The Sean Morgan Report

The Brave New World of Bioweapons | Breaking History Ep 9

Sean Morgan

Sean Morgan quizzes historian Matt Ehret about breaking news headlines in the context of suppressed history.

Prepare to have your perspective on the world shifted. This episode, featuring the insightful Matthew Errett from the Rising Tide Foundation, takes you on a mind-bending journey as we expose the underbelly of some of the most significant events in human history. From the enigmatic COVID-19 statistics and their implications to the chilling parallels between Hitler's rise and recent political happenings, we're peeling back the layers to reveal the truth.

We then shift our focus to the CIA and British Empire's influence on global events, and how this shaped the baby boomer generation. You'll discover how fear-mongering tactics used by politicians through the ages, the strategic war games prior to 9/11, and the untold story of the Ukraine's Nazi problem all link to a bigger narrative. We also take you behind the scenes of the 'synthetic culture' that emerged from Hollywood and the 60s cultural revolution, and how it's impacting us today.

Finally, we delve into the world of literature and film to unmask the social engineering techniques used to control society. We explore the connections between identity, drugs, and global politics, and how they contribute to a new form of obedience. This episode will expose you to revelations about the Opium Wars, money laundering in the world's biggest banks, and the implications of narco-terrorism on global finance. Strap in for an eye-opening journey into the real world.
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Speaker 1:

Breaking history. My name is Sean Morgan. I'm the host of the Sean Morgan Report on AMP News. I'm here with Matthew Errett of the Rising Tide Foundation and, Matt, you were talking to me before the show about this breaking RFK junior interview with Tucker talking about bio weapons, talking about Ukraine, and this harkens back to the history of bio weapon development and the anthrax scare. So can you tell me about the interview with Tucker? How significant do you think it was?

Speaker 2:

Well, I think it was a very, very insightful interview and there was a lot discussed. It was a very long, almost three hour, interview. I mean. I think it's a very important thing for people to sit back instead of watching the Netflix show tonight. Watch that. There's a lot you'll learn. It was very good content.

Speaker 2:

But I found RFK brought up something that I think he's been struggling with for a while, which is the issue of the bio weapons conversation, which I think, as a whole, is a little bit muddy, both from the standpoint that there's a lack of historical continuity or understanding of where the entire US bio weapons program comes from and what it's a part of in greater depth.

Speaker 2:

So you oftentimes I've noticed that you have the debate in the sort of world whether it's alternative media or the conventional sort of mainstream media space between those who say that the thing that struck the world or that was injected into the world in 2020, in the very early stages of January of 2020, is either a naturally occurring product of some Pangolian kissing a bat, or it's a bio weapon that had to thus come directly from the Wuhan lab. In both cases, there's an agreement that that thing that happened leading up to the vaccinations was this super deadly near black plague thing that killed millions of millions of people. Danny Rancourt is a professor in the University of Ottawa who's published immensely and he's conducted deep analysis on all of the data sets and he proved and he's not alone, other people have done this too that for the entirety up until the moment that the VAX rollout occurred, there was no overall increase in mortality for the entire period of this great destructive pandemic, and it was really, again, only, you see, the increase of excess all cause mortality after the VAX rollout.

Speaker 1:

So that implies to me that something is strange in this conversation, I think that there's and that's why the flu disappeared and all the deaths recorded for flu were no longer categorized as flu deaths but as COVID deaths.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, and you have a variety of these types of statistical manipulations and the one had exactly what you just said happened and I actually had. I'd spoken to people, members of my family, when I brought this up and they said, yes, covid is so bad it's scared the flu away. These are not stupid people, they're educated people, but they actually said something so dumb. The other thing too is everything, as people know, when people say, oh, but yeah, the hospitalizations for COVID were so high, well it's like, yeah, but there was no proper diagnostic because the PCR tests registered almost everything as being COVID positive and everybody was being rewarded financially for in the hospital system, within the administration, which is already choked for cash, to get financial gain by registering statistically everybody coming in, whether for a broken neck or for a sneeze, as being there because you have COVID, because you were tested positive and if you were intubated you would get something like $30 plus thousand for every intubation. So there was more incentive there. So there were increased moments where there were spikes of death, moments Like at the very early stages. For the first month we did see that intubations and this was recognized and acknowledged across New York, across LA, across Europe intubations were the wrong protocol and something like eight out of 10 people who were intubated were killed. That was stopped at a certain point, but that was very, very destructive and also the isolation of very vulnerable old people. Things like that did create certain spikes within the elderly care facilities especially. That got very badly hit Italy very badly hit, where there's a very elderly population that were all bunched together, isolated and treated like crap. So people were not care workers and were not going to their work because they were told well, you're gonna go in with the plague, you have no preparation for this, you wanna bring that home and kill your family. So people weren't showing up, orderlies weren't showing up, nurses weren't showing up and people were living in excrement and obviously this was terrible. But despite that, there was still an overall more all-cause mortality, death, and I think it was 2018 or maybe it was 2019, but there was more already there and again. So there's a variety of ways that the information about what this destructive thing called, you know, covid was, and I know this is not streaming on YouTube, so I have no worries about censoring myself.

Speaker 2:

The issue here is that there were anomalies. You know. There certainly was smells of something that was unnatural, obviously, and we have things like Dr Chetty in South Africa who had given testimony to Reiner Fulmick and many other places, going through Dr Chetty's examples of over 7,000 patients, and he made the point that in South Africa there were four waves of what we called COVID, that each one targeted had a very ethnically specific destructiveness the first wave, of course, having hit I believe it was blacks mostly, with the second wave having struck predominantly Indians, the third being predominantly Caucasians and Arabs, and each one having mutations that were not there in the previous set. So the idea that you have the mutations or the previous mutations that had occurred in like phase number two, disappearing by phase number three. There was no trace of the earlier phase of the mutations, meaning these are different seedings in South Africa that were done in some form.

Speaker 2:

One can only wonder why? Was it for a laboratory guinea pig testing, kind of like the Tuskegee experiments that the United States had done between the 30s and the 70s on the black populations of America? I don't know. That was certainly, as they say, an experiment for the sake of science to see how the syphilis would wear down the bodies of healthy young men over the course of many decades. Hundreds, if not thousands, did die terrible deaths because of this, but that was for the sake of science. Was that what was done in South Africa? I don't know, but we also have things like there were anomalous pathogens probably circulated, no doubt. I mean, I think that the things that hit Iran, that hit China there were people just collapsing within the Iranian guard, national guard. People high up in the Iranian government died very quickly upon capturing. Whatever the hell was circulated that might have had some sort of an ethnic targeting, which brings up the second part of this.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, RFK got in hot water for even bringing up this idea that there was ethnic targeting Putin. Putin from Russia has talked about targeting the Slavs, Russian ethnicity, through various research, releasing birds to fly across the border to Russia. So this is talked about, but as soon as you do talk about it, you're considered a conspiracy theorist and a racist.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely, you must be a Nazi because you're saying that your government is doing things that the Nazis were doing, and so you must be the Nazi. Of course, gaslighting, no, absolutely, and there was actually. This brings up, I think, the Reichstag fire, because one of the ways that the Nazis were able to capture power, of course, was through an inside job called the Reichstag burning, and I believe it was late February of 1933, or maybe it was early March 1933,. That we now know was not done by the communists or the Jews, as the German people were told, but it was done by leading figures within the SS that burnt down their own parliament building in order to create a situation of a crisis and then rule by crisis management became the new logic of the new incoming Nazi administration. Hitler had just been inducted, been made chancellor by Hindenburg not that long earlier. Of course, they actually had a patriotic in Germany. It didn't have to go the way of Hitler. You know, of course, when you look at it, for a year before Hitler, you actually had Kurt von Schleiter, who was a nation builder, he was an anti-fascist who was the chancellor, and he was setting the groundwork for a complete cleanup of the occult thula society Nazi machine. That was like bubbling up and bubbling up and he was really doing a massive crackdown with a look towards German-Russian collaboration. That was the buildup before he was ousted.

Speaker 2:

Hitler was brought in under a series of backdoor bribes and immediately, within a blink of an eye, he burnt down the Reichstag. And then that gave the excuse for doing what Dick Cheney later on did with his puppet idiot Bush after 2001, which is the Hitler's Enabling Acts, you know. So the idea was I just give me dictatorial powers. That will be temporary. We will have mass surveillance on the people, we're going to illegalize certain types of speech and we're going to then get the situation under control from this foreign threat that everybody should unify in terror around. And of course he never had the intention whatever at any moment to relinquish those powers. But that is what allowed him to then assassinate Kurt Von Schleicher and hundreds and hundreds of political opponents and academics and intellectuals and others who were speaking about this rise of fascism and eugenics. How evil it was. They were killed. There were thousands of murders in the night of the Long Knives, a night of assassinations. So in that sense, the stark parallels to-.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, I just have to mention January 6 and the crackdown on speech, and it's instead of us being scared about a foreign threat. It's those ultra-maga extremists who are Nazis, and we need to be afraid of every conservative American, because they could do what those scary people did on January 6, which is actually an inside job.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, and we have the same our January 6 in Canada involved the trucker freedom convoy. And then, once again, canadians were told by our gaslighting neoliberal Borg Prime Minister, justin Trudeau, that anybody at the freedom convoy were either a fringe minority or fascists and misogynists, often with Nazi proclivities. And there were even little photo ops set up with the Justin's personal photographer, who happened to be just at the right spot, the right moment for the five seconds that some guy in a mask and nobody there was wearing masks all of a sudden comes up and pops out a Nazi flag just at the right moment. Right, who's then kicked out?

Speaker 1:

Same thing happened in Brazil. We had our own January 6. It was actually just a couple of days after January 6, a year later. I believe could have been two years later, but yeah, exact same playbook and we just named three countries that it happened in.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this is not new. And for anybody who thinks that this is a new technique, just look at what Nero did to stop the evil and insurrectionary fascist Christians that had to be blamed for the burning down of Rome. And that's the template and it's been done again and again and again. It kind of works and that's why they keep doing it, because it only works to the degree that we don't have a sense of who are the actual dirty operatives behind the scenes and we don't understand how we're played in profile to fall into certain profiles again and again and again, through collective fear and a desire to find enemy images Instead of doing the work and thinking about. What is it that I and my culture acquiesce to? When an evil occurred and we went along with it in order to be safe, like what many people did who knew better, when John F Kennedy or Bobby Kennedy were murdered, many people could have taken up the torch and did something, but too many stayed silent and allowed for the corruption to set into the culture for 50 plus years thereafter, resulting in obviously a massive crisis. So, instead of looking inward, people often will be too quick to immediately desire a blame of whether the Jews, the Chinese, the Russians, give me the UFOs, the lizard people, give me an enemy image to hate. Just acknowledge my pain and then give me an enemy image and I will rage. And that's how we always fall into this trap. And that's what the German people also suffered from too. They were given a lot of truths about international bankers, conspiracies by the Nazi regime. That was given to them and that was true. There were international conspiracies of bankers and all of that fear and that anger from what they suffered from throughout the 1920s, which was an economic destruction of the German people before and during and after World War I. It was a systemic destruction economically of the people, their dignity, and so that created a pressure cooker and a desire to get revenge or revengeism, and that just blossomed into embracing whatever the demagogues like in this case it was Hitler and his ilk were able to do.

Speaker 2:

So we're now in a place where we have, yes, 9-11, very similar January 6th and very similar, but if you look at, it wasn't just 9-11 and there were tabletop exercises, there were war games put out from the summer of 2000 all the way up to May 2001. There were games that involved the Pentagon, scenarios that were being tabletop and role played of planes hitting the Pentagon, killing 340 people, planes hitting the Twin Towers in January as an exercise. All of these things were being built up as the groundwork was being prepared. Even you had something called Dark Winter, when the new incoming neoconservative administration was entertaining. Whether we go with planes into buildings or do we go with a bio weaponized smallpox that we tell people was unleashed by Saddam Hussein, that will fill a few thousand Americans and then that'll give people an excuse to then have their new Pearl Harbor, that will then champion and support a US military invasion into Iraq, that was Dark Winter. That was actually done. They chosen at the end of the day to say no, let's do the planes instead, of course, and that's what we did. But it wasn't just that, because on top of that you had the passage of Joe Biden's Omni Bus Crime Belt, which Joe Biden and Jake Sullivan no, not Jake Sullivan, bruce Reed wrote into law.

Speaker 2:

That failed to pass in 1995 or 1994 when they first introduced it in response to the terrorist attack of 9-11, number one in 1993. Because that was again an FBI operation and we now know that the primary FBI informant who was buying the equipment to create the bombs, to recruit people to bring them to their location. In 1993 that killed a good number of Americans. Nonetheless, that guy was recording all of his conversations with his FBI handler and published them in the New York Times and several other journals which back then I guess there was a little bit less control over what was allowed to get out into some of the mainstream media. But this is something people can investigate. Where he said look, I was trying to warn the FBI handlers above me what was going to happen so they could have stopped it.

Speaker 2:

On many occasions they chose to let it happen and Biden had already drafted the omnibus bill which he then said when John Ashcroft passed his Patriot Act. Joe Biden took pride in. John Ashcroft corroborated this saying. It is word for word exactly what Joe Biden and Rhodes Scholar Bruce Reed had drafted already that failed to pass in 1994-95. So that's that Patriot Act. Is Joe Biden. The continuity of government that comes with that that Dick Cheney pushed to mean controlling, you know, in crisis management of a parallel government. That is Joe Biden.

Speaker 1:

And whoever's been funding Joe Biden and bribing Joe Biden and compromising Joe Biden? Yeah, because we know the string doesn't have a brain.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yes, exactly. Now, one of the things I wanted to say too is that anthrax. People think about 9, 11. They think about the Patriot Act, the surveillance dragnet that was created, the destruction of our civil liberties, but they often miss the very important thing that's very much tied to, I think, what we're currently going through the rise of CRISPR technology.

Speaker 2:

The all of this stuff for nefarious uses was also part of the October 2000 read reorganize, rebuilding America's defenses document in September 2000. I said October, but September, and this was done by Victoria Newlands, brother in law. It was done by Wolfowitz, you know, the whole team of Zbigniew Brzezinski, following disciples of Leo Strauss, were brought in. They were pairing the groundwork and in this document that was part of the project for a new American century, irving crystal or Stanley crystal was a big part of this. They said literally that combat, describing bio weapons. They said, quote and I quote combat will likely take place in new dimensions, that is, in space, cyberspace and perhaps the world of microbes. Advanced forms of bike back biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.

Speaker 1:

Now, there's a lot in that little tone of that is is very creepy because that it's almost like they're bragging that it could be used as a political tool.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and they're acknowledging it's terrorism in the US has signed on to anti biological warfare treaty since the 70s, so they're acknowledging that this is something that exists in the domain of terror. But because and their their whole point is the new American century, it's the unipolar rules based order is does that were being brought online. They were preparing already the groundwork for what they call in this very document the need for a new Pearl Harbor type incident to rally the American people. That's in the document in people could read this they call and then they call for how the the primary threats to this working out. The only way this would not work out is the possible reconstruction and unification under some alliance of Russia, iran and China. They're like that's clearly the only possible, unlikely but possible combination that could break away this or destroy this new world order doctrine that's being brought online. That's the great fear that has to be stopped and that's the ultimate sort of target floating above the entire narrative.

Speaker 2:

This is what anthrax, starting in September 18, just one week after 911. You began to get and weaponized anthrax arriving in the mail to senators, to people in the news media industry. This went on all the way to December of 2001. Right, a couple of people died somewhere injured, but this created an additional trauma and shock of fear in a new way. That then immediately.

Speaker 1:

People didn't even want to open up their mail. They were afraid there'd be some powder in it.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, that was. That was a people and I think have have undervalued what the hell that was all about, because, coming out of that, due to the fear, then we acquiesced to giving Dick Cheney the support he needed to pass what was then known as the bio shield act. And the bio shield act is what took an already very bad covert black ops system, a network tied to the Pentagon, of international bio labs that had already been operational since World War two when it was begun by hero ishii, the head of Jap, japan's fascist biological warfare regime, and his unit seven three one. They carried out the murder of well over 80,000 American and Russian and Chinese POWs who were POWs, and they were done. They were turning to guinea pigs to see how different types, not just syphilis like Tuskegee, but a variety of pathogens, would slowly kill them and how you could weaponize these things to get targeted.

Speaker 2:

That was already being done in World War two by the Japanese, by Mengele. They were very much working and sharing information and they were never punished. At Nuremberg they were never punished, and at all. They in fact got new jobs under Alan Dulles and John Foster Dulles and the newly forming CIA that was just being built up in 1947, and they were brought into Fort Detrick, maryland, and that's where hero ishii got a new plush job with his network, working to become a founding father of America's bio weapons program.

Speaker 1:

We always hear about the Nazis going to NASA, but the people in the truth movement don't talk about this. It's the first time I'm learning about it, so this is why I like being co-host, because I'm just here learning from the human encyclopedia here. But it's interesting you mentioned the CIA because that was another thing in the RFK junior segment with Tucker is he said the CIA does coup d'etats. He just put it out there that way and that's so, so needed in the conversation as we're learning about our intelligence agencies and how corrupt they are. To hear someone running for president framing it that way is and he has the credibility because his own family members, his brother and uncle, he claims probably assassinated by that agency. We're going to take a quick break to to watch a my pillow advertisement, because Mike Lindell is a true patriot. He's keeping badlands going, so I'm going to play that now and we'll get right back.

Speaker 3:

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Speaker 4:

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Speaker 1:

Also like to talk about. The wellness company was formed by a team of doctors who lost their jobs for speaking up about the vaccines and pushing back against lockdowns. The wellness company offers live telemedicine and a wide range of custom formulated supplements to keep you at your best. My favorite wellness company product is their spike support formula. It's the only product I've seen the contains ingredients research to block and dissolve covid spike protein in the bloodstream. So get back to that pre covid feeling good at T WC dot health, slash badlands and use code badlands to save 10% at checkout. As T WC dot health slash badlands, code badlands, all right. So, matt, I pick up where you left off.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's, there's a lot. There's a lot that's been bubbling to the surface here, but I'm hoping that people are getting a certain sense of the, the, the connection of these things that are that are separated from us in time by generations in some cases to the importance of understanding the contour shaping the the world that we're moving through. Right, because by understanding some of that contour, we can then better understand how to navigate through it and also understand how to put out some of these fires. So what you just pointed out that was another very important component of the broadcast was RFK's and he said this many times before, but I really liked how it was punctuated his understanding, the reasoning, how and why the CIA played a pivotal role in murdering his family members, his uncle and his father.

Speaker 2:

Very, very important elephant in the room, because a lot of people think of that sometimes as being, you know, there's there's so much misinformation of the mafia did it, of steel barons, did it oil barons and around Lyndon Johnson, and you know, there, there there might be some elements of truth in some of those things, but what's often missed is that it wasn't just a great leader getting killed, but rather it was a coup d'etat in America. That's what happened, that America lost something very, very big, and so it's important that Bobby Kennedy say what he says, how he does it and the fact that it's coming from him specifically is a very important thing to to revive and maybe recapture, before it's too late that that lost soul of America, that that went in the 60s when we instead I mean a lot of young baby boomers were sort of seeing their heroes getting cut down by something they didn't understand Malcolm X, fred Hampton, bobby Kennedy, there's so many murders internally they didn't realize it was from their own FBI and CIA intelligence agencies that were doing this, operating for a foreign power, a foreign agency and I'm not talking either about the Kremlin or Beijing here. I'm specifically talking about the same British Empire that the founding fathers of America gave so much to fight and break away from and create a new type of system. In that same British Empire with its web of mystery, sect, secret societies that directs their intelligence outfits, like the United Grand Lodge, which is sort of the mother lodge of all of the core, worst elements of the Southern right and other things that are part of the. I mean, you know J Edgar Hoover the guy was a devoted 33rd degree Southern right Freemason. That was his identity, that's what he served, what shaped his identity. Albert Pike, who also ran a big chunk of Confederate intelligence through Canada and through the South and through Britain, also part of the same operation.

Speaker 2:

So people don't, when you start appreciating what the hell this thing was, that the great leader, leadership of the Kennedys, were resisting, and other nations too, right. Other people like Thomas Sankara in Burkina Faso and many others, la Mumba, were all tapping from a deep moral courage that has been forgotten. Today we can better appreciate what the hell is the weak spots of this whole foreign, this foreign power. Because, yeah, if you look at it, they're willing to kill Americans. They did it for Tuskegee, they did it for the African Americans, they were willing to work with Nazis as they did. That's why we have a Nazi problem in Ukraine, right. That's why it's because the leading Nazis who worked, the leading fascist killers of Ukraine that worked with the Nazis, were incorporated by the CIA, by Alan Dulles, and put to work to fight communism throughout the Cold War. That's why we have Japanese fascists that were brought to Maryland to set up and organize America's bio weapons program, and this is where a lot of our ills have been, have been coming from this unresolved evil that we permitted throughout the past.

Speaker 2:

And again, I brought up the baby boomers quickly. But I want to get back to the present. But the baby boomers didn't know what was going on. They didn't know why the war, the wars in Vietnam, were being unleashed as imperial wars, or Laos or Cambodia. They didn't know why the drugs, where they came from right. All of a sudden you're being traumatized psychologically. You have access to a vast array of psychedelics and mind altering drugs in a variety of ways to numb the pain, to have an escape out of this ugly, hypocritical reality, and so you embrace that drug culture and you're and they went kind of crazy a whole generation. Yeah, two outliers.

Speaker 1:

You mentioned in the last show about how people were taught to not trust any adults. There is this kind of like all of the pop culture and everything just reinforced that whole idea of cutting out tradition and it was like cultural revolution yeah.

Speaker 2:

And this stuff was brought to us by the CIA. That's what created MKUltra right, the Guinea pig, the you, the transforming of campuses, university and high school campuses around North America and Europe into Guinea pig experiments of infusions of CIA, military industrial produced LSD, all sorts of silo, cybins, methamphetamines, mescaline. All of a sudden, these various products of what the CIA MKUltra program was doing was all of a sudden made available. And when you look at some of the, the family members of people like Jim Morrison, you know Jim Morrison's father. What was his father? His father was the head admiral of the, of the primary ship that Americans were told had been under attack at the Gulf of Tonkin. That then was used as the so called false flag that justified getting US support for a military invasion into Vietnam. Never happened. There's actually in hindsight, and this is acknowledged by the US military itself that was a big lie. There was never any Viet Cong attack on to any US battleship in the Gulf of Tonkin, but Jim Morrison's father was the guy who was overseeing it. Who's Jim Morrison? That's the lead singer for the doors who dies of drugs before he's 30, when you could still trust him. But we were told don't trust anybody over 30, you know, and you look at the lead singers, the mamas and the papas and who were their family members. What about the, the Grateful Dead, what you know, jimmy Garcia and these guys who are all of a sudden, you know, being new role models for the youth and promoting this whole new escapist, weird drug culture, are all very much tied through into the military industrial complex that's bringing all this about and that's killing our leaders. So you have a synthetic culture.

Speaker 2:

A lot of people tell me, you know, the China is so messed up because of what they did, starting in 1967 to 74 with their cultural revolution, and that's why they're so terrible. And I say, well, yeah, that was terrible. The Chinese at least admit that that's terrible. That was a big mistake. And they're there, they can talk about that. But our cultural revolution also happened to us at the same time, except ours never ended. Ours kept on going and going and indicating for 45, 50 years afterwards.

Speaker 2:

And so, you know, people are all confused, like how could people go along with these lies and these propaganda operations of COVID or or these other inside jobs like 9, 11, when there's so much evidence that any reasonable mind can simply look at and come to the conclusion, at the very least, that the official narrative of some guy in a cave could not have done something as intricate as the attack that took place on 9 11. Or how could they be so dumb to think that what happened on January 6 is worse than 9 11, as Joe Biden, other other liberal board freaks have been repeating to us, and that people actually believe? Seemingly intelligent people with you know, diplomas and PhDs believe this. How could that happen? Because they went nuts.

Speaker 2:

Our culture was brought in a designed way into a coordinated mass insanity, much like what happened to the Germans, but with more refinement, more drugs. And now we're paying for that. We're living through the consequences of that willful mass insanity and and and abrasive immorality, like the idea of, like you know, live in the now. Don't, as you said, don't trust anybody over 30. Live in the now. Make your own reality.

Speaker 1:

This is the morality that are we have something similar happening now with this, like another wave of it, with this algorithm, social media based mind control, with young people having their own norms, and it's a very delusional with the gender ideology and so forth. So yeah, it's, it's very refined, it's down to a science of getting people addicted to technology and brainwashing them with this perverse ideology.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, right. No, it's a good point, man, and yeah, it really is that. Because you know, you have these motifs again.

Speaker 2:

Many of the movies that we watch, like the Matrix or Terminator, that have certain concept of the future, of what technology is self self aware, machinery that must go to war with us and destroy us or use us for their energy source, all of these things are also bought and paid for by the CIA.

Speaker 2:

You know, don't don't even think that most of the mainstream movies you watch are untouched by this warfare against us, and the ideas that are brought in under the radar of our of our rational, of our rational mind, are very effective in the form of cinema. Obviously, we're not thinking critically when we watch a movie so we can receive into the deeper part of our subconscious very powerful concepts of human nature, of technology, of the future that are then part of a predict, what's called predictive programming. This was an innovated a century ago by HG Wells. You know, if you, just you could do more work doing science fiction, acting on the popular imagination of what the future could be, what human nature is, so that people, when those political agencies make those dystopic realities increasingly happen, people are more inclined to adapt to what they believed was already going to happen, rather than see predictive programming.

Speaker 1:

Can you mention alias Huxley and Brave New World and his, you know, british elitism and the Rhodes scholars and that group, and who was the other one that the road 1984.?

Speaker 2:

That was those Orwell. Yeah, you know I mean people think of all this Huxley as being a some sort of a prophet who was warning us of what would happen if we didn't resist tyranny. I'm sorry I got to say my wife has written a book about this. I've studied this, I've looked at his writings, I've looked at what he's done, what he's a part of all this. Huxley was not warning buddy anybody of anything, and you could see this by reading his Brave New World revisited. I had to read Brave New World, as many people do in high school.

Speaker 2:

Before you're created, before your critical mind is even matured, people are being told to read these things as children when they're 1415, 1984, as well. As another book we have to read, lord of the Lord of the Flies is another book we have to read and always wonder why those books? Right, of course we're given some token Shakespeare sometimes. But why are these books which have very catcher in the rye, very, very specifically destructive views of human nature, very, very despairing, nihilistic presentations of human society? Why that? To young, malleable minds? It's because all this Huxley's brother, julian Huxley, created something in 1946 called the United Nations Education, science and Cultural Organization, unesco, in 1946. And he wrote a manifesto basically saying we have to focus on shaping the minds of baby boomers, those being born after World War II, in order to start with the schools and then prepare them to accept the necessity of world government and eugenics as a new rebranded or he calls it a rebranded eugenics because, keep in mind, julian Huxley is working on a different part of the same operation as his brother, aldous. Both of them are grandchildren of Thomas Huxley, the, the controller and handler of Charles Darwin.

Speaker 2:

Thomas Huxley, who never even believed in Darwinism, became the biggest champion of Darwin's theory of evolution and that model of the survival of the fittest and randomized mutations describing why ordered processes in living systems happen. That's absurd, right there, and why we should all of a sudden assume some gradualization, even though in fossil records we only see discontinuous leaps implying something very different from anything in the Darwinian system. But it was politically expedient because, for those who were the masters of, or the wannabe masters of the one world government called the British empire of the 17th and 18th and 19th centuries, they wanted a system of scientific perception that would justify a global human Darwinian system of exploitation by a masterclass of the most fit controlling the the underfit. It was always a political motive, it was not about science. So these, these grandchildren were walking in the footsteps as auxiliaries in or house servants who could say upper level managers for the oligarchy that that brought them in and gave them a little family dynasty, as they often do. They were often very inbred to with the Darwin's, with the wedgewoods, very, very you know, typical wannabe low level oligarchic families that in inbreed because all of a sudden their breeding becomes everything and they became the, the eugenicists.

Speaker 2:

So the, the social application of Darwin's theory into human societal management, became what Darwin's cousin, francis Goulton, put forth and what Julian Huxley was the president of at the same time that he was setting up UNESCO. That brought in his brother's works into the school systems. That reset a lot of how we were teaching education formally before World War two in the west, around creating a well integrated soul. That was the idea is try to focus on teaching Latin, greek, the classics to young people so that they, with the focus in the teacher's minds that you want to create citizens that were integrated, could make good judgment, use their reason well. That was the former idea of education.

Speaker 2:

And then, after these UNESCO, oecd reforms, overseen by these Nazis and eugenicists, it became more let's. Let's create good, well behaved Cogs that will be part of a machine that have to have certain ideas of human nature. And so all this even says, in his brave new world revisited, that this is working so much better than I thought it was going to 10 years earlier when I wrote the original. And now he's describing even LSD how LSD is my new Soma.

Speaker 2:

You're right, and you get a population which is just built around a caste system of test to babies, kind of like what they're trying to do with the transhumanists today that are that are pushing using CRISPR technology, things like the human genome project, which is run by by Rhodes scholars and Neo eugenicists like Eric Lander, who is the former head of the US science policy under under Biden up until not that long ago, which which then gave rise to different, which was incorporated into the US bio weapons program. But the idea was always how do you create a caste system, a fixed caste system of babies born out of test tubes, without human beings, without families, men or women, just pure babies in in labs that could then be programmed to love their slavery and maybe be injected with periodic doses of Soma, of drugs, or if you've all heard, I says how do we manage the useless class? You've all heard I says some mixture of drugs and video games. That's exactly it. That's the thing in all this Huxley and what we have today is not that different.

Speaker 1:

It's it's dopamine, it's a brain, it's a chemical that's already in our brain, but they're they've hacked the system so that they control the dopamine hits that we get by how many likes we get on Instagram and all TikTok and all this stuff. The social recognition, the addiction to pornography could be thrown in there too. And then, of course, the fast food chemicals and the Coca Cola and that kind of stuff. It's addictive as well. So so there is that happening. We can't discount that. Before you, you go into your next phase here of this topic, matt, I do want to talk about about flying gang rum. Let me show that that image on the screen, a patriot owned, woman owned, true reflection of American tenacity and spirit. What sets this rum apart? Well, it's meticulously produced from pure Florida sugarcane age to perfection and ex bourbon barrels, and then select cask finish. A rum so pure comes with no added sugar, colors or artificial flavorings. That's right. Pure rum and flying gang rum is on a mission to change how we perceive sipping rum to Florida, it's what wine is to Napa, bourbon to Kentucky and whiskey to Tennessee. This iconic rum is all about elevating the connoisseur's experience, capturing the rich history and unique character of handcrafted rum. Go to flying gang dot com slash shop rum. Use promo code badlands for free shipping over $100.

Speaker 1:

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Speaker 1:

No bugs beef cubes will stay shelf stable for more than 10 years without refrigeration and with maximum nutrition and flavor. Just soak it in water for 15 minutes and it's ready to eat. These aren't typical survival means their premium cuts of ribeye, new York strip tenderloin, sirloin and Chuck. Don't get your family get. Don't let your family get caught without premium protein on your shelves. Go to no bugs beef dot com. Use the promo code badlands for an additional 10% off your order. That's no bugs beef dot com promo code badlands. So al these hugs, lee, with Brave New World and 1984 and catcher and the rye, these are books to mold us in this educational system, or more like break us psychologically and predictively program us.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like if you read when people get to the section and I suggest people read if they haven't read Brave New World it's a good like sort of transparent door into the thinking of the oligarchy and they just tell you exactly what they do why they do it Like Noel or whatever his name is, harari and Clashwab, like how they talk now about what they want to roll out is what was in 1984. Yeah, pretty much we're.

Speaker 1:

Brave New World.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, both of them. And both of them feature a dialogue with a leading social engineer and their protagonist, the, the so called hero of the story. In the case of Brave New World, it's John Savage, the person who was born, a mother born person, one of the few last remaining people born of a woman From the savage lands, who somehow brought into the acceptable sort of illusium World where everybody is, is sort of just happy and complacent with their, their periodic orgies, sex and felies as their little pleads in a machine. And all of a sudden he's a dis or disruptor, you know, and he's somebody who finds himself having a face to face with Mustafa moaned. Mustafa moaned is sort of like the one of the lead social engineers, one of the several, and Mustafa moaned is telling him like, look, they have an extended dialogue and people should read this dialogue. It's very useful, it's designed to break young people, but in it Mustafa moaned is going through why certain types of scientific discoveries might be exciting, might explain things, but because they cause disturbances and thus desequilibrium, they must be stopped for the greater good and the greater good is in Mustafa moans line of reasoning stasis, stability, control. That's the greatest good. So, new discoveries, and he brings up the, the he has a bookshelf of of banned books featuring the Bible, featuring Shakespeare and John Savage, who's were supposed to all identify, obviously, with John Savage is like well, why are you holding these works back from humanity, isn't? This is what I was read by my mother when I was a child? And? But? But read the dialogue and in the course of it, mustafa Mohn is so much more intelligent and he has a whole line of argument and Mustafa and John Savage is so Weak-minded on these core points that he fails to be able to refute Mustafa Mohn's argument that this is all necessary and he goes crazy and ultimately kills himself. That's the end same thing for what the protagonist Winston against the leading social engineer that he confronts in Orwell's 1984. They have a whole extended dialogue and, of course, the social engineer is victorious in the dialogue, demonstrating that this is all necessary. We see it in if people have watched the Watchman. It's a haul DC vertigo book by Alan Moore from the 70s. I used to like DC vertigo but they turned it into a film, so Alan Moore also is the designer of V for Vendetta around the same time, and Watchman as well has.

Speaker 2:

You know the, the heroes of the story, these, these Underdeveloped wannabe heroes who come out of retirement trying to fight one of their old AI, self-conscious AI beings, kind of like vision from you know some other comic books, but they called Ozimandias and he has a whole.

Speaker 2:

He's this. This AI, self-aware AI has come to a cold, calculated Formula on how to save mankind from ourselves, because we are ultimately our own, our own enemy, and we have to coordinate a controlled nuclear set of bombs going off around the world, with you know, maybe a few hundred million people dying in New York and around various cities as collateral damage, but in order to give a shock to the people, so that they embrace a green, depopulated world order of some weird utopia where everyone has electric cars. And in the course of that, they Interface with Ozimadias and they're like why are you? This is a new movie, why are you doing this? And they try to refute his logic and they can't do it. And they all have these seemingly good people. All have to come to the conclusion and we're living vicariously through these characters on the on the cinema. I guess this might be a necessary evil for greater good, I guess right, it's like the average human.

Speaker 1:

The plebe is just this kind of underdeveloped Child that can't compete with the intellectual prowess of the, the masterclass that has the, the better arguments, and so we're supposed to identify with the underdeveloped intellect and and just obey and really kind of it's teaching us to to, like you said, to break us psychologically to, to identify with the victim rather than the victor.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely, and you know you've got this with. If you listen to the recording of Aldous Huxley speech to I think it's Berkeley, berkeley social engineers in 1960 on the ultimate revolution, it's a disgusting one-hour speech and people should watch it. And he's just simply going through this whole classroom, this auditorium of young wannabe alphas and his. You know the real brave new world that is being created and and all this is very clear that this is a very necessary next phase of human society's evolution. And and he describes how it's it's necessary to make people love the that the ultimate revolution will be the revolution where we create an electric fence around people's brains, inside their minds, which they will. They will find themselves in shackles in the electric fence, but they will ultimately love their shackles more than freedom. And that you do that by Hypersensualizing the people's identities around, being formed around.

Speaker 2:

My identity is my ability to have sex, my ability to do drugs, my ability to have these, this, this fake, pseudo spiritual experience around a new type of priest class that's controlling the myths associated with the drugs and the production of the drugs. Which is why the CIA had to work with mayor Lansky and organized crime right that that there would not be a Celeanor, corsican or Jewish mafia, from the Bronfman's to the present, where they're not a necessity, by the CIA and the military industrial complex and the social psychiatrists above them working for Tabas stock. That's British. You know. British mind wars 101, that that generated MK ultra in the first place. If that wasn't needed to create a new type of reset civilization of obedient, malleable Play-doh humans, then there would be no mafia. There would be no drug running from the HSBC banks, which you know. If you want to stop the drugs, you know you don't have to do the George the old-school brute force, george Bush senior war on drugs thing. You don't have to do that. That was never meant to work. That was always designed to make the problem worse. But what you got to do is stop HSBC and Goldman Sachs from laundering the massive flows of of narcotics money which they have been doing since. You know, since HSBC was set up in the wake of the opium wars that the British ran with with their American blue blood establishment figures in the in the 19th century HSBC was set up as the drug bank to manage the flows of of Both opium but other things from 1865 when it was set up, which it has continued to do to the present. You just have to stop that from happening.

Speaker 2:

Carl Levin, the senator who recently died, had a had a hearing in 2012 a long Year in and he proved exactly how this works, how it's tied to terrorist funding. The funding of operations like 9-11 Are funded by this whole, you know, black budget Pile of cash that's that props up our banking system that manages all like. Where does Isis get there they're funding. Well, first of all, ask why the Pentagon has failed each of their audits to the tune of up to 22 trillion Dollars of unaccounted for money. That's the first one.

Speaker 2:

Number two Look at how the banks you know go to these narco terrorists in South America. In Colombia, the. The second, rarao Reyes of the Farquharilla's, who would also been killed not that long ago, had a very embarrassing hug where the head of the, the New York Stock Exchange went to Columbia to one of his compounds, gave him a hug and set Up their portfolio for investing all of the Colombian Narco terror traffic money into the New York banks. That's part of how these things don't collapse. So if you actually had a nation-state acting like a nation-state, you would shut that down, but instead what we have are you. You know, grifter, not even great. We have just a crime family. It's like the Bidens where, where Joe Joe's son, hunter, has been caught in doing a lot of things, but one of the big ones is propping up a bio terror complex through his funding through what is called the Mettles my order.

Speaker 2:

Yeah to a meta biota. Rose Montseneca's was the primary fundraiser for meta biota and and and black and beach, which are the military contractors that were chosen to build up this bio weapon system of now what was admitted to be at least 40? Biolabs used for warfare against slabs, the Slavic genetic, you know type that. Victoria Newlin even went pretty far admitting that not that long ago in congressional hearings. And it's all over Georgia.

Speaker 2:

This is what what bought Obama in 2005, went to Georgia and oversaw the creation of an array of Biolabs as part of Dick Cheney's bio bio shield act of 2004, so that began funding over 50 billion dollars of these, these international arrays of biolabs in Africa, in Niger, right in in Georgia, in all of these countries that are targeted for NATO expansion in China's perimeter China is looking at this in South Korea, where you have the Jupiter and Centaur US Pentagon run, biolabs that are producing weaponized anthrax, smallpox and other things, and that there's protests on the streets of Korea of Koreans who are like we have a foreign agency running you know, they know this there, they don't, but we don't get this in our media that that are, that are using our ethnotype or our genetic stock in order to design Boutique, bio weapons that have been used, and the Chinese military, the Chinese State Department, the have openly said that we have to talk about this with the Russians at the UN Security Council on many occasions, many that are right.

Speaker 1:

This is something Americans Maybe don't realize is this is part of the international discussion, and certainly Russia bringing it to the UN Security Council Is still unresolved, and I'm hoping to see, as the Ukrainian war Hopefully ends soon, that that will be one of the things that is forced on the table for discussion. And and that name, victoria Newland, from the State Department, always comes up. She was the one who testified about this when all of us were called conspiracy theorists, for you know, pointing out the fact that there were bio weapons labs. And she says, no, they're not weapons, they're just bio research labs. But yes, they actually exist, they're not just a conspiracy theory.

Speaker 1:

And and then RFK junior talking about Victoria Newland and these coup d'etats. So You've done a good job in our shows of pointing out her, her training grounds and her allegiances. And another breaking thing to mention is related to the drugs that you talked about is in Afghanistan. It's being reported that in some provinces they've cut opium Production and trade by 90 percent since America has left. So for all of us who thought, oh, americans were just saving the Afghans there, then why is there, why are there less drugs ravaging the country in the world after the Americans leave?

Speaker 2:

Exactly and don't get me wrong, the Taliban have misogynistic problems. But the Taliban, their existence is, is a derivative of what the US, the CIA, did to create al-Qaeda in the first place, out of you know the, out of out of an effort to destroy the soviet union in the 80s. So we created this whole radical islamist movement To begin with as a weapon to be deployed to to target nations we don't like. We continue to do that. The Taliban for that, for all of their problems on the issue of like, understanding, like women's rights and all that. They're terrible at that. Don't get me wrong, it's embarrassing.

Speaker 2:

That said, they're very good on shutting down drugs and before the US invaded Afghanistan, that had nothing to do the country, that had zero to do with 9, 11.

Speaker 2:

They, we bombed it with shakana and the first thing that we did, we took the, the drug production, the opium fields that the Taliban in the 90s had wiped out almost completely and we turned it into a drug hub where 90 plus percent of the world's heroin grew, was, was, was generated from Afghanistan.

Speaker 2:

To the point that I had spoken to soldiers from Canada, from the US, who came back and they're they're, they're broke, they were broken people being destroyed by their own state. That's not giving them the support they need, having having witnessed and experienced the, the trauma that they did. But they had to guard the, the labs, the, not just the production of the opium but also the labs that processed it into heroin, that were then exported internationally into europe, into russia, into iran, into Canada, in the united states, big time that gave riot. That was part of the big you know thing that was begun under mk ultra in the first place, when the drugs were created, lsd. All of this was created. The thing that was created, all of this was a cia operation to begin with. It continued and it continues.

Speaker 1:

And then give us pop culture icons who are into heroin and have a heroin. You put this Calvin Klein model that looks like they're on heroin and just just idolize and make that seem like it's just the coolest thing in the world and get a bunch of people on heroin.

Speaker 2:

And jim jim garrison, it calls his band what the doors? Based on what all this? Huxley's doors of perception, the biggest propaganda booklet for the drug culture, became a bit of a bible. That's what jim garrison, jim morrison, uh, heroin fiend, you know, pseudo poet, child of the military industrial complex, is, is is modeling his entire workaround.

Speaker 1:

You know, we've actually run out of time, matt, but that's, that's a perfect place to end because, yeah, that's a nice connection to make the, the band the doors that you think is cool, and jim morrison, who you thought was cool. It was Called the doors because it's based on the doors of perception and alias huxley and alias huxley is from that anglo Uh power structure that we've been studying with matt. So, matt, where can people go To learn about your documentaries, your books and everything you're talking about today?

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, for sure. Um, well, they can go to canadianpatriotorg which has all of the books, all of the documentaries very easy to find. Rising tide foundation dot net, which I managed with my wife. We do weekly seminars, things like that, on science, unshackled other themes. Uh, those are sub stack. Also, if you want to get weekly or daily updates from me, sub stack is, uh, probably going to be found in the description box of our of our badlands video.

Speaker 1:

Great, and if you guys want to get some breaking news updates from me, go to shun working reportcom. I have a weekly show on amp news interviewing people in our truth movement. God bless all you guys and we see you next.