The Sean Morgan Report

The Year of The Boomerang | Sean Morgan Report

July 03, 2021 Sean Morgan
The Sean Morgan Report
The Year of The Boomerang | Sean Morgan Report
Show Notes Transcript

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1 (39s):
Well, the, the, the Sean Morgan reports, I'm your host, Sean Morgan. This is un-American media Periscope every Friday, 6:00 PM. Eastern. Today, we have an amazing show for you. We're going to talk to our friend, Paul Ferber, try to get into this whole mystery of who shot Ashley. Babbitt's how the president's finally getting involved, how the Jeffrey Epstein Galane Maxwell documents are coming out at this critical time when stuff is coming out, the Arizona election. So things are really heating up and accelerating. We're going to get into all of that and more, but first a word from our sponsors sovereign advisors. This is a really important time for silver and gold. So check that out. Gold

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1 (2m 1s):
All right, everybody into this secret service is detail for Mike and might have been the person to have killed Ashley Babbitt. That's according to a new report, expectator and you know, this is unconfirmed, but this, according to the report, this is an open secret in Washington DC and amongst the intelligence communities and the same day that this comes out with official statements or an official question, just simply who shot Ashley Babbitt question mark. And so I want to bring on our guests, Paul Ferber, a great researcher. Paul, you have a presence on our website, Paul for, a free book about que and on the greatest intelligence operation in history.

1 (2m 49s):
And you're also on gab. Is that right?

3 (2m 53s):
Hi, Sean. Good to be with you again. Yes, that's right. I'm on gap at and yeah, this, this Ashley Babbitt thing is very interesting. I mean, you know that she was, I think I stand up the correction, but I think she was the only person actually killed on January the sixth. And the video footage shows her being shocked. This is the lady who was an air force veteran, and she's about to go through a door and then suddenly somebody, you know, shoots and kills her pretty much instantly. And there hasn't been any real answers as to who did it. And then just in the wake of the story on spectator world, coming out, the president, former president Trump, I think it was this last night, he said, who shot Ashley Babbitt?

3 (3m 44s):
So he's definitely, he's definitely stirring

1 (3m 49s):
Absolutely details here. This is a person who was trying to, you know, forcibly enter for the capital and, you know, that's, that's not legal. So she wasn't doing the, you know, the perfect thing. But, you know, according to her perspective, she probably thought, Hey, this is a house, the traders, and this is my one moment surrounded by other Patriots to try to, you know, occupy in the us. So putting that aside, you would think that the official protocol for an unarmed person would be to try to disperse the crowd, try to, you know, tase her or, you know, tear gas or some kind of thing other than immediately lethal force at point blank range.

1 (4m 37s):
So this doesn't seem to be according to law enforcement protocol. They certainly don't use this type of enforcement for, you know, when they were trying to enter the white house areas, you know, Lafayette square, that kind of situation. When, when Trump had to go to a bunker, you know, there are all types of the people trying to enter the premises and none of them were shot at point blank range. So there seems to be a double standard there. And then what happened was they hit the identity and they said that they were capital police. Officer people thought it was this David Bailey character. And the Capitol police came out with an official denial. It's not that officer. And so then a lot of people have been guessing that this was secret service.

1 (5m 19s):
The guy was kind of dressed like secret service and so forth. He had an ear piece on, people are guessing then maybe he got some kind of order to, to do this assess. This is basically an assassination. And president Putin from Russia asked the question, you know, who ordered the assassination of this person? You know? So he used the word assassination. He put that in the public consciousness that this is, could have been ordered by someone else. And supposedly this is the same officer who left and left his weapon loaded in the bathroom. Just didn't follow any protocols.

1 (5m 60s):
You know, they also found this guy not handling his weapon properly, pointing it at his colleagues and so forth. And the other the day, any thoughts on, on all of that, Paul,

3 (6m 15s):
But it, it just, it's a great summing up for the whole of January the sixth, isn't it everyone's lied about everything. What, who did what, when and where and what was actually done on the day. And it's just yet another example of how, you know, people like you and me have got to go and look at footage and do our own digging, because we know that nobody's going to tell the truth about it. Yeah. The, the protests, we're mostly peaceful except now for discovering from hacks of discourse and social media that, and Tito where the in force and that the Capitol police let them in. So, you know, who were they? What were they doing on the day?

3 (6m 58s):
I have no doubt that a, the people that the president of the dressed quite late as it's happened, certainly the, the, the walking time from where he was down to the Capitol is about an hour is nuts for the 20 minutes. That there's no way that the early violence could have been Trump supporters. So there's a problem with the timing there, the shooting, the shooting of Ashley Babbett as being talking about the Capitol policeman, who was supposed to have died on the day, and then there's the autopsy wouldn't be. And I think his name was sickening. Brian sickness is that right? He was supposed to have, you know, died being violently killed.

3 (7m 44s):
And then it turns out he had a heart attack, and then it turns out it was on the Thursday, not even the Wednesday. So, yeah, it's, it still took a while to kind of dig through all this stuff, but yeah, we gotta do it because you cannot trust the media. And like I say, either everyone is lying for their own purposes. So you and I want the truth. We're going to have to come up with our own theories. No matter

1 (8m 9s):
Our difficulties, there were several, several deaths that were reported in the headlines to make it sound like conservatives had been killing people. But in reality, you know, it was examples like what you said, where people died of heart attacks and different things, which those are kind of anomalies too, that you have to wonder about several Capitol police officers committed suicide directly after January 6th. And that's questionable, you know, very, very quick.

3 (8m 37s):
Yeah. What kind of suicide was it? Wasn't the two shots too. The back of the head kind of suicide, or, you know, another for the genuine form. So

1 (8m 49s):
We know that Antifa guy, you know, I was paid by CNN, worked with CNN and infiltrated or pro Trump outfit and went into this whole capital insurrection of what they call it. And he was on Alex Jones. Alex Jones was there on January 6th, Michael Flynn was there on January 6th, Roger Stone and six, they asked, you know, Roger Stone,

3 (9m 19s):
Jim, Jim was there too.

1 (9m 22s):
Yeah. You know, well, a million Patriots were there. So it doesn't really mean that they were in the wrong, but it is interesting. The Alex Jones, Flynn and stone all go on the Alex Jones show and they're all kind of supporting each other. Have you done any digging as to whether any of them could have been running operations at all related to that?

3 (9m 45s):
I'm, I'm certain, I'm certain that most, if not, all of them are running operations, the details of those, I doubt we're going to see them just yet. January. My understanding as the January 6th for the trap was a trap too. The Trump appeared to be encouraging his followers. You know, the lift is, was desperate for the Patriots, Republican Patriots and, and I'll drive Patriots to commit acts of violence on the day. And they didn't get that instead. They got a peaceful protest. Yeah. And, and a couple of people, like I say, 99% Antifa and a supposed to the elephants who, who caused trouble on the day, but it absolutely was not.

3 (10m 34s):
It wasn't Trump supporters. They were the guy's waving flags outside of the Capitol building, ah, from the video footage that I've seen. Again, it's quite tricky to put together all the different videos from different people. There's, there's a link on YouTube, which I'll, I'll try and share it at the end, which is the way somebody, somebody match the different sources of different videos and the timings to try and make sense of, you know, who was, who was there. And when they, when they arrived, because like I said earlier, the, the timing of the capital invasion is there's something very off about it. And I'm really putting my finger on it yet.

1 (11m 14s):
Right. I know you said that Flinstone and Jones were running operations, but we don't know if they're running good guy operations or the bad guy operations, you know, th these, these characters are the experts, you know, so, so yeah, I'm leaning towards the good guy as well. So we're going to have to watch how this plays out, but yeah, the timing was off Donald Trump purposefully delayed his speech. I remember very freshly in my mind that day, cause I was waiting for him to give the speech and it kept on being delayed and delayed and delayed. So the total capital, by that time, there were already people at the capital and doing all these things.

1 (11m 56s):
So the, the whole premise for him, because the direction was completely off because if the timing itself, so Trump knew that the whole delay shows that he knew that they were going to do this and he purposefully did the deal. Also interesting that Roger Stone got an offer from the secret service to take the front of the lines, the capital, and he declined and they were trying to set him up. Yes. So January, revolver's the jaw Carlson to blue for them to this whole idea of BI, you know, infiltrating the oath keepers and the proud boys and these different people, and then trying to cause the insurrection.

1 (12m 44s):
And then when it comes time to prosecute people, they prosecute the underlings. Not that the people who were calling the shots, people who are calling the shots work and unindicted co-conspirators the, who were intelligence assets. And one of them is the guy who was in charge of the fricking Oathkeepers Stuart Rhodes. And so, you know, this whole freaking stand up,

3 (13m 7s):
There's a great many unindicted co-conspirators in those charges that have come up. And that's just a huge red flag for yeah. I was the fed infiltrating, infiltrating the move, the, the, the protesters, the feds are famous for the us. There was a book actually written, I think joining the last, the Bush administration about how many operate, how many false flags the fade was actually behind. And it's dozens of the, just the one that I can remember off the top of my head, a couple of Muslim terrorists were going to shoot up a cartoon drawing thing in Garland, Texas. And they were stopped the data.

3 (13m 47s):
And that attracts literally by a security guard who was very jacked or he might've been a retired policeman, but he was, you know, click drew and my girl, and he took them down within seconds. Those guys actually had an FBI man as in a backup car right behind it. That's just one example of the feds, you know, deeply involved in acts of terror on, on United States territory that the plot to kidnap governor Whitmer absolute rubbish. The, the fed, there was a fed that organized it. They were, you know, FBI guy's on the team that was discovered was, you know, it was coordinated by somebody from the FBI.

3 (14m 33s):
Yeah. Actually a disgrace, the whole organization, how closely they're supposed to be. I don't, you know, I actually call it mission statement anymore because the moment it seems to be organizing acts of terror in the United States, it's definitely not protecting the people,

1 (14m 52s):
Right. This is kind of been flaunted in our faces over the years. It seems like every single terrorist and mass shooter, the FBI had already been aware of them, you know, and that's public knowledge. And so this whole January six hoax is doing the same thing to the public that the election steel is doing is waking people up to the corruption. That's what I call the great awakening. The great awakening is one of the public realizes the institutions are infiltrated and corrupted. You know, I, I grand scale, and this is a worldwide thing. It's not just the United States. So that's the great awakening it's happening before eyes and goodness.

1 (15m 33s):
And there are people like Tucker Carlson and revolver who actually have, you know, you and I are doing our part now for our small audience, but, you know, Tucker reaches millions of people, the waking up the, the public about the intelligent specifically the say, he says and handle the whistleblower's. I'm going to get into some of these headlines Pines. And the next one I'm going to talk about is this new social media platform started by the former, you know, spokesperson, Jason Miller from Trump. And it's called getter, probably like get her done kind of thing.

1 (16m 16s):
And, and just see the 1,200 and strange Chinese reviews and made claim that the platform is posting. anti-Chinese host the profiles without permission. So sew this thing launch is, and then you look on the app store. It already has 2005 star reviews. They're all in broken English from Chinese people, Chinese people who hate the CCP. So this is an interesting angle here. Let's take a look at the next post where, you know, from where Lauren Witsky is talking about how, you know, getting there is claiming protecting free. And then the first thing, and they do is ban people who are being, who are already banned on Twitter, like baked Alaska.

1 (17m 3s):
This is just a parlor all over again, where they bend the knee to the corporate overlords in order to not be banned from the app store or whatever there for free, you know, any thoughts. That's fine.

3 (17m 17s):
Yeah. Well, if the first up for launching a new social media platform is an exceedingly difficult thing in this day and age, I think Andrew, gab has done an amazing bit of work and yeah, I'm just a happy customer. I'm not punting him in any way. Yeah. And he, but he had his teething troubles early on. He had after the, the last great Twitter perch when it was the last December, last November, loads of people moved over to the gab and was deed us. And they had a massive incoming and the, they coped the manager, they got their heads down and they optimize their code and bought more servers.

3 (17m 59s):
And now they seem to be pretty stable and have ironed out all the kinks. So just from a technical and a user point of view, it's hard to launch social media to launch a trusted social media platform. Yeah. You got to earn it. Paula has showed that. Yeah. It's, it's not as simple as, you know, we're in third or a free speech. You've got to prove it. You can't just go banning speech that you don't like. The funny enough, gab has a pretty hard line, incitement to violence is illegal. So it's banned and poem is bent because that's his personal choice. I can respect that. I have absolutely no problem with that with not seeing porn on gab. I think it's great.

3 (18m 40s):
But apart from that, anything goes, you know, it's the speech, it's the freedom of speech. It's the first amendment, which you could folks in America have enjoyed it for, you know, a quarter of a millennium, no matter who wants to re repress it. And I think Tom has done a good job where the ghetto is very to, you know, settle down and become an alternative media platform. I think it's, you know, that just the idea is, is they're already done shooting, you know, social media impact. There's no doubt. We need a very good alternative to Facebook. The big tech platforms where the Gators is it, I, I'm not sure.

3 (19m 25s):
I don't, I don't like the name. I don't like the early bans. I don't like, oh, I saw the report this morning. I'm and my times, and then I'd had been hacked somehow. You know, when there's a bunch of the Chinese popping out,

1 (19m 38s):
People are just the beginning, Chinese and propaganda without their permission. So yeah, there's some kind of a hack, I don't know if his internal or external kind of hack, but Donald Trump purposefully did not join getter. You know, I don't know if that's because he doesn't like his former employees grifting off of his brand or if it's because he wants to wait it out and see how it plays out before he makes a decision, but they are forcing people to agree to the Google terms of service in order to join. So this is something that really rubbed off on Google.

3 (20m 19s):
No, no, that's a, yeah, that's a huge red flag.

1 (20m 23s):
Right. And I think is just because these, these monopolies are so just ubiquitous in the technology realm that instead of trying to build everything from scratch, they just tried to use what was available to them. And it ended up, you know, unfortunately compromising the whole platform and they probably, they probably don't realize what they've done, you know, because not everyone's super sophisticated and can, can tell the difference. But I also want to take this opportunity to talk about rumble, the Canadian company. They don't guarantee the American constitutional rights free speech.

1 (21m 4s):
Trump finally did join them, but they, they are deleting content related to COVID-19 from my friend, Dustin Nemos. So I don't, I don't like that at all. I think that's a really bad precedent. The slippery slope is only gonna get worse from here. One of their investors is the same investor as Facebook, Peter Thiel,

3 (21m 27s):
Peter Thiel is a strange character. I mean, he's, he was pretty close to trumpet at one stage. And the, I think he did the great thing of shutting down, you know, shutting down Corker in court. That was Peter Thiel. Wasn't it? He was beyond the more soup that put gallcher out of business. I need more on them. And Nick didn't listen. And yeah, he got his bad kit, the social media. And I'll tell you this, this is a related story. I we'll get to the point. The one thing that made me most angry about the Q drops was how I realized I'd been fooled as a tech journalist over the last 25 years as to the real purpose of social media, which of course is despite on us and monitor our habits and influence our moods as much as possible.

3 (22m 17s):
That's, that's the real purpose of Facebook, Twitter, you know, you name it it's to control our minds. And the closer I watched all this happen in real time and reported on it and went overseas and, you know, covered conferences and blah, blah, blah. And I didn't even realize it was happening. I think, like you say about the rumble, they will be, I think they will be a niche for, well, the niche for the niche for the anything goes mentality are the chances of course, you know, for chat and a code and, you know, smaller, the smaller Chan board and Chan, but those are not mass market.

3 (23m 1s):
They are very niche. They are for the autists and the nones and the few, a hundred thousand people in the world who enjoy, who enjoy being on that sort of, that sort of board. Is there, is there a place for a, an uncensored mainstream social media board? I don't know. I don't think we've seen it yet, but I think it, it could gab, if it grows big enough, could definitely be it, is there room for video and the social media platform, which is like totally free speech. Yeah, I think so. I just think it's, it's going to take a while for us to cure our addiction of the, the cult found it social media and, and take companies are the, I think there's an interesting future ahead for social media, but we're in the, we're in the very early stages at the moment of, you know, platforms that are totally happy with what you can say.

3 (23m 56s):
I would say not, not illegal conduct, I'm not talking about illegal content. I think that should always be banned, but the amount of pushback that told them for instance gets, or just for allowing certain kinds of speech on gap is phenomenal. You know, articles of the New York time's, you know, of the American Jewish Congress says the first amendment needs to be repealed. It's massive pushback just for letting people speak freely on social media. And I think that that needs to improve. I think the more that, you know, we need more freedom of speech online. It's been severely curtailed. And I say that as someone who's lost, YouTube videos has been banned from Twitter, nearly banned from Facebook.

3 (24m 38s):
I've had, you know, content pulled down, I've lost jobs because of my opinions. This, this is nonsense. It needs to change.

1 (24m 49s):
Yeah. You know, Andrew and John Massey from the parlor, he was, he was kicked out a parlor. You know, he was running the whole company. Now he's posting on gab and giving his commentary about social media tech companies. Both of these guys are giving kind of a running commentary on all of the platforms and keeping us informed about, you know, with an insider's view and telling us things that we didn't know about telegram, for example, about investors from the middle east and so forth. And the fact that people are reporting censorship on telegram, although it's not widespread and organized, like it is on Twitter and Facebook.

1 (25m 30s):
And so, you know, you haven't had president Trump being censored on telegram or anything like that, but on Facebook, they're starting a brand new program where you can snitch on your neighbors and loved ones and report them as extremists, right? Yes. I saw

3 (25m 45s):
The heavy and the idea of being exposed to the extreme ism. Yeah, I know. And it's really the signs of the extreme warning signs of extremism that, that joke poster, that that guy got banned for, you know, stable, stable job attends church regularly has the degree married, two children, despises drugs and pornography, you know, warning signs of extremism for the warning signs, warning signs of normal middle class American citizen. But I think it makes the point very well.

1 (26m 21s):
Right? Did they, they partnered with this nonprofit, that specifically targets far right extremists. It was started by a former skinhead. And so they're not looking for the people who violently burned down our cities last year in the United States, black lives matters and Antifa who are absolutely violent extremists. And so I think needs to, is hopefully people are just gonna, you know, quit Facebook, cause this is ridiculous. But if you don't quit it, what you should be doing is reporting every, anyone and everyone who's ever displayed a black lives matters logo on their social media because of that is the domestic terrorist organization.

1 (27m 3s):
And so this will screw up their whole campaign. If you report them the less premium and they're going to be so busy, waiting through everything and sifting through it, that they're not going to be able to figure out, you know, what's what it's going to be a big waste of their resources.

3 (27m 21s):
Here's hoping that, and then let's say a significant minority of Facebook users start doing exactly that. There's nothing like overwhelming gatekeepers to irritate them and make them think that it's not really worth their while.

1 (27m 37s):
Right. Well, let's take a look at the next headline. Kevin McCarthy demands answers about the NSA's alleged spying on Tucker Carlson. So Tucker Carlson on live TV says, and the Wolf whistle blower says that he's being surveilled by the NSA and the NSA puts out this non-denial, you know, where they say, technically, you're not a target of our surveillance, but they don't explain to the public that, you know, Tucker only has to be for degrees removed from another target and he can also be surveilled. So, so Kevin McCarthy, hopefully this guy is, you know, really, you know, Kevin McCarthy, he's a rhino, but he's a rhino who hopefully is taking a direction here from the white hats.

1 (28m 27s):
And because actually, you know, getting this into the public consciousness by demanding answers. So when he asked these questions, you know, hopefully the public gets some good answers on this. Although according to the Q the NSA is actually one of the only good institutions left. I don't know if that's true or not, but just like the January six hoax, when you start investigating and getting all the details, it always the truth can come out and the truth will set you free. So no matter what the truth is about the NSA, that's what I want to know. What are your thoughts, Paul?

3 (29m 3s):
Yeah, I think, look, it's, I agree with you that it is significant that the house minority leader wants answers. I don't know if we're being told everything, whether this is just the surface. This is the surface leak of, of some larger operation. I've heard rumors for years, that Tucker is CIA. So I have no idea, no way of confirming that note. I've absolutely not evidence for that statement. If it is true, then it wouldn't be surprising, but the NSA are keeping an eye on him or the missing number for round for their own purposes.

3 (29m 43s):
And again, this goes back to something I said, the first up on the show was because everyone's lying. No one tells us truth and there's just no accountability anymore. We have to do our own digging and our own speculating. Yeah. That the NSA's down the hall was very much a honor. Now, as you, as you correctly, point out, it was very lawyerly and you know it, and it didn't really answer his allegations. I'm sure he's a target for the NSA because the NSA scoops up. Absolutely everything about us. Everything goes on to the point.

1 (30m 24s):
Technically they're not supposed to, you know, they're supposed to get a warrant, you know, they're, they're collecting information on us, but supposedly they're not actually looking at it and the analyzing of the warrant, but with talker, it's a different story because what we're learning is that all of these talking heads are actually assets, you know, intelligence assets, you know, and they could be good guy, good assets, and they could be bad assets. You know, I'm leaning towards the fact that Tucker Carlson, although he may have been a bad actor in the past, I believe he's acting, he's doing good behavior right now. That doesn't mean he's a good person. It just means he's doing what he's told by a good actor.

1 (31m 7s):
You know? So that's another way to look at it. He he's really pushing back on topics that no other mainstream conservative is willing to even touch. It's. It's pretty amazing to watch actually

3 (31m 21s):
A source told me a while ago, maybe two and a half years ago, the queen president Trump was elected that there were three factions in the CIA, the first, the first faction, which was quite a small faction, said, great. Somebody have the integrity that can sort this out. The second section where people who are all in with Hillary. So of course they were very unhappy that Trump has the power and the third faction. What was the guys who just basically do their own thing and don't care, who's in power because they have no oversight and they are murals unto themselves. And these were the guys who, for instance, a big Dick, and on this, this anonymous been leaking on for chat for about two Navi has now claimed that they actually, they, they was so annoyed with Hillary, that they fixed the election of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez in order to destroy the damns from the inside, the, you know, the, the, the claim.

3 (32m 18s):
And it's actually a marvelous little conspiracy theory. I mean, she's actually a highly intelligent person and I'm that, that African food for myself, she got an, a national engineering award when she was still at school from Intel. She's not a fool on advanced biology. She smoked with the food. She's not a metal handed bimbo. She's actually an extremely smart person that you can actually pick it up. And she speaks in Congress. Sometimes she lets her, she knows she lets her eloquence get away from her sometime. Mmm. And the point is to destroy the demons from the inside. Now, the claim that I've heard is that this was a rogue CIA group who flipped her votes, that that would definitely fall under rogue groups and the CIA who just does their own thing.

3 (33m 6s):
You've got to remember that all these large, all the alphabets have factions and rivalries within and between each other. I mean, you know, Snowden Q told us that, you know what the Snowden's mission, what does Snowden's real mission? His real mission was to shine a light in a site and try and discredit it as much as possible. So when we see these kinds of shenanigans between them and the public level, know that there's things going on that underneath that may be, they may be just a purely childish thing, or they may be some massive power struggle behind the scenes at the end, it's fun to speculate, but it's only later that we'll find out the truth.

3 (33m 52s):
I'm afraid,

1 (33m 55s):
Right? And this is what I think the average person, a lot of things go over their head because they're looking at things at a surface level. Like these people are good and these people are bad and this institution is good. And this institution is bad. Instead of seeing all the nuance that there are double agents, there are triple agents. There, there are factions within institutions who are add, who, you know, are compromised. And so the goal are, are there new puppet masters? And that's a tricky thing to figure out. So exactly all we can do is analyze for ourselves and try to try that and stuff.

1 (34m 35s):
But all, I want to talk the talk of new French law. The, the government will put it in the assisted procreate, Asian for the lesbian couples and single women to just, you know, anyone who wants to have the baby, the state's going to help them pay for it. Do you think this is a chance agenda kind of thing, and break down in the family and like relation and the doing it any and what are you?

3 (35m 11s):
I, it's a tough one. I think it's just, it's obviously it's, it's the next step in so-called rights for LGTBQ people. So I don't think it's, you know, I don't think it's something new. It's just, you know, it, it's actually a humiliation Rachel, for any French person who doesn't believe, you know, who doesn't believe this, your taxes will pay for, you know, your taxes or pay for these people to have children that, whether it applies to, you know, the, the, the X million refugees in France.

3 (35m 57s):
That's another interesting question. Because of course the invasion of Europe is very much a demographic war. You know, when it started in 2015, when Merkel invited 15 million refugees onto the continent from north Africa and Afghanistan and wherever, that was very, that's very much a long term for a place white people tactic the way, or this is something that's similar, could be

1 (36m 25s):
The thing is France. Doesn't have a lot of money. You know, this is not, it's not like they're running some kind of huge surplus in their country. This is just a policy. And it seems designed to bankrupt them and to weaken them, you know, just kind of like we have in the United States, this kind of whole campaign to weaken us and, and, and destroy our, our, our civilization. That's what, this, the type of thing. It's just very cavalier spending. It's like, they're killing two birds with one stone, they're bankrupting and weakening in the country and their week. And the, you know, moral and social norms related to the family unit at the same time, this is the thing that has so many ripple effects over a generation, you know?

1 (37m 8s):
So, so it's, it's, it's scary to me. That's actually, when you see for other precedents, it's like in the middle of the now going to pay for trans people to get sex changes. This is not a medically necessary and work like 50 to a hundred grand. I mean, when there's homeless veterans that don't have anything to eat, nowhere to live. And these other veterans are getting like necessary operations for a hundred thousand dollars. This is the seams like this is at the same time.

3 (37m 48s):
Yeah. The trends agenda is very about your next. And then go ahead. Sorry. I lost you there for a sec. Say again, go ahead, Paul. I was going to sell to make a comment. I want you to what you just say that the trends agenda is that is something because the elites in power I'm, the religion is dualisms, which is the agnostics, the set of beliefs where they believe that to all the, you know, that God is, is duel. You know, it's at an eye, the good God and lose. And I, as the, and an ISE, you know, the, the, the strict, restrictive killed joy and luciferase, the cooler rebellious, the bad guy, and ultimately the two world that they believe a lot of two into one.

3 (38m 39s):
So they worship androgyny, male and female becoming one. They worship the idea that the two gods will become one. And then the portal will open and there'll be able to escape this world to the Prolia Roma. It's worth studying. If, if you, if you ready, baffled as to why the elites are obsessed with transgenderism, despite being such a tiny fraction, the population it's worth checking out dualism to see where it comes from. It's a religious belief of this it's Y path, the actress's that you see are secretly men and have the actors' UCL. So you could, the woman's kind of descriptive. Androgyny is part of the religion.

3 (39m 19s):
So, you know, again, policy that is telling you the military to pay for transgenderism is just the elites rubbing on noses in the secret police and dualism, because they won't come out and say, it's gotta be done in the spirit of deception. That's just the point I was going

1 (39m 37s):
To make. Yeah. I'm glad you mentioned that. And for those of you who aren't aware of the symbolism of the twin towers coming down, and then they rebuilt with one tower, that's, that's an example of that. But so there's some, there's some data points that people might not be familiar with about this secret androgyny, you know, there's this, this Weinstein scandal where an actress testified against him under oath and said that he has a penis vagina. And so it was very confusing, the whole kind of the genitals, this guy, even half at the same thing for his testimony that, that Jeffrey Epstein had an egg shaped penis, which is, that's a bizarre thing.

1 (40m 28s):
The hearing and genitals, I mean, what are your thoughts?

3 (40m 32s):
Well, it's the dog was so two other members of the androgen, the worshipers, the saying heads up, this guy's one of us. So it could be code to, you know, it could be code to just tell, tell people, Hey, heads up, you know, get for you because one of us, in case you weren't sure hobbies, one of us, you know, in case you unsure. So there's, there's that the communications comms happens all the time at the very highest level. And, you know, you get used to it when you scan, when you scan the media. You know, when I see, I see a story from ABC about 140 for Monarch butterflies flew down from Mexico.

3 (41m 13s):
And if the ER, yeah, the guys don't try to be a little less obvious next time. So yeah, it could be a code thing Epstein because the Monarch yeah. And well, it was something and it was something to do with the Monarch Mon control. It was obviously a message to someone, Hey, you know, your, whatever your order has been placed or something like that. I have no idea what these messages are, but <inaudible>, that's my question about that.

1 (41m 44s):
Yeah. There's some examples, you know, when, when wine Weinstein was, was walking for his arraignment, you know, and he was in handcuffs, he was carrying books and he was holding them very awkwardly to display the titles of the books and make sure that the video cameras can see them. So that was him signaling whenever, whenever that designer from Kate spade, when she died, you know, or, you know, got suicided or whatever it was her husband put on a rescuers mask, it was really bizarre. Kevin Spacey.

3 (42m 23s):
Right. That was a req mosque. He, you know, that was a wreck mosque. He, yeah. See, this is what happens when you rent, your wife is going to be killed. Well, he didn't ride, she ratchet. Yeah. And so she was hung from the doorknob thing.

1 (42m 39s):
Right. They all, and all sorts of di the same way. Yeah. And Kevin, Kevin Spacey, you know, he, he put out his little video holding a mug. They had the, the British crown, you know, pointed out. So, so he was signaling to that. So yeah, when you start opening your eyes and start looking at all the details and start kinda associating with this Anon Hivemind research community, things pull layer of communication. And there are a lot of Q drops, you know, 5,000 of them to look at it. And then when you read all of them, you start seeing communication all over the place that you were never aware of. The good example is Donald Trump's official statement yesterday, where he talked about 75 million votes plus plus plus one on the huge grass.

1 (43m 27s):
And I searched plus plus plus, and they're all kinds of interesting connections there. Paul, do you have anything to say about that?

3 (43m 35s):
Yes. That plus plus plus was he introduced to us on, I think it was about the 10th of November and it was, it was code. So it was the triangle and he, he put these plus symbols in the triangle. So there was plus plus plus, and then underneath was plus plus, and then the bottom was plus, and the, as far as I remember, they stopped for south Roth child and Soros. Mmm. And those were, those were code. He said, focus on the three for now. These are three families who run the world.

3 (44m 15s):
So it sounds like, and again, he unfolded this over several crops up until, you know, mid December, I think on HN, the Saudis were in charge of six trafficking funding under age six and cooking off the, the tech companies, which we then dug and found out. What's true. We found out for like the Saudis were behind or kinds of tech companies are in the U S like space X for instance, was funded by Suhail Rizvi, who was a very secretive investor with close ties to crown prince Ali had been to LA, it was overthrown. And the November, the fourth, the 2017 CU then there was Rothschild who, or the banking and the financial Kings kingpins say own the world's money, the owner of the central banks, et cetera.

3 (45m 4s):
And then there was Soros George Soros, the Hungarian Jew to Nazi hoo. He he's the he's in charge of basically fermenting the Saint and, and groups of people through his open society foundation. So yeah, the facilitating immigration for facilitating, you know, conflict everywhere. So, I mean, he founded BLM, so he's poured millions of dollars into making sure that the LMR is disruptive and as violence as possible, millions of dollars into the, you know, putting immigrants throughout the waste, that kind of thing. And yeah, he's pretty high up the base.

3 (45m 45s):
There's a Wiki and example on wiki-leaks of Sarah's writing for Hillary saying, Hey, you need to do something about Albania because you know, there's poor news coverage and yeah, we need to get this organized. So it's and Hilary has to jump in because basically she answers to him. Yeah. He he's, he's an anti democratic disruption. And I think, I think it's Albania and sorrows that's behind it. And he wants to the state department, because I think at the time she was a secretary of state to, you know, to put out a statement saying, yeah, well, do they affect it? Georgia's great. And these are democratic revolutionaries and the government is evil.

3 (46m 28s):
So it just a little glimpse into the world of plus a plus plus. So now the president Trump yesterday, and it puts out a, a signal, well, I call it a cute dog whistle on my social media, because it is as soon as you see, plus plus plus from the president, you know, that he's talking to people who know the few drops and he's saying, Hey, there's something something's up with the, the three families here. I don't know which one it is. I don't know whether he, I don't know where the he's specifically saying Saudis or whether he's just getting our attention, that there's something going on behind the scenes, but it was, it was fun to see.

1 (47m 9s):
It would make sense if it would be Soros. Cause he's the one who does the whole vote rigging. But yeah, actually I saw so many, so many drops with the plus plus plus, and I didn't get a chance to dig into all of them to figure out exactly what he was trying to say, but maybe we can report on that next week. Well, Paul, thank you so much. The meeting today, we're going to have a code word from our sponsor and then we'll come back for my final thoughts. Oh, I,

4 (47m 35s):
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6 (48m 59s):
Communications. For me started after a disaster that happened in Indonesia. At the time I was in communications, but more of on a local cellular communications, we started looking for different alternatives to stay connected. Cell towers go down, land lines are no longer available. And they came across technology of satellite communications, everything from Boyce, the data we give people the ability to communicate wherever they want to go, whether it's just helping somebody work remotely or stay safe or feel safe. If they're going off shore or have more redundancy for the business of being able to give people that communications and reliability and really enjoy

7 (49m 42s):
My job, visit private set, today for a free satellite phone, with the purchase of a monthly service plan.

0 (49m 50s):
I'm clay Clark and I'm not going to inventor. And this is my mom. My name is Bob and, and I'm the inventor of the grill. Placer grill.

4 (49m 57s):
Gentlemen, let me introduce you to the grill gun. I want a green that anyway, the code is your equation.

0 (50m 16s):
It's the fairly sophisticated equation and the grill creates fire. The fire plus grilling equals push it. Yeah, it is a lot of fun. <inaudible>

1 (50m 50s):
What an interesting interview with Paul Ferber who helped us get it to a deeper level, understanding that other layer of communication that both the white hats and the deep state used to communicate with each other and to us, we're living in interesting times. It's ready to the Trump is speaking out about childhood vaccinations, vaccinations for young people, for healthy people coming out against those types of vaccinations. The timing is interesting with the world health organization also coming out at the same time, saying vaccinations for young people aren't necessary. This is at a time when the Biden administration is bribing children with X-Box is, and their partnership with Microsoft to try to get children to be vaccinated data.

1 (51m 34s):
There's this big vaccination push get 70% of us to vaccinate, which is never going to happen. The official number is, you know, 42%, but it's probably a lot less than that who have gotten vaccinated. So buy the task force or he's going to unvaccinated areas and trying to push it and influence it at the world. Economic forum has putting out psychological guide headlines, get people with so-called. The vaccine has the tendency, you know, too, to get vaccinations. And the end of the Ohio judge is trying to make COVID-19 vaccinations, the condition of probation. So they're really pushing the vacs hard. And just for the January, the sixth flowing up for the deep states.

1 (52m 17s):
If the us election steel is blowing up in their face with these forensic audits, it's the same. Thing's gonna happen with the vaccine. So I'm going to boomerang back, big pharma is going to have blood on their hands. They're going to be legally and financially liable. And so we just have to wait the longer I believe. And we're going to come to an interesting conclusion to that as well. You for watching the Sean Morgan report, you can get my newsletter at Sean Morgan Report dot com. You can find Paul Furber's free book and Paul, and you can join us every Friday, 6:00 PM. Eastern here on AmericanMediaPeriscope dot net. Thank you everyone. Have a great weekend and God bless <inaudible>.