The Sean Morgan Report

NATO Cognitive Warfare OPS | Breaking History Ep 11

Sean Morgan

Sean Morgan quizzes historian Matt Ehret about breaking news headlines in the context of suppressed history.
Are you ready to have your eyes opened to the disturbing rise of behaviorism in modern policymaking? Together with Matthew Errett, we unpack this troubling development and shed light on how this dehumanizing ideology is infiltrating our society, especially our education system, nudging us towards a life of rigid rules and conformity.

We journey into the realm of central planning and oligarchical systems, discussing their influence on human behavior and freedom. We dive into history, drawing parallels to the low farm productivity in the Soviet Union. It's a crucial conversation about the need for policies that prioritize people over power. We also tackle the manipulation by foreign powers, exposing British-run organizations that subtly undermine the principles of the US Republic.

Finally, we hone in on prominent leaders like Putin, Xi Jinping, Trump, and Bolsonaro, and their positioning in the globalist agenda. We discuss how these individuals are perceived as threats to the existing power structures and how we can identify the 'good guys' in this complex geopolitical landscape. Prepare for an enlightening discussion that tackles the unsettling direction of our society and the forces that influence our lives more than we could ever imagine. Tune in for a thought-provoking episode that will leave you questioning the world around you.
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Speaker 1:

I'm the host of the Sean Morgan Report on AMP News, I'm here with Matthew Errett of the Canadian Patriot Review, and today we're going to discuss NATO cognitive warfare operations. And you wrote two interesting articles recently, matt. Can you give us a little overview?

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely Sean. The idea of the two articles one of them was called the Revenge of the Behaviorists, the basically incoming hive of behaviorists that have really taken over control of almost every little facet of policymaking you could imagine, with the Biden administration, of course, a lot of these characters as I go through in this article. We're already quite active with Barack Obama, people like you know, samantha Powers, cass Sunstein, there's an entire array of these things. So in that article we got across how dangerous behaviorism is, especially economic behaviorism, sociological behaviorism. But how is this? A sick and evil, twisted way of looking at the universe, looking at human civilization and looking at and denying the existence of such matters as the soul, freedom, justice, which are meaningless for a behaviorist.

Speaker 3:

What is behaviorism?

Speaker 2:

In short, it is a theory of human nature that is rooted in some of the thinking of BF Skinner, a 20th century quack psychiatrist, who had this view that human beings could be better understood by looking at machine processes mixed with animal-like behavior. So, like an animal, you can pretty much train a horse or a dog or whatever to do a lot of things through things like reward and punishment of a physical basis, you know, but sensual rewards, sensual punishment. You want the dog to stop peeing on the carpet, you hit it with the newspaper periodical whenever it pees. It associates pain with the pee. Or you want it to do something good, you give it a treat, a tasty treat, and it'll do that thing more and more. Now that works for animals. Just fine, the behaviorist will say well, those types of pleasure pain activities is how you could. Also, you must also train a human being.

Speaker 2:

So BF Skinner was renowned for encouraging parents not to hug their children if their children were crying in bed as babies, for example, because that rewards, in his mind, the hugging right rewards the baby for crying, which you wanted to stop doing. So you should just let the baby cry itself to sleep, as if that's not gonna create subtle psychological trauma over the course of years. Despite that, they'll say okay. So BF Skinner said well, I've got a little quote actually from his essay or his book Beyond Freedom and Dignity, where he said we can follow the path taken by physics and biology by turning directly to the relation between behavior and the environments and neglecting supposed mediating states of mind. We do not need to try to discover what personality, states of mind, feelings, traits of character, plans, purposes, intentions or other prerequisites of autonomous man really are in order to get with the scientific analysis of behavior.

Speaker 1:

So we just skip over the whole human part of the humans and just try to control them at their base, their base instincts and so forth.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly that. And when you apply it to social control, what you tend to get is a system of fascism, where fascists will tend to seek human beings like ants in a colony, to be controlled as far as mediating group behavior, nudging people without them being aware of what is causing them to go in a certain direction. So you wanna be able to influence the things that influence the mob, the education system, the media, the entertainment field, the musical tones, the music. And even Bertrand Russell, who was a leading behaviorist and promoter of this, a grand strategist of the British Empire throughout the 20th century, celebrated as a pacifist in most philosophy schools today, even said if you can catch young people early enough, before the age of 10, social psychiatrists of the future can induce the kid, the child, throughout adulthood to do whatever you wish them to do using repetitive rhythms, tones and music, things like that.

Speaker 1:

And also that reminds me of public schooling that the bells and the raising of the hands and the harsh kind of interactions between the teacher and the student.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's exactly that. It's very much rigid. It's very much based upon an idea, not of forming a whole citizen. The way the philosophy of schooling used to be much more geared in the 19th century around really developing the mature morals and ethics of a student at the same time as you're training them to use their logic, develop skill sets, techniques that would be useful in the productive economy that they were expected to go into. That was purged and by the end of World War II, as the behaviorists increasingly retweaked, our entire global school system after World War II is where you had things like the organization for economic cooperation and development, the OECD, that was staffed with these creeps like Alexander King, who was the director of science policy, planning and education reforms throughout the 1950s. That brought in this regimentation where the idea was now, okay, we're gonna create students who will be good, well-behaved cogs for a machine, who will be taught good behavior but won't really be encouraged to think through causality so much. And so, as you just said, the regimentation process of the bells, the things like that. The disciplinarian approach was really. It took hold, but at the same time it created a backlash, which these extremes are how we're always played against ourselves. So oligarchies can usually create one radical extreme of rigidity, knowing that it will create a backlash.

Speaker 2:

Where today, you look at a lot of the wokest reforms of the social Marxists in the school systems. And what are they talking about? Not just systemic racism, teaching everybody that they're gender fluid and that we're all racists, even if you're black, you're racist because you're part of a white society, but they're also teaching them that no, there is no truth. Your feelings are your truth and you can make your own. You don't have to be tested anymore, you just have to. The students can organize themselves with a little bit of help and assistance of nudge.

Speaker 1:

It's very godless. It's like there is no moral compass, because there is no objective truth or reality.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and so they've made people screwed up in both extremes of hyper-conservativism, which has broken people in one rigid, mechanical way, and then hyper-liberalism has broken people in another, hyper-emotionally flaky way, and what's lost is the integration of the mind-conscious component of healthy human beings. And this is what was really brought in, like I said, with Barack Obama and people like Ezekiel Emanuel, rama, emanuel Larry Summers they're all openly economic behaviorists who were all brought in in 2008,. All of them.

Speaker 1:

And when-. How do you perceive these characters, how do you label them in your mind, do you categorize them as a certain type of operative in the structure power structure?

Speaker 2:

I look at them as either one. There are those who believe in the ideology that governs them and that they promote, and then there are those who like Bertrand Russell, I believe do not believe that the ideology that they promote is true. Just people like Bertrand Russell, who is a Cambridge apostle. He's much higher up in the echelons of the chain of command of global controls. He's somebody who's aware that this is a tool to get fools to be either slaves or masters, or both, because even the masters, in the type of what are called the alphas in the caste system of the brave new world, are themselves generally not aware of how they are also a form of slave, beholden to forces that they themselves don't fully understand because of their ideological conditioning.

Speaker 1:

They will- they're a type of kind of party boss of a communist system.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I guess you could consider it that way. Many of them don't. Yeah, probably didn't fully understand how the game was actually played and they just you could expect them to safely do what they did. They're like a wind up boy and they will be fascist. You know, the Nazi SS officers would. You could wind them up, you could put them in any environment and they would do what a fascist does, because they had a sort of matrix around which they looked at themselves and the external universe as being creatures of an eat or be eaten type of universe. It wasn't a universe that involved a loving God, a reasonable guide. None of that was permitted in their wiring. It's a cold, mechanical universe where the only ones to thrive are those who have the power to impose their will on the. The intervention in German, it's, in English it's called the under humans. So you're, you could be the best to be as the over human.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this. This reminds me of kind of setting up a corporate structure where you have different levels of management to make the whole thing function. And and I've been watching a historical drama about British hierarchy and it's just interesting to me how that had so many different levels of of ritual, cultural norms built into that system of hierarchy, social hierarchy, to run an empire. You know that that was a necessary part for hundreds of years to brainwash all of not only British society but global society that this caste system was legitimate and it was like a type of religion or philosophy built into it. Yeah, it's a weird.

Speaker 2:

It's a weird thing when you look at it and it's so discombobulated and unnecessarily energy intensive because you have to do something incredibly unnatural. You know, if you want to make a garden, you make a garden right. You plant the seed, you give it water, you give it light, you give it just the natural things that you know that that is in harmony with life, and life will take on a natural flow. It'll produce bounty with the oligarchical system. It's like they're, they're trying to force an unnatural type of garden, as far as the human garden is concerned, and unnatural forms of behavior, because you have to expect that your next generation that will carry on the structures of managerial power and the hierarchy which depend upon suppressing the weak, keeping people fighting each other, keeping people stupid, keeping people underpopulated and starving by necessity and design. It's so contrary to the natural child, who you know wants to help others, will, will empathize, will cry if they see somebody else cry.

Speaker 1:

That's what a baby will do and, as a person, will, will pursue things that interest them and they will create productivity and value based on their own skill set rather than what some kind of central planner thinks that they should be doing. And you know, I I worked in China as an English teacher, but also I worked in a technology company and it was interesting, it was quite a culture shift. It was interesting, it was quite a culture shock to be in a Chinese corporate system that's so different from an American corporate system where I wasn't, I wasn't allowed to really have autonomy or bring ideas to the table on my own. It was I was supposed to give the ideas to my senior and they were the ones to take credit for my ideas. And that's just one example in one place.

Speaker 1:

But I've seen. You know, if you compare the Soviet Union with the United States, the central planning of the Soviet Union had much lower farm productivity because they were trying to just top down, control how to increase productivity instead of just letting the farmers do what they thought was best to increase their own productivity. But but you know what's interesting to learn from you? That even we in the West we think we're so capitalistic and free market and everything. We have our own version of central planning that's very insidious and very behind the scenes. Are there any examples of jurisdictions where you've seen where this kind of libertarian thing can can flourish and prosper, or you don't have this type of central planning? Are there any historical examples that you think we can look at?

Speaker 2:

Well, I think that that's sort of always been the aspiration for humankind is to how is to find the, the balance between the, the sacredness of the individual, liberty and the inalienable. Inalienable rights of the individual, which requires spontaneity. It requires a certain very important sphere of freedom, right, a freedom of expression, freedom of thought, freedom of conscience is a big one, as well as the the well-being of the whole, as you know. So this is like the way I, my studies of American history look. I try to see it as being an attempt to try to harmonize two solid, good ideals of the Constitution, of the, the general welfare clause, specifically the preamble of the US Constitution, which is a beautiful, beautiful statement of intention around which the entire Constitution is meant to be read. As far as actions, because if you're confused about, well it's, you know the Constitution has a lot of legalese within it. But I mean, if somebody's confused, is this the right interpretation will go to the preamble Does it actually benefit the general welfare of the people, both now and into posterity, or does it just benefit An oligarchical click against the interest and will of the people? And that should be your, your litmus test to decide. Right is it? Is it gonna destroy the people and the nation as a whole, or will it benefit truly?

Speaker 2:

And of course, this kid this is always misused by by fascists as well throughout the ages that we have to take sacrifices for the greater good. Now, that is the reason why that works is because it's kind of true. It's like, if you know, if you actually have A war to carry out, that's a just war against, let's say, a Nazi machine. Yeah, you might have to take some sacrifices to fight and save your, your society, your children, your nation, your, the humanity. That it's true. Life might become a little bit more constricted while you're fighting the war, but the thing is Most often, more often than not, oligarchs will tend to create artificial conflicts. Pandemic warming of the climate change that they, they tell us, is all our fault as human beings by having selfish desires for industry and abundance. That's what's causing tornadoes. You know right, we eat bugs, so then they get us to sacrifice ourselves for fake problems. So that's where this could be a better question, your question.

Speaker 2:

I think that there are examples where we began to hit closer to the mark the problem with the libertarian Austrian school way of thinking. I find that really cherishes Individual initiative and and against the idea of the general, the greater good or the central government aspect of things is that I don't know of many examples Throughout our history I can't even think of any where it really built big infrastructure. But what it can do is, once you build big infrastructure, you can impose that system of, let's say, what was done under thatcherism or Reaganomics onto an already Existing grid of an energy grid or hydroelectric dam system or whatever private, private profit after it has been built with some form, after it was built, and then Extract wealth or extract money for profit from it as it winds down and doesn't really Rehabilitate or maintain or improve its, its system. That's a problem right but.

Speaker 2:

Franklin Roosevelt, and I think it's a useful thing to evaluate how farming occurred, because Roosevelt is attacked by the libertarians and people on the on the One end of the spectrum for being a socialist, because he used government to do things, but he's also attacked by the communists for being a capitalist, because under him you had capitalist free enterprise and Entrepreneurialism, flourishing ways that we had never seen before.

Speaker 2:

So he's attacked from both sides. It's very difficult to categorize him into any of these left, right, marx versus Smith categories. And the way it worked was he stopped the foreclosures, but he he created systems where you had a high degree of local autonomy for farming communities. So farmers in different zones of the United States had a high degree of control over how they would go about their productive systems, but there would still be a harmonization with the overall national interest. Or is going for certain Rates of productivity that were desired to win the war, things like that. So it's it's it's. It's a difficult balance to strike and I think we're still trying to figure that out. As a human species is concerned, we still have a ways to go.

Speaker 1:

Well, it sounds to me and what I've heard is a recurring theme, just from learning from you over the last year or two is just how important those fundamental truths and values and Principles and concepts are in things like the American Constitution, the American form of government, so that this kind of American Constitutional system might be the best shot that we have, because we can't think of too many other examples of other systems that Can allow liberty to flourish in that way. But look at how this system has been hijacked by the, the Biden regime, but by this kind of Davos crowd, the black rocks of the world, and things like that. So we're gonna have to have some type of revolution, hopefully a peaceful one. Any comment on that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean that that that is something that's gonna be another recurring theme. We definitely need to, I mean. But this is the thing with revolutions they they often will be messy and will tend to create worse outcomes than what you started with. Most of the time, there are and, and, and I've got a writer I really enjoy, a named Alistair crook, who wrecks for strategic culture, the, the strategic culture foundation, and, and. He made the point that there's a battle between the revolutionaries of 1968, the 68ers, and the revolutionaries of 1776. So both of them see themselves. You know, I mean, the whole US Republic was founded upon revolutionary principles. It's, it's, it's a, and to be truly conservative means that you must be truly revolutionary and see that there's a. There's a problem because of the, the, the crappy CIA, organized 1960s anarchist terrorists calling themselves anti-imperial Revolutionaries, like the weather underground or the FLQ, or the red brigades, and all of these like Maoist, leninist terror cells that were planting mailbox bombs throughout the 60s and 70s.

Speaker 2:

Black Panthers and I mean these were Organizations that were either created or were co-opted by the FBI, cia, mi6 and Nazis running a secret army out of NATO offices Throughout the entirety of the Cold War, and we did a recent documentary going through all of that in great detail. None of these were actually run by the Kremlin or Beijing, as we were told. They were by J Edgar Hoover, who was in the midst himself of overseeing the murder of John F Kennedy. Fred Hampton, one of the last morally viable leaders of the Black Panthers, who was trying to push against the FBI Infiltrators under an operation known as Co until pro the FBI infiltration of various Anti-imperial left organizations.

Speaker 2:

The, you know Martin Luther King's organization was very much taken over by this thing after MLK was killed. So you had the American people who were driven into a fear, porn of hysteria Around the idea of foreign threats that we all have to give, give up our liberties to secure our ourselves from these foreign agencies in in Moscow or Beijing running these, these terrorist cells. As it turns out, it was always run from the get-go by the CIA and FBI and MI6. So all that to say the, the. We've been manipulated for a long time and I think it's important to realize that the real agency of evil has been this, this thing inside of the heart of America.

Speaker 1:

They just pointed out is foreign if you consider it to as Anglo.

Speaker 2:

That's the irony of it. There is. This is why it works, because there is a foreign infiltration of America and many Western governments to destroy our liberties. That is how it was true throughout the whole cold, cold war. It was true before the Cold War. It was true when the deputy, the deputy chief of MI6, cloud Dancy, created the black chamber in 1917, america's first or not first, but most advanced form of military intelligence service, which became the NSA.

Speaker 2:

The same Cloud Dancy who was the guy who organized the creation of the five eyes after World War two with the UK USA Signals Agreement. He represented always a foreign agency that has wanted to undo 1776 and bring back the, the effort to destroy America in 1865 or 1860 to 65, which was a British run Civil war to divide and conquer the belligerent Colonies of the United States that had broken free. They've always been obsessed with doing that Through agencies like the Fabian Society, the Roundtable Movement, the Rhodes Scholars, the other, the Brookings Institute, the Council on Foreign Relations. These are all British directed think tanks and operations which have tried to work under the veneer of acting like American on the surface, but always for the interests of the oligarchy overseas. The whole for the last century, 120 years, even so and, but here's.

Speaker 2:

One quick thing on that. It's a lot of people who picked up on that conspiracy Throughout the Cold War, who were smarter, would then get caught, would then be Misdirected by things like the John Birch Society, which itself was created by the same organization that that organized the entire Narco Terrorist drug production systems from the 1940s all the way up through the present day. It was Claire Chenote. It was the Flying Tigers that operated out of Taiwan, that organized the production of heroin, other forms of narcotics, that managed the Maryland ski machinery that was always working with the CIA, with Alan Dulles, the Bronfman operations as well, from Canada, that were always part of this international global crime syndicate. This is what John Birch himself worked for was Claire Chenote and the society that he created was designed to take the true facts of a conspiracy and redirect it away from British intelligence and towards the desired enemies, which were those same allies that we once fought against Hitler and the Japanese fascists, against which was the thing that you're doing so well right now and I feel like it's your greatest gift.

Speaker 1:

You have a lot of gifts that you're giving through educating people, but I think your greatest gift that you're giving to all of us right now is how we're being pointed to, on the left and the right, to use China as the scapegoat, when they perhaps are not the principal enemy of our freedom, that it's actually within our own borders and it could be this Anglo kind of power structure.

Speaker 1:

So it's another distraction technique.

Speaker 1:

It divert our attention to some other enemy Putin and Russia and China instead of looking at Davos or city of London.

Speaker 1:

But I just wanted to point out how ironic it is that it's true that North America has a wealth of resources and so forth. But the thing to me that makes America because I was referring to North America as a geographical thing that the British would want to control because of all the resources and so forth but it's the American system of freedom and free markets that has created the wealth and has created the ability to create, for example, a war machine like World War Two, where we had the most powerful navy in the world and have ever since. So if the British take over America and get rid of that, then America won't be the prize anymore, america won't be powerful anymore, because it's that very freedom that's been built into the system that's created the wealth and the prosperity. So don't you think that's ironic that America is the prize because it's wealthy and has power, but as soon as they take it over it won't be wealthy and it won't have power anymore.

Speaker 2:

It is a good irony, sean. I like how you framed that and it touches on, I think, a deeper self-contradiction of oligarchs more generally, which is that, in my analysis, there is no evidence that any oligarchical agency going back thousands of years ever created anything good.

Speaker 1:

What they are doing. They just want to like energy vampires. Just take the energy and then the host dies and there's no more energy left.

Speaker 2:

That's perfect. If anybody was an essence of an essential character of the beast, that's it right there. Now, the thing is they have a certain quality of a hypertrophied creative genius, in a weird, perverse sense of the word, and I don't. Genius is typically a good thing, so I'm using this in a perverse version of it. They're really good at finding ways of perverting systems that were brought into existence by creative good people, whether political, artistic, scientific, technological, whatever. Human beings being creative problem solvers will create systems that will solve problems and make life better in some way, and this also, like I said, includes the technology of government, that the legal systems will be made better, that better enshrine our liberties as well. They will be able to infiltrate and take over and pervert anything by masquerading as if they are that they like, the thing that they want to destroy, getting close to it.

Speaker 1:

Democracy. You never hear them tell anything more than democracy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's become such a dirty word now I almost cringe when I hear the word democracy, right, because they've just a view. Or the word green I like the color green and they've destroyed the green in rainbows. I can't even use those things anymore. So what they will, they will like electricity, the oligarchy today. If you asked any member of the Rothschild clan or the Saxocubic Gertha clan or any of the errors of the upper aristocracy, would you want to live a life that didn't involve electricity? They would say no, they want to use it, but they hate the thing inside of Benjamin Franklin's soul that allowed for the discovery of electricity and the transformation of that idea, that metaphysical concept that he discovered, into new technologies that would benefit they want all the benefits of creativity and human dignity without allowing human creativity and dignity to flourish.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like you want the paycheck but you don't want to work for it. That's they're. Ultimately, it's a cult of laziness. It's a brilliant cult of laziness they're. They're religiously committed to doing nothing and and not having any useful real world skills and having systems that protect their right to be useless.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a. It's a type of psychological perversion. It's like a narcissism, a psychopathic type of thing. You know, I've been trying to get my head around it because you know, when you grow up and you're in a maybe a loving family or you're in a close knit community, you think people are good and you don't realize that there are psychopaths, that they gravitate towards the managing society and that are at the upper levels of these different systems and institutions. Let's take a quick break and talk about the different businesses that are keeping badlands going. We've got Mid-Atlantic Business Alliance, david Becker.

Speaker 1:

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Speaker 1:

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Speaker 1:

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Speaker 3:

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Speaker 4:

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Speaker 1:

Well, matt, you know you've set a good foundation for the behaviorist, how they think, you know what drives them and how they want to do that. Top-down control through the reward and punishment system. Tell me about your article where they use statistics in a perverse way.

Speaker 2:

Yes, how exact that is actually. Yeah, the second article of the series. These are actually two pieces that are retooled a little bit in my fourth volume of the Clash of the Two Americas on the Anglo-Venetian roots of the deep state, which people can get on my website if they want to dig more into some of this material, but one of the things that the behavior because the behaviorist thinks not only that human beings as individuals are like machines animated by animalistic lusts, so you can sort of program our wiring by controlling our perceptions of what reality is, and you could do that by getting us to believe that computer modeling itself is a legitimate way of knowing reality.

Speaker 2:

So this is a form that was done to every branch of society, while at the same time doing reward and punishment for more bestial impulses, as human animals.

Speaker 1:

I've got to jump in here because I'm just thinking about big tech right now and how they think big data and AI analyzing the big data is just going to give us all the answers, the magical answers, to everything we need and want. And look at how Instagram is used to its practically pornography at this point and how they're just using this dopamine and various other types of brain chemical rewards systems to keep us addicted and to control our consumer behavior and our social behavior.

Speaker 2:

Yes, no, absolutely. And all of these things. So all came out of the military industrial complex DARPA. The entire social networking technology systems, like, if you look at it, the first social network in the world was created out of the DARPA project. It was run by this guy, colonel Frank Burns, who himself was a big like drug new age guru, these excellent institute, new age psychodynamic groups being funded by things like Lawrence Rockefeller, the same guy that we talked about a few weeks ago, who's behind the disclosure project and hired Steven Greer to promote the UFO myth while at the same time promoting Terrence McKenna and Terrence McKenna's work on magic mushrooms as a new gateway to replace the old, obsolete spiritualism of Christianity with a better form of spiritualism that restores the old pagan wisdom, pre-christian style of the mystery schools, mystery religions, of the cults of the Lucis and the cults of Apollo and Delphi and shit like that. Sorry for the language, but this same character created that first social network and its name was meta. It was called the meta network in 1981 or 82.

Speaker 2:

And the fact that you know you got this cardboard cut out. Zuckerberg, who obviously is a military industrial, cut out like this kid himself, didn't discover anything. He wasn't some genius that just like came up with ideas in his garage. We've made fun of this stuff in the past. Neither was Bezos, neither was Gates, neither was any of these, these musk.

Speaker 2:

None of these characters are authentic human beings. They're cutouts who are used as covers to detract our attention away from the actual like. Yeah, they're frontman, they're frontman cutouts. So all you know, x itself is tied to a Bill Gates operative from the get go, from the late nineties, who was the former head of X and who sold it for I forget how much money to another competitor, and I mean Gates. Musk is talking about how this is going to be. The half of the world financial system will be managed out of his social credit system of X, tied to electronic electric cars that can be turned off remotely and things like that. And it's clear what these, these characters, are doing, or what they're. Do they know how they're being used? I don't know if they're smart enough to fully appreciate the complexity of how they're used, but they enjoy the privileges and they do their job well.

Speaker 1:

And what about the kind of WWF style fake fighting? Because there's the literal I mean that whole thing with Zuckerberg of a cage fight that, would you know, be streamed on their two platforms and benefit them and their foundations more than anyone else. And then you've got, you know, zuckerberg, we've got a lawn musk and Bill Gates making fun of each other, you know, on on the platforms, fighting with each other over control of open AI. What do you think about that? Do you think that's theater, political theater, or do you think there's? These are factions who are who are definitely fighting against each other.

Speaker 2:

No, I think it's all political theater. I think the way I see it is, they see it like it's a, like it's a game that they've just created, like they've created these little dramas as you would make, almost like a drama for Netflix show. In fact, you know Netflix itself. Here's a quick example this thing that has replaced all of our TV watching habits that had been dominant for like 80 years, now replaced by Netflix. Netflix is founded by and is run by Mark Bernays Randolph, that's the grand nephew of Edward Bernays.

Speaker 2:

He himself is part of an Eastern blue blood establishment, a pilgrim society, connected family of Anglo American ideologues, and is the nephew of Freud, a rampant pedophile who projected his own perversity onto all of human society, creating a false counterpull to BF Skinner. Right, because people were told, if you want to be a psychologist in the 20th century or the present, you could either be an introspectionist, a Freudian introspectionist, who who denies the existence of objective reality outside of you and treats the only thing as real as your personal feelings. Right, and all of your bubbling subconscious forces that express themselves in your dreams or in visions of. Like you know, I dreamt of a tree, so you must be dreaming of your penis right, because everything is boiled down to like you want to have sex with your mom and kill your dad, as Oda, oda Oedipus did back in the day, which is what Freud was himself obsessed with, and he just said that's that's. I'm not going to treat my problems as if I'm anything wrong. I'm going to assume that I am the standard of all human nature and project that on and build a whole system. So that was.

Speaker 2:

You could be a Freudian analyst, or you could recognize the insanity of that that, we were told, and you could still make a career for yourself by by being a behaviorist follower of BF Skinner and thus deny the existence of what BF Skinner. What I read to you is, quote right, denying the existence of intentions, purpose, soul, it's all, dignity, freedom. Those are like immaterial, abstract ideas we just created in our delusions. But that's not real. What's real is the objective reality of the environment that we must behave ourselves into and adapt into, like Darwinian animals programmed by master. You know, uber, uber, humans, the transhumanists who control the forces of evolutionary, you know levers through whatever, whatever they they, they do as social engineers, social social psychiatrists, advising governments, advising international organizations from above. So we were told, we have.

Speaker 2:

We have a choice right Deny external reality and only treat our feelings as if it's true, as a Freudian, or deny our, our inner soul and conscience and only treat the external, objective, cold rules as true.

Speaker 2:

Either one is going to lead you to the path of fascism through different domains and you might get fights between factions representing either group along the, and you did. There's a lot of heated fights, but it's all bullshit because it all leads you kind of like we see with the Democrats of the Bill Clinton variety of road scholar, internationalist, liberal fascists of that came in in the nineties and that came back with Obama, or back now with with Biden. Or you could be the neocon, dick Cheney, rumsfeld's big new Brazilian, you right wing imperialist, that that also sees the world as needing to be managed by a masterclass. Except slight difference is that one sees that America should be the like the alpha dominant for the new Roman Empire, and the other one sees that America should be subservient to international psychiatrists and technocrats. But but both of them converge, as we see now with Bolton working with Hillary Clinton, and it was always destined to converge, just like the behaviorists.

Speaker 1:

And now, when we see those fundraising efforts of Bill Clinton and George Bush and Obama all working together, it has a different ring to it now that we understand they're two sides of the same coin and so both sides hate Trump, they hate Bolsonaro, they hate the, the people, the leaders of these various nations, putin and Xi Jinping, these people who believe in sovereignty.

Speaker 1:

That seems to be. If you believe in sovereignty, then you are against this whole system. And then they, they weaponize this, this global propaganda machine, and it's not just the media that they weaponize against you, it's things like BlackRock, and they weaponize all the big global international corporations against you. So look at, look at the anti-Putin, anti-russia campaign that was launched right after COVID, where every single website that you went to, there was a bar at the top that said you know, if you're Russian, then you're de-platformed and we support Ukraine. And here's the Ukraine flag. I mean it's now we know what the truth is and we know who the good guys are, by that's whoever that the media complex and the corporate complex hate and despise and criticize.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, franklin Roosevelt said a good quote saying I ask you to judge me by the enemies that I have made, and I think that applies pretty well as at least a first degree of approximation over like, who, who who's standing on what side of history. That it's not necessarily like my enemy's enemy is not necessarily my friend or the good guy, but it's like, again, it's, it's a good first degree approximation. See, okay, if all of the evil Satanists really seem to be frightened and despised this character or that character, there might be something I want to look more into critically about. What is it that that person, whether Trump, whether Putin, whether whoever is? What are they actually doing that might merit the ire of Satanists and death cultists? And, and sometimes you might find there's, you know, somebody who you're, you're told is is a fighter for freedom, when you like you know I was bringing up earlier the John Berks society a lot of liberal imperialists don't like the John Berks society, that's true. But you might find, when you scratch on that a little bit, you might find a little controlled opposition here or there. But then you could dig deeper and see, okay, well, who's actually bringing online systems that will be in accordance with natural law, that they're in accordance with God's law and that will undermine and undo the power structures of the evil agencies that have worked so hard to enslave and control us and control of perceptions over many generations. And you could find those and I Guarantee you, when you look at what Trump's policies Were during the four years that he was active as president, or what he's calling for reviving even now, you could see very clearly that he walks the walk he was doing, bringing online real things because people say, oh, trump was controlled opposition.

Speaker 2:

No, I think when you look at what he was challenging on every point that really matters, there were some points that I disagree with her, that I think he was maybe accommodating power structures too much to that I that I think were wrong as far as the, the warp speed and crap like that. But beyond that, when it comes to his resistance to NATO, his resistance to the World Health Organization, defunding that, defunding the National Endowment for Democracy, the International CIA front group that has been behind every single color revolution In the last 25, 30 years, his work to revive industrial, the industrial base of the rust belt, to his call for restoring the last deal, breaking up the Wall Street banks by restoring the, the division of speculative banking that you let flush and Collapse, and protect only the clean part of the banking. He was talking. He's the only president who's talked about that. I've since friggin John F Kennedy, you know. So, on all of these core points that matter, even bringing backa positive set of relationships based on cooperation with Russia, with China, as our allies, instead of treating them like there are enemies that we have to go to war with. All of these things.

Speaker 2:

Space, his Artemis Accords I mean Christ almighty, you know like that's a beautiful idea. I read through his Artemis manifesto calling for Building space as a peaceful domain of cooperation and and for paying any Militarization of space. That was a great idea. That was undermined by the whole space force thing, that that the deep state brought online Under mark, under Pence and others, which is today being used as a platform to weaponize space with lasers, you know, directed energy beams, even maybe hosting missile systems on in space systems. This is a. This is the other evil agenda that Trump was always pushing back against.

Speaker 2:

So I'd say same thing for Putin, same thing, for this is what people often are confused. They're like how do you like? How do you like Trump and support Maga while at the same time, how do you also like Putin or support Xi Jinping's Belt and Road and Xi Jinping's work with Putin? How do you do that? There aren't they two separate things and it's like no, not at all. When you actually look at what Trump, xi and Putin Were bringing online, it's totally synergistic and in opposition to the death cult. That's. That's clear if you actually look at what they're doing.

Speaker 1:

instead of just getting caught into labels and words that are devoid of context, which is a lot of my stuff all off base, I Really like what you just said, and I think that'll help people Stop putting everything into these different black and white boxes and thinking binary like that. And whenever Trump went to North Korea, was talking about the way for North Korea to be integrated Diplomatically and economically back into the world, he was talking in a way that's very congruent with the type of Infrastructure and openness that you often talk about. So we've got eight minutes left for you to talk about why statistical thinking can get you killed and how conspiracy theorizing may soon get you labeled a domestic terrorist sure.

Speaker 2:

Well, statistical thinking itself is what we see again. It kind of goes back to the behaviorists and the computer modelers. As I was saying, the one of the things that Biden brought online as far as his Scientific government governance strategy was concerned is he brought an early directive that called for, was called. It was a. It was an executive order, called restoring trust in government, in scientific integrity and evidence-based policymaking. Basically saying the Mathematization and modeling of every facet of medical policy, health policy, military policy would all be managed by Computer models. The way these things work is, on the one hand, they'll say okay, like Rand Corr, you know the, the Rand Corporation has been behind the, the Crafting of scenarios that have defined American military policy in Korea, in Vietnam, in, in Laos, cambodia, vietnam I said that already Afghanistan twice, iraq, twice Libya, syria if they crunch the numbers on Afghanistan in Vietnam, we can't trust them anymore.

Speaker 2:

No, exactly, but they still keep using the same methods, right of game theory models that try to that. Basically, what they do is they and they're doing it in Ukraine, they're doing it in the informing the US military build up around China's perimeter. There's a hundred thousand, a hundred and thirty thousand US military troops and a vast push to get global NATO Installed as part of a full spectrum dominant system in circling both China and in circling Russia, one from the the perimeter and also in the Arctic. There's a push to also militarize the Arctic and space as part of this attempt to create a first strike capability, so that the these, these militarists want to say that we have full first strike monopoly over all of our arrivals and can destroy them without their ability to respond and thus get them to submit to a one-world government, give up the idea of sovereignty and just go back to the script of the New World Order that we were enjoying back in 1991-92 when the Soviet Union collapsed and it looked like, you know, the, the unipolarists were we're gonna win the world. They want to just go back back in time to that script.

Speaker 2:

So the models that they're using Say that. Well, what they'll do is they'll run war game scenarios and they'll be like okay, based on these variables, let's put this into the computer model, let it run its process and see who wins, and they'll say okay, there's a 70, if we do this, there's a 70% chance that China is gonna take out this city, this city, this city, if we attack them this way. So let's, let's instead go with this model, this scenario, that says we got a 73% chance of winning if we do this, this, this. So it's all based on probability, it's all based on selecting your data. Because what? Who determines what data Goes into the program, the software that runs the scenarios? Who defines what the, the terms of the? You know, garbage in, garbage out, as they say for Computer modeling, right? So there's human programmers projecting their own biases onto what they think Russians are, what, what Russians want, what Chinese are, what Chinese want, and they put that into the computer and then they'll make decisions based on prop, statistical probability theory.

Speaker 2:

This never works. They've done it with, with every, every time it's been done. Do we bail out the banks or do we not? Do we go with a Dodd-Frank or do we do something else? All of these things have been animated by statistical probability, fear, theorizing. This is evidence-based. And they're saying it's evidence-based because and this is where it gets contradictory because they're like, instead of getting generals to make decisions or people who actually are on the ground, who know the terrain, to make decisions of what they, what should be done militarily, or instead of getting people who, let's say, in in the medical industry, who are doctors, who know something about the science of health and disease, instead of allowing them to diagnose and make decisions for what health policy should be or what they, they should do for a patient, we'll use evidence based standards. What this is is them is.

Speaker 1:

We'll say that it's this, it says a veneer for the front, for the real reason that they want to do certain things. It's the excuse.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, do you see how this doesn't work with like, or how deadly this is with like Dr Kyle Seidel from Monty's health clinic in in New York when he came out saying, look, every time we're Intubating people in the early stages of the thing called COVID, we're killing them. Like nine out of ten people were dying after being intubated, but the doctors who know that this is killing them, we're not allowed to deny Intubating them because, because science, because science, evidence-based medicine, said in the computer program that that's what you do when you get these problems of lacking of Reference and stop thinking for yourself, analyzing things for yourself.

Speaker 1:

Stop choosing your own data sets. Use the data sets of the, the global communist regime, and it'll give you the correct answer.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly, it got it for energy policy to like, no matter what, we're all told that our our considerations of what energy policy should be should be based upon the idea that we have to reduce Temperature to 1.5 degrees below 1990 levels by 2050, which means what we have to spend quidrillings of dollars on Revamping our energy systems, shutting down nuclear, shutting down hydropower and going for wind it's almost like the more Absurd it is, the better for them in a way, because you just they only want People without the ability to do independent thinking and critical thinking right.

Speaker 1:

So I mean so anyone who disagrees Like the more the absurd thing it is. Almost in a way, it's better because you get stupider and stupider people to Repeat it and fall along with it.

Speaker 2:

That's a good point. Yeah, it's like they're icing out everybody who actually had real-world competencies are being Are are are being cut out of any decision-making process, to the point that the only people who are rewarded and who rise in the chain of command within the managerial systems of the civil service, within the deep state within everything, are the people who are the least competent, have the least real-world knowledge and are the most Sceptible to looking at the universe. Is if it was some giant video game devoid of any considerations of Conscience, of soul, of God, that there that's trained out of them as young little idiot, useful idiot, technocrats right, who then become Instruments against their own will, even like if they woke up. They don't wake up in the morning saying I'm gonna like advance the destruction of my Civilization. Maybe a few of them do, but most of them don't do that, don't we work, societal collapse at a certain point along.

Speaker 1:

You know, if this keeps trending in this direction, where the people who are running society aren't competent enough to run society, you know, don't don't things break down and then people who are competent enough step in and say hey, we'd rather run things because you people don't know what you're doing.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's the fight, right is the. The system is designed to collapse. In a certain sense, that's why many of these systems of incompetence were encouraged. But the same time, those who Carried out these grand designs the Kissinger's, the Zbigniew Brzezinski's, the, the Bertrand Russell's, decades and decades ago, they brought this whole like grand strategy on a line, in alignment. They had like a certain, a certain mental rigor. They're dead.

Speaker 2:

Now the, the next generation of grand strategists, are stupider and stupider and stupider. So they kind of created a system that Will only destroy them too if they get what they want, which is what happens throughout all of human history. Now that that is something that patriots can use and are using, and you know, internationally, patriots in Russia, in China, in India, in Iran, in, in America, in, in Canada, in Europe. They have to be aware that the oligarchy at the inner, inner upper core, in their inner echelons and I know we have to stop soon, but is vicious, is sin, their satanic. They're unrepentant, the unrepentable I would say. But they required degrees of Auxiliaries to effectuate their will in the material world, and these Auxiliaries are so mediocratized, dumb and corrupt that you know what it reminds me of?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the the Batman. You know the Joker movies where you get this insane psychopath who has minions of other insane clowns and he has just enough intelligence and ability to control the clowns to get them to do chaos, you know. So there's a degree of truth in those types of fictions. We've run out of time. How working people go to? Well, we put the two links to the two different articles we mentioned in the description below. But where can people go to watch your documentaries?

Speaker 2:

Okay, then go to a Canadian patreonorg or get the books like I said. I just scratch on some of the contents in those articles. But the books clash the two Americas or untold history of Canada are available also on Canadian patreonorg.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, matt. I always learn a lot in our in our conversations. So, everyone, if you want my breaking news updates, go to Sean Morgan report. Calm, god bless you. We'll see you next time.