The Sean Morgan Report

Government Cyber Fraud with Jovan Hutton Pulitzer | SEAN MORGAN REPORT Ep. 10

Sean Morgan

In this episode of SMR, Sean Morgan interviews Jovan Hutton Pulitzer about the silent federalization of our elections and how patriots can demand the truth and make 'Woke' go broke.

Wake up, folks! The elections you've been voting in might just be an elaborate game of deception. Our guest this episode is the patriot and award-winning inventor, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. He's here to blow the lid off the mainstream narrative and reveal how the federal government has been manipulating our elections. From the Bush era to the 'Russia, Russia, Russia' mantra, Pulitzer discusses how strategies like the Albert Sensor and Edison's Project have created dangerous backdoors in our electoral system. The truths he reveals about Splunk logs and router information will send shivers down your spine.

Hold on tight as Pulitzer takes us on a roller-coaster ride through his book, 'Countdown to Chaos'. This eye-opener explores how our sacred elections can be hijacked. We also dive into Mike Lindell's recent event and the risks of revealing plans to our enemies. Spoiler alert: the power of evil is real and we need to understand it to fight it. If the election manipulation wasn't enough, we discuss the recent RICO indictment against President Trump and the strategies behind Lawfare. We're living in a world where social media can make or break armies of conspirators. So, join us as we expose these hard truths. The fight for our great republic starts with awareness. Wake up, stay informed, and let's take our power back!

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Speaker 1:

Next, on the Sean Morgan Report, jovan Hutton Pulitzer gives us his insights. As voter fraud becomes the trump card, we're gonna question the mainstream narrative and expose media propaganda.

Speaker 2:

right now, that's a great question, that's a good question. Great question, that's a great question.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's a really good question. It's a great question. Well, you're right. Well, the award winning inventor and Patriot Jovan Hutton Pulitzer joined us. Thanks for coming on the show. What's your focus right now? You just have a book release out, is that correct?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we just released a book. It came out about three months ago. It's called Countdown to Chaos. A lot of people have been chatting about it. You're finding it on Amazon. It's just Countdown to Chaos, very easy, look up my name. It's all limited edition. It's a 512 hard page book, right. But we went back. We did over a two year investigation, like, look, if you're gonna take an election, you gotta have hooks in the system, you gotta have back doors, because you have to understand how every single precinct is doing at every single state level. So we exposed how it was done, the who, what, when, where and how it all connects in Name names. Give you a link, you can research it yourself. But they have silently federalized our elections without our approval and without us knowing about it.

Speaker 1:

When did it all start? Who was the president? What were some of the executive orders or things that happened to get this started?

Speaker 2:

It originally started during the Bush era. It created a very unique, opportunistic opening with some things out there known as the Albert Sensor, the various different projects, edison's projects, einstein you know all the different ones that they were doing and they were funding for different things. What happened is, when it created this unique set of circumstances, it was actually weaponized against us. As you see all of the executive orders coming down, you find out why the specific mantra of Russia, russia, russia, was so important and why it was planned and, ironically, it was not about Donald J Trump. Donald Trump said it's not about me, they want you. And it goes all the way to the point, right to the elections, to explain how they use this Russia, russia, russia to enforce a federal ability. Under the guise of helping everybody and watching for Russia collusion, they actually put in these tech centers, sensors and otherwise, and were inside every one of our polling places across America.

Speaker 1:

When you say inside, are you talking about operatives? Are you talking about backdoor access? What kinds of things were inside all these polling places?

Speaker 2:

Well, I'll give you an example. In Arizona and all our full forensic audit work, we looked at everything the balance, the envelopes, the whole bit. The one thing we never got was the router and the splunk logs. And if you remember that the Senate had the ability now to lock everybody up in Arizona on the board of supervisors and say, look, you're denying this subpoena, we're just gonna lock you up. By an interesting turn of events, they said, okay, we'll turn them over. We'll turn them over if, in fact, you give us an agreement that says we've provided everything. Now, well, the attorney in Arizona for the GOP Did that attorney, did that agreement, got it signed, saying that they received everything. And then the board of supervisors told everybody pound sand. And so it started another fight. And remember, a special investigator, a special group Was assigned not any of us that built in the full forensic audit, that understood stuff. They signed another group to it. That group eventually came back and said sorry, there weren't routers, there weren't Splunk information.

Speaker 2:

Now, if you know anything about the internet, it's impossible to do that. Here's what was at stake there were 30,000 Anonymous intrusions into the Maricopa County election in 2020 and and it was basically people coming in sitting in the election, server management software etc. And I'm totally paraphrasing. But they were anonymous, you couldn't see who they were. Now, if you had the Splunk logs and you had the routers, you'd be able to identify it. That what was was what was denied, and it's because the federal government put in a thing called fusion centers and, under the guise of law enforcement and helping out, all of that data was running through law enforcement and fusion centers, actually before it went into the systems. So they had in and out access, as everything's being recorded in real time. That's part of what the book exposes.

Speaker 1:

So that means, our own government could easily switch votes? Is that correct?

Speaker 2:

it means the. The sad thing of the story is this was not a International job. This was not China, this was not Russia. This was our own government.

Speaker 1:

Right, and so they had access and we have no idea what routers or who or what are from where access is, because we don't have that vital Splunk log information and, is it possible we could still get that?

Speaker 2:

it is, and Thanks because of all the work in Arizona, the great people that did work and got it done and, by the way, those are the real heroes of America, all the people that pushed the lawmakers in Arizona for a true full forensic audit. At the moment, it's the only disconnect that Makes it where we can't get exact answers. The book shows you everything that happened, every executive order, who signed it, who did it and when. As we get to the point, to where they really manipulated and pulled the trigger, which is 2020, the final piece of the puzzle is what we call the Splunk logs and the router information, and that's what they're holding on to with dear life, because it will pinpoint which one of these fusion centers and what was going on, and and it will eventually give us names. So they're guarding that with their life.

Speaker 2:

I would remind you, the cover story that was issued in Arizona Was well, they couldn't share. Remember we found out Maricopa County. Instead of running their own elections, for some weird reason, they shared the router and network service With the sheriff's department. It's like what? Why are you? Why are you like sharing, sharing space, when you have your own budgets and your own connectivity? Well, we just shared it there. We'll see. They did that in a maneuver that when push came to shove and this evidence was found because you will eventually find it they could say oh wait, a minute, it's going to expose Law enforcement investigations, it's good, you're gonna be able to see everything we're investigating. And through that maneuver it gave them plausible deniability and a way to deny access. And so, again, thank God for the Maricopa, for forensic audit, because now everybody's much smarter about elections than they ever been. But we now know what to look for. But we have a very huge battle because All of it, when you look at it, it it implicates the government and it goes back for decades.

Speaker 1:

My question for you is about the NSA and Space Force. Is it possible that they already have observed all of this cyber fraud and they know all this information?

Speaker 2:

Just to be very transparent, I personally do not buy into the Space Force has your back. I personally do not buy into the military's on it, and they know it. Just wait, they're going to ride in and zoom in and do it. That is not my Bailey Week and it's also not my personal belief. I think a lot of that makes people stand down and you're waiting for somebody else to save you, when in fact you're the real hero, you're the warrior, you're the cure for this disease that we have going on. I have in no way to be able to comment for you on that and personally I put no stock in it. That's just exactly where I am.

Speaker 1:

Right. Even if they do have it, we should pretend that they don't, so that we have more motivation to do something about it ourselves. That makes sense to me.

Speaker 2:

I think we it will give you an example. I'll use Mike Lindell's new event. He just had Everybody watched it, but yet he comes out with a pretty cool technology. We need to know about every device that connects there. But you have to understand we're in an act of war. People don't realize that this is a more significant war, more widespread, more financially damaging than World War I, ii, korea and Vietnam combined. We've lost incredible amount of wealth because of it. They don't understand it because it's not conventional warfare In very modern times. It's not conventional.

Speaker 2:

But when you look at what Mike did, talking about his plan, I sit back as a strategist going wait a minute. I think it's a great idea to always know where everything connects. We've been a proponent on it. That's where we showed people how to do it in Georgia back in 2021. But you don't go revealing your plan to the enemies because in that particular case, if you're sniffing Wi-Fi, they'll just change the router names, they'll just change the machine names and you have nothing. And so I'm a very big proponent. You should keep it quiet. You shouldn't talk about it. There's many things that we never talk about and what we're doing, because the moment you talk about it and you tip them off, they'll go make modifications. So yes, to concur what you just said, you're absolutely right. Even if it was happening, even if it was real, it should never be talked about. In any event, Good point.

Speaker 1:

Well, we are going to take a quick break. When we come back, we want to find out more about your book, what's inside of it and what ultimately compatriots do with that knowledge as soon as we get back.

Speaker 3:

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Speaker 1:

Talking to Jovan Huttenpulitzer about his new book that just came out three months ago, and tell me, now that we know what information we should demand. Where do we demand it? How do we demand it? What does that look like?

Speaker 2:

The key is you cannot fight evil if you can't even identify evil. You can't get your lawmakers interested in fighting it if they don't know where to look. So what we did in Countdown to Chaos is it's based on a timeline. You look at everything every person, every fact, every order, every movement, all names and research. You can actually duplicate everything, just following what you can duplicate it on your own. It's not about political parties. It's not even about quote unquote, taking election or whatever the case may be. It is only about could, in fact, our elections be hijacked and taken over? We set out to just explore could it be done and exposed? Well, as a matter of fact, it is done. So if you want to get very agnostic as to party and you just want to see how it was done and how it could be done, because it can work both ways for either party that's what we set out to do.

Speaker 2:

Now, the most important thing to understand in our world is we're the key, we're the solution. Many times, we expect our lawmakers to take care of us, to know how this works. Well, let's just take a lawmaker as they stand. You know you're dealing with somebody narcissistic. You know you're dealing with somebody who has to be the center of attention and you know they are pulled 10 million different ways in any one day. So you're very lucky with a lawmaker if you've ever met with any. You might get 10, 15 minutes. If you're lucky and it's not going to be focused, they're going to be distracted. So we tried to do this in bite size that you can learn it, you can share it. If you can get the book in the hands of your lawmaker, because it all just goes simple, chapter to chapter, you can cut in anywhere and see where it happens. You learn it in bite sizes because it's about education. And if you can pass this information on that bulb in their head and your worst enemy who thinks you're a conspiracy theorist can read this and go whoa, I never knew as remember. There's always a first that they're going to push on it to try to take over. In this case it looks like taking over the conservative right killing God, killing family, introducing Black Lives Matter, critical race theory and the trans agenda. But it's not going to be long before they turn on the second largest group, because it's about pushing us all together in one very homogenous, unidentified blob that they control.

Speaker 2:

And once you realize how important you are, you're able to extract yourself from the system Because, remember, none of this works without us. Let's say they control the world, but every one of us was dead. What do you control now? No money, no industry, no commerce, no economy. So you have to understand. We are the critical fuel. The decision you have to make when you read this is can I share this information and get it out with my lawmakers? When I share it and open people's eyes and save our great republic? And then you understand the importance from removing yourself from the money chain. We fund this and that's why I did makewokegobrokeclick. It's notcom, it's makewokegobrokeclick. That's the second part of the plan. If here's how you take your money out of the system when you're doing retail, here's why you should quit funding them, because they do all of this with our own money.

Speaker 1:

Right, that's a really good point. It's our own people who are the prize and who are the ones who are carrying out a dark agenda, most likely without knowing it because of ignorance. So it looks like you were awake people up.

Speaker 2:

It's not evil people. I mean, come on, there are some bad eggs. There's a doctor a billion. There's those Most lawmakers, most of these people that work in elections been there 20, 30 years. They don't know what's going on, they don't even know how it's done and they wouldn't even be able to recognize it right under their nose. But see, people don't understand how the system works. And here's the easiest thing I'll give you.

Speaker 2:

Let's just look at America and you know this. We have all these retirees, tens and tens and tens of millions of retirees and you have your retirement account, your 401Ks, your IRAs, right, you're putting your money in there because you're supposed to be taken care of, but you can't even invest that money. Now here's the rest of the rig All of that money they push over to four companies to invest on our behalf. We can't touch it, but they do. Now, if you look at your retirement, you've lost about 30% of its value, and that's like putting in for 30 years and 10 years or your payments are gone. Now here's how the squeeze works these four major companies, the Black Rocks, right, all of those guys. They get to invest that money.

Speaker 2:

So they walk into a Walmart and Target and say okay, well, we're gonna fund this and we'll do this, but you're gonna do this diversity equity agenda, you're gonna do this American hating agenda. Well, that CEO has a decision to make. I call it to come to Jesus meeting. If a CEO stood up and said I'm not gonna do that, well, these investment guys go, we're gonna take you out of our retirement portfolio. Then now what that does is, let's say, if BlackRock pulled out and said we're not gonna be recommending Walmart and our retiree and Pension fund, it sends a signal to Wall Street that something's wrong with Walmart. Walmart stock will start falling like a rock.

Speaker 2:

What does BlackRock do that only already owns part of it? They'll go in and buy it for pennies on the dollar and still get it. So these CEOs have no choice but to comply. But every bit of this is our money. Every single bit of it is our money. When we were told that we were going to undergo Fundamental change in America, you have to understand. What happened during the Obama era is they put key people in corporations, key people in advertising, key people in the top nonprofits like Ford Motor Company. Now they controlled all the donor dollars and then investment dollars.

Speaker 1:

All of our money is controlled in a network and everything you buy is funding this evil agenda against us and so our voting is with our dollars in that sense, and we've seen some recent successes with Target and Bud Light Do you think those are examples of things that we can do and we get behind an idea?

Speaker 2:

It is sorry, it's a Bud lights, a good example. People got upset, didn't want this Thrust down their throat like you got, just for mine, and they responded but it was one product, bud Light. It was so incongruent that this is America baseball, football, right, but we got this dude with a dong playing like he's a girl and that's what they endorse. America got upset. Now Bud Light is to show you you are the one with the power. Now you need to recognize that. Because why?

Speaker 2:

Right now, there are about almost 500 products that you go into the stores Week in and week out and buy. These are your consumables, right? What you don't realize is these investment companies. With all these retirement dollars, you get a product you like, let's say, called Tom's, to pay toothpaste. Just an example. Good mission, good, whatever. I'm gonna support Tom's. Will they go drop a hundred million dollar on Tom, buy Tom out and bring Tom into their fold? You still think you're dealing with that company, but you're not. You're dealing with 11 companies that they have bound together to control all these products.

Speaker 2:

Now what happens is, from the manufacturing plant that manufacture it, part of their money, supporting all these liberal policies, black Lives Matter, critical race theory. Then you've got the investment company that did it to begin with. They're making money Then as it sold to Wal-Mart and Target. Wal-mart and Target is donating, donating to this, but who's the one that ultimately pays for it? You buy it here, and so what they did is they infiltrated the things we buy by the millions and millions every week and they're skimming off pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.

Speaker 2:

And you understand, like Jay Paul Getty said, I'd rather have One percent of a hundred man, then what then? A hundred percent of one man when you're skimming nickels, dimes and pennies? That's why the Russians can do it and bank accounts, but skim a billion dollars because it's unseen. They have perpetrated that unseen Feature to us and they put it into retail. They now control it, and so right now I could probably sit with you, go through a checklist in your home and I bet you you have 250 or more products that you buy, you love, you shop for every time you go shopping, that fund, this agenda, and you have no idea. And that was the fundamental change in America. They were talking about it and they did it while our eyes were wide open.

Speaker 1:

And that's what your website is about. We're gonna put a link in the description below. People can check out your website that you created about the Woke Corporations and how we can battle them.

Speaker 2:

Right, it's called makewokebrokeclick and it's all it is is. We teach you hands-on. You gotta understand these products. If you cut off their money, see, it's the same thing they complain about defund the police. When you learn the secret to taking their money away, that's when we finally take our country back.

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you for your activism and your education, because you're turning regular people into election experts and that's really necessary now. Election fraud, voter fraud has become such a keystone in the future of power. I guess it always has, but in a sense it's really in the spotlight because Donald Trump has basically made an announcement saying he's gonna detail irrefutable evidence of voter fraud on Monday, and then he recently put out a correction to that statement. I'll put it on the screen so everyone can see it. But he basically said my lawyer said that's not a good idea, we're gonna present that evidence in a court of law. Put it on the record.

Speaker 1:

We recently had a report out of Michigan. The state police had a whole bunch of weird ballots with the same signatures. I mean this whole supposedly a conspiracy theory. There is no evidence of voter fraud. The fact is there's just almost overwhelming amount that it's hard to know what to focus on. So do you think President Trump's evidence in court will be exhaustive or focused, or do you have any idea, any guesses or what are you thinking when you hear about an announcement like that?

Speaker 2:

Basically, I'll give you my information of what went on. The president and his advisors set back and watched this recent event with Mike Lindell, heavily promoted to reveal the plan. You spent day one just hearing a lot of the stuff rehashed and watching those numbers and in watching how many people participated it was a very easy decision to decide not to do an additional release of evidence publicly in the manner to follow it up, because people are worn out with it, they're worn out with the evidence and because the Lindell event didn't go as planned, the media would have attached it and said it's just another belly flop, it's just another useless information. So the decision I'm sure was made to not follow that suit and then to make sure, just as the indictment did. In fact, I narrated the RICO indictment against President Trump coming out of Fulton County. I narrated it so you can understand it.

Speaker 2:

The reason they did it the way they did with all the counts, is because they want it in the historical record. Now I don't believe it's gonna go to court because it will give all of us who have evidence the ability to bring it forward. So it's one big bluff game, but the important thing they did was got it into the public record. It's now a permanent part of history. Well, if you look at that 98-page document and it makes all these bogus claims right, the better counter punch is to take all the evidence, do the same thing in the suits and then it goes right back into public record as a rebuttal. History will always point to their document. They need to have the right rebuttal to point back to from a history stake to rebut it. That needs to come in the form of a suit, not a press announcement, not a rally that the media and history will just forget. I think it was the right choice.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I guess time will tell and I know that I personally would love to see more evidence. But you're right that in a way it's almost overwhelming. People get exhausted with it. But this is law fair and you do wonder what their strategy is. Because his poll numbers aren't hurting, so this is not hurting his chance for president. They want to disqualify him. That seems obvious. They want to try to do that, but you said it probably won't even go to court. So are they trying to just give him bad PR? Are they just trying to exhaust him? Just throw everything at the wall and see what sticks? What is his law fair really all about?

Speaker 2:

Understand the strategy and, in my program, cut the crap that I do every day seven in the morning, seven in the evening I explain people the strategy behind this, and part of this strategy it's not Donald J Trump. It is 18 named co-conspirators, 30 unnamed code conspirators, and so what they do is they throw this up against the wall. It's not about Donald Trump. It's about taking those conspirators, the named ones, hitting them with the same charges and you hope they crack, because it's gonna cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars to defend and the government's gonna wear you out. They're gonna attack your family, just like they attached mine. And they're gonna hope you crack and say, okay, how do I get rid of this suit, because I don't want my family and my friends destroyed. And they're gonna say, well, you just gotta say that Donald Trump made you do it and, yes, you were just following orders. That's the racket.

Speaker 2:

If you read the 98-page indictment and you go through each of the acts that are accused, they even have acts like Donald Trump made a phone call to this person and that's all it says. And they have charges like Donald Trump said watch, oan, the trial in Georgia. It's gonna be exciting Now when you read that in a criminal case and you try to think why would they do something as stupid as that? It's because it's not about Donald Trump. They get that on the record by saying well, this is how the army, this is how they conspired and coordinated. Therefore, we added this because we're telling you social media is his communication mechanism and that's why we have to be able to literally suppress this, because we gotta cut off this army, we gotta cut off this conspiracy. You have to understand the mechanics that go through this and why they call things, certain things, and why they do it, and so this is all about taking You're definitely sniffing out their strategy.

Speaker 2:

That's right, it's much it's much-mindism that makes sense. That's how it works, and so what they're doing is they're bomb-.

Speaker 1:

You've actually run out of time, Jovan.

Speaker 2:

How can people tune into your daily?

Speaker 1:

programs. They need to go on your Rumble channel. What's the best way to find you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we got rumblecom slash jovanhutandpollitzer or, of course, just like you find me on locals jovanhutandpollitzerlocalscom. A lot of stuff to unpack. It's pretty exciting stuff and you're living at a great time in history, but God chose you to put here. There's a reason. You're here going through it. Use it.

Speaker 1:

It is both depressing to learn how bad it is but uplifting to know that we are the solution. So thank you for educating us today and thank you all of you for watching ampnewsus. We are America's Patriot-only network. You can go to ampnewsus, register for AMP Insider Every Thursday, talk to our show hosts and others and ask the experts. And go to wwwSeanWorganReportcom to get my breaking news updates. God bless all you Patriots. Good night, good night, fachengard stretcher. You.