless all you patriots. Good night, good night.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 7:
