The Sean Morgan Report

Hacking Longevity: Dr. David Silverman on Redox Molecules and Age Reversal

Sean Morgan

If you would like to learn more or try any of these Redox Signaling Molecule products from ASEA, please text Jay Matta at 321-216-8047

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Speaker 1:

John Morgan Report. I'm here with Dr David Silverman and David, it's been a while since I've talked to you and I've really been getting interested in the longevity, and I'm always interested in health, always trying to figure out what can I do for myself mentally, physically, spiritually to stay healthy, to stay vibrant. And because we've got a lot of things working against us.

Speaker 1:

You got the GMO foods and the corporations just looking to make more money and they're willing to do whatever it takes to add chemicals and they don't care about how it affects our bodies, and there might even be a worse agenda trying to actually hurt us and slow us down. And you hear about estrogen and different things that keep men and certainly affects women as well from being that vibrant, powerful being that we all want to be. And so I want to find out for you, because every time I talk to you, I'm kind of surprised at how young and vibrant you are for your age, and so I wanted to find out what are you doing with your life? I know you work with a sea of products, I know that's a big part of it, but what's your philosophy with supplementation, with exercise and some of the basics?

Speaker 2:

Well, first of all, sean, thanks, thanks for having me back on. It's good to see you. My friend and we were just talking about how you and I both lost our fathers this past year and you know it's been a blessing to me that my dad knew about ASEA, this product, that it's part of what I do. But again, I'm sorry for your loss. It's a little difficult, but, yeah, so you know, I'm 60. I'll be 64 this year and I feel like I'm 30.

Speaker 2:

No-transcript and their mindset of writing prescriptions and reactionary medicine. But there's a lot we don't have control over. But there's a lot that we do, you know. I mean, we can choose to eat organic food, we can choose to try to find GMO food. It's harder and harder, you know, because the labeling is so obscure, whatever, confusing.

Speaker 2:

And when you go to your doctor and they say, well, hey, I want to live younger longer, what should I do? Well, take your heart medicine, take this medicine, take this, take that. Eat right, sleep right, get exercise right. So eating right is difficult because the supply is ruined right. So you need supplementation because you can't get which? First of all, you want clean food and you want the nutrients that used to be in. The food for our grandparents isn't there. So you need to supplement with dietary supplements and you can try to sleep right. But a lot of people have stress and it's difficult to sleep sometimes. If you take something to sleep, you're groggy the next day and you can exercise regularly which you should do something right regularly but that's it. It's like no eat right, get some sleep, exercise and take these pills and medicines. And you know I believe in the exercise and the sleeping and the eating right. But you know there's a lot more that there is I, you know, with what I do and look, my background was foot surgery.

Speaker 2:

I was board certified in foot surgery and I own my own practice. I'm my own surgery center in Maryland. So I was Westernly trained to just like, make a diagnosis and write the right prescription or do the surgery. But I learned, I don't know about 25 years ago, that that is a very tunnel vision view. That's like somebody, just that's like somebody just watching MSNBC and that's their source of information, right. Or somebody just watching Fox or whatever it is. It's like you're getting fed this information and it's like, well, there's more to the story, right?

Speaker 2:

So in 1997, I was introduced to wellness and the idea of being able to help your body perform the way it's supposed to perform not just energy, wise and athletically and sexually, just functions for functions, performing your vision, your pancreas, everything else and that led me on the path to learning about all these things. And, as you said, one of the things that I do is is I raise my levels back up of something that, as we all are depletedeted in as we age, we produce less and less, and that's the Sasea product To me. I mean you ask me, this is the most important thing that I do. I would give up the nutritional supplements, I would give up anything, I would give up my three cars.

Speaker 2:

I would not give this up, because we all get to a point in life where nothing's more important than your health, I mean, and your family's health nothing I mean, it doesn't matter what kind of cars you drive or what kind of clothes you wear house doesn't matter but, um, this is so unique in that our body makes this redox signaling molecules, but we, we made more when we were younger, and as soon as we hit puberty, we start producing less in our twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, sixties. So I'm producing this much of these redox molecules. When I was a kid, I made this much. Well, you know, when you're a kid and you fall off your bicycle or you get tackled playing football without pads, on the next day you go to school and you're fine. That doesn't happen when you're 63, right, you're going to be really hurting.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm producing this much of this. I drank this and I raised my levels up to what they were when I was younger, and so it's an example of one thing that people know this term biohack. I mean it's nice to find biohacks, things that are safe, that can't hurt you, that makes your body function the way it did when it was younger, and some people call bioidentical hormones a biohack, which it is, but there are risks with that. There are lots of risks when you take hormones. There is no risk with this, this redox molecule, so it's as safe as water.

Speaker 1:

No side effects, no, no, no kind of uh you can't OD, it's just salt water, Uh, so so can you. Can you explain what? What is a redox molecule?

Speaker 2:

So, in a nutshell, redox signaling molecules enhance signaling in the body.

Speaker 2:

The more you have in your body, the better your cells can communicate. So if you fall off your bicycle as a child and you bruise your arm, there are cells that were damaged and the immune system's job is to go in and get rid of the bad cells and replace them with good cells. Bad cells and replace them with good cells. But the immune system and the body's healing systems mechanisms have to hear and become aware that there's a problem. So redox molecules just amplify the signal. They don't cure you, they don't heal you. They amplify signaling. And it's kind of like a cell phone without a good signal. It's just a flashlight and a camera. It doesn't do anything without a good signal. Or if it's a weak signal, you're like what, what did you say? You're breaking up. And while that's pretty dangerous in the body, let's say you had a mutating cell, which we all have. Mutating cells. I mean, you have them in you, I have them in me, but our immune system is killing them. Right. But what if the immune system gets to get the signal that there's a mutating cell in my prostate or my liver or my breast or whatever it is. Then that cell just remains there because the immune system didn't hear the call for help to come kill it and this stuff just amplifies signaling and the safety part of it.

Speaker 2:

You mentioned it. You said it's just salt and water. Well, it was salt and water. In fact I shot a video. It's called. It was saltwatercom. It's just a quick explanation.

Speaker 2:

But our body, our cells, our mitochondria in our cells make redox signaling molecules right now. Everybody's making them now and you just made more when you were younger. But it's from the elements of saline, and saline is sodium chloride, which is a molecule, and H2O, which is hydrogen, and oxygen, which is a molecule. And inside the cells those molecules get broken apart and now you have sodium chloride, hydrogen and oxygen, almost like Lego building blocks. Right, you could take Lego building blocks and make a house out of those blocks. You can make a car out of those blocks. Well, your body can.

Speaker 2:

Once it's broken apart, the salt and water can make different molecules other than salt and water. And that's what these redox signaling molecules are and there can't be allergic to it. It's in you, doesn't interfere with medicines, it's in you and, as you said, you can't overdose on it. I mean, I drink eight ounces a day of this. It seems like the sweet spot for most people is called the essential six, six ounces a day. But the older someone is, the bigger they are, the sicker they are. They're generally going to be drinking the eight ounces a day, and young, healthy people that just want some athletic performance benefits, or they're pretty fairly healthy, they're just drinking four ounces a day, but the essential number seems to be six ounces a day.

Speaker 1:

Right, and so a lot of people are looking for deficiencies, they're looking for hacks of trying to improve some specific thing, and yet what you're describing is just an overall optimization of all performance within the body. So it's not just your brain, it's not just one organ, it's not just one thing, it's not just one aspect of your body like calms down your nervous system or whatever it's. Every single system in your body is impacted. So can you describe for me what your body was like and what you felt like before you started this supplementation and then after? And then? Have you ever taken a break from it to see the difference?

Speaker 2:

No, I've never taken a break in 13 years. After I saw what it did for my dad, I investigated it thoroughly and said wow, this is a breakthrough. It's patented, it's as safe as water. There's intellectual property on it. Back then it was just in the US, now it's in 33 countries. In fact, indonesia opens day after tomorrow. It's the 34th country that we're going into, and it's all produced in an FDA registered production facility.

Speaker 2:

But for me, I didn't really have a lot going on. I was 50, right. What I noticed was more energy. I mean absolutely more energy. I noticed a bump in libido too. My wife noticed it also, and there's a topical version of it that's used for anti-aging on the skin. But people use it for skin issues. They use it for we can't make medical claims, but people report amazing things with hemorrhoids. They amazing things with skin issues, with pimples. But my skin I definitely look younger. My skin changed. My hair grew thicker and faster, my nails grew faster. This is all cellular, because every part of the body is cellular. If your cells are functioning well, everything functions well. I lost some weight.

Speaker 2:

One thing is I golf a lot, and when I was younger, when I was still practicing, I golfed once a week and I would take ibuprofen every time I golfed because my back would hurt me. Well, now I live half the year in florida, half the year. We just got back up here to our house in maryland and in the in the winter, I mean, I live in a country club. I'm playing a lot of times, twice, sometimes three times a day. Well, you know, I play with my and we. Then we have lunch and I say what are you guys going to do? Well, we're going to go take a nap or whatever. I'm like what are you doing? I said I'm gonna go out and play again and they're like you're going to go out and play again. It's like 95 degrees and I'm like, yeah, one thing I noticed, sean, is I don't take ibuprofen every day. It wasn't like I had high cholesterol and I saw it come down, or I had diabetes and I saw the sugar come down. I just noticed I don't need ibuprofen anymore when I play golf. Instead of once a week, a lot of times I'm playing two or three times a day and I play almost every day. So those are the things for me, but I didn't have any quote, unquote conditions that I was looking to address.

Speaker 2:

A lot of people would start this. You know they've got. They don't sleep well, they have low mood because that's brain function, that's serotonin, right, every that's a gland made in a gland. They just baseline everything in their health and they start taking it. They track their progress and there's a money back guarantee for 30 days. And if they don't, I can get about 60% of people in the first 30 days to say, wow, this is amazing. I can get 90% of people to do that in 90 days, but there's a money back guarantee only for 30.

Speaker 2:

So I tell those people you want to believe, take the gel and go find 10 people not with wrinkles, because take pictures of wrinkles, they go away. But it's a 10 minute test and everybody you know this, everybody that does this knows that it's real. They there's the most skeptical, cynical SOB in the world who thinks he or she knows everything. If they do what I'm about to say, they will know that it's real, regardless of what they read on Google or what they think. They take the gel. They find 10 people that are hurting. They have something in their body that hurts their neck, back, hand, shoulder and say give me 10 minutes and just say, this gel is made from salt and water, it's called redox molecules and they shake it up and it's clear and there's no smell and I'm putting it on my face because I do it every day. I put it on my face for wrinkles, right, because it rejuvenates your skin cells. But you're finding 10 people who are hurt get 10 minutes and they apply the gel three times in the first five minutes.

Speaker 2:

So it's a 10 minute test. The first five minutes they put it on once it dries, twice it dries, three times it dries, and at 10 minutes. You know this, sean. Twice it dries, three times it dries, and at 10 minutes. You know this, sean. Everybody's stunned If you do it on 10 people. Watch what. Nine of the 10 people watch the expression on their face and what they say. Watch how many of them say how did it do that? And it's not one, two or three or five. I say watch what happens to nine out of 10. And you know what. We've had interviews before and I'd be a fool to say something like that with a product that has a money back guarantee, not knowing what they're going to see and what it does is it opens their mind to my God. Like I read it was just saltwater, but saltwater won't do that and it leads them to this. This is the most important thing because it affects the entire body, but this is the mind opener because it only takes 10 minutes.

Speaker 1:

Right, right, yeah, the last time we did an interview was a while ago and I said I wanted to try the products before I could endorse it or anything. And, living in Brazil, it was very heavy to bring the blue bottles to Brazil. So I just brought the gel and so I've been using it on my face and only on my face in the morning and the nighttime for several months now and I've noticed a diminishing of wrinkles and a diminishing of the skin damage problems, because, I don't know, the sun is different down here in Brazil. I'm in the sun a lot, but it's just a different kind of. I've had accelerated skin damage since I moved here seven years ago and so, yeah, I'm getting compliments about my skin and it's interesting because I don't use any other skin products.

Speaker 1:

I don't exfoliate, I don't do any treatments, you know, and I noticed that when I get out of the shower and maybe I use like too much soap and my skin's really dried out. I just put that thin layer of the gel as part of my daily ritual now and it hydrates my skin. There's no oil, it's just so nice, it's like it's perfect. It's a perfect skin product for a man, because men hate a bunch of goops and a bunch of different stuff to make your skin different and weird, and so it's just greaseless, oil-less, youless, and it works perfectly. So I can testify to that and I really want to take the six ounces every day and then report back.

Speaker 1:

So when I go back to Pennsylvania I'm going to grab those blue bottles that are at my parents' house and bring it back and try it out. So, but you know it, maybe it's too simple for people to really appreciate. It's like oh, do you want to change your complete health? Just drink six ounces of this every day. And people are like, really, that's it, just six ounces of this. So they can try the gel if they. They want to improve their skin health and look younger and so forth, as well, or if they're, or if they're hurting or if they're hurting.

Speaker 1:

Or if they're hurting Right. Yeah, good point. That's even more important. And what are the other products? I mean, all of the ASEA products have the redox signaling molecule, so is there other things besides the blue bottle and the gel?

Speaker 2:

Well, as far as the breakthrough for humanity, which is what this is. I mean, this was almost bought by a pharmaceutical company. The founders could have sold out and walked away with a ridiculous amount of money, but they were afraid that it was going to get buried. In fact, there's a video explaining and the answer is a lot of people's questions, actually including how this company started and why they turned down the offer from the pharmaceutical company. And I think if they end up calling or texting to get more information about this, the person they'll be contacting will give them a password to a link that I'm going to tell you now that they can look up their particular concerns, whether it's blood sugar or sleeping or a child on the spectrum or a tick bite or prostate or mood problems or memory problems. It's really amazing, amazing people sharing what happened with them. But the site is called gettingyoungerclubcom just gettingyoungerclubcom and you'll see interest, specific videos including information on this, why it's made from salt water and other products. So you talk about. You know what do I do to be 63 and feel like I'm 30? Some of the other products are these other Redox products that are a little bit different than these Redox products. So you ask which ones have. Which products have the Redox molecules in it? This does, this does. There's a Redox clay mask for anti-aging, which is really fast acting, and a Redox serum. So there's four products that are derived from the original product. And then these are really cool. These trigger Redox reactions in your body. So let's just start with this one. This is called Radiance, cellular performance, the cellular performance line, and so you're saying what you're seeing happen with your skin with just this? Well, they make a bunch of skincare products, right, and this is a collagen precursor. It's not collagen People that eat collagen, it's coming from animals and your body has to break it down. Your body just doesn't use cow collagen to make human collagen. You have to break it down to amino acids and you have to build up collagen. Well, this is already the amino acids. It's vegan. This is amazing. You take pictures of what you look like now with this and do this for two or three months and take another picture and watch what happens to your skin. So that augments that.

Speaker 2:

People that have focusing problems, focusing memory. This crosses the blood brain barrier and if this gets you to 100%, then hey, you're good. Let's say it gets you to 80%. This one's called Redox Mind. You just mix this with water or juice or whatever you want. Let's say you have low mood. This crosses the blood-brain barrier. Let's say it gets you at 80%, but not to 100%. Then take the Redox Mood right, and this one is energy Redox Energy. Food right, and this one is energy Redox Energy. So if you want to stop drinking coffee or you want a nice energy energy that's even not like a coffee bump. This is amazing. If you want to lose weight, mix these two together the mind and the energy.

Speaker 2:

That did it for me. I was never really overweight, but I always carried like an extra five pounds. I did this just because I've always had attention issues and the blue bottle helped a lot, but still a little. You know, hey, there's a squirrel, wow, you know. So this, I did this and I said, well, let me try this too. And I mixed them and I noticed my appetite just dropped and I noticed when I was full I just stopped eating. I usually I'm a human garbage disposal. So those are some of the other products I also.

Speaker 2:

Everybody should take omegas. If you don't take, you, don't get it in the diet anymore. And if you take omegas, and when they call them fish burps, you burp and it's not good. It's like you're taking omega, but it's not good omega. This stuff is absolutely amazing. So they've got several other products, but I don't want to put their hands, their health, just in the hands of their doctor and saying help me. And a doctor can only offer solutions that a doctor is aware of. They can't offer solutions if they're not aware of. They're aware of medications.

Speaker 1:

Good point, kind of looking in the wrong place. You know, as far as supplementation, I've tried a lot of different vitamins and minerals and different things herbs and two of the things that I could actually feel an immediate difference would be omegas and probiotics. So that's something interesting that you guys at ASEA chose to focus in on omegas.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I've got my probiotics too. Here it is, this is, and this is the probiotic one. This one changed my life. I had I mean, I get pretty I don't care when I get graphic because I'm not a therapist but I had a digestive problem for a long time and this didn't really address it. And when they came out with these nutritionals, a few years after the drink, I'm on the medical professionals board. So they gave us some of these things and said here, you know, you guys go ahead and try it.

Speaker 2:

Well, my problem was I just went to the bathroom all the time and it was always really loose and you know, it was just I went through toilet paper like like nothing. And my wife said to me after the, after a couple of days well, actually, I noticed the difference is about a week or so. My wife said are you going to using the bathroom somewhere else in the house and the master bedroom and I bathroom? And I said no. I said why? Cause we always kept so much toilet paper there instead of running downstairs to get more toilet paper. It was like stacks of toilet paper right under my sink, right next to my toilet took one day and I've taken prebiotics and probiotics. Nothing helped me. This stuff, everything this company does, is absolutely stellar. It's just you don't want to overwhelm people with so much. It's like, okay, we say, just start with the blue and the white, become a believer then. Then they're like all right, show me everything right, right.

Speaker 1:

There must be a commitment to quality uh with the company. If that's the that, you tried probiotics from other brands and it just didn't. This one was completely different.

Speaker 2:

Everybody's different, you know. I mean, there are good brands out there, but it just didn't do anything for me. This did.

Speaker 1:

Interesting. Well, yeah, I guess they continue to come out with new things. You're continuing to test them so you can come back on the show and give us an update on what's the latest with, with everything.

Speaker 2:

I really appreciate your time, david. Any final thoughts? Um, no, I just said I would just say, look, we all have potential to live much better. You know, physically, um, happiness, financially, you have to look for solutions. You can't just say, well, this is as good as it gets.

Speaker 2:

Like I'm in a room here and I got lights up here on the ceiling and, and you know, if I had a friend come over, sleep over the house and, and they came in and they were sitting in that chair there, they turned the light on and it was dim and he was trying to read a book and he's like, you know, like I wish it was brighter, but I guess that's as good as it's going to get. So then he's just struggling. And I come down the stairs to get some milk or something and I see him sitting there struggling to read. I go why, what are you doing? He goes, I'm reading. It was, why don't you turn the light on? So I go over and I flip that switch up and the dimmer brightens it and the whole room is lit up and he's like wow, thanks, I didn't know, that't know that was there.

Speaker 2:

My friend thought that that was the potential of the bulb, that it was as good as it was going to get. I had no idea that it had this potential to do so much better. And that's the way our bodies are. We just see ourselves decline over time and say that's the way it is. It happened to my grandma, my grandpa, my dad, my mom. It doesn't have to be that way, but people have to be made aware that there are things to help you reach potential. When I walk in and I made my friend aware it was like, wow, I can read.

Speaker 2:

This is kind of nice, this is much better. I would just say people should take this very, very, very seriously, and if they don't take it seriously now, they will one day, because one day they're going to hear it from a friend or they're going to hear it from another friend or their doctor and it'll become mainstream. It's better to have healthy cells now than wait five or 10 years. Maybe it's too late to even deal with something. Take the time to learn about it seriously now. This isn't a game.

Speaker 1:

This is life, absolutely, and maybe that is the next step for some people who just want to learn more. No-transcript.