The Sean Morgan Report

Breaking History Ep 5: Kennedy's Silver and Gold Certificates Making A Comeback?

Sean Morgan

Join us as we pull back the curtain on some of the most powerful international intelligence bodies. With the expertise of Matthew Errett from the Canadian Patriot Review and the Rising Tide Foundation, we expose the alarming truths of NATO, the Five Eyes, and the Canadian Security Intelligence Establishment (CESIS). Prepare yourself as we delve into the clandestine world of these organizations, revealing their historical manipulations of the perception of threats for their own gains.

Our journey takes us through America's transformation into the enforcer for the new world order and the influential figures who orchestrated this change. We'll delve into the 1950's, 60's, and 70's, uncovering the clandestine strategies and policies of notable figures like the Kennedys, J. Edgar Hoover, Alan Dulles, and Reinhardt Galen. The conversation doesn't stop there! We'll also reveal how the BRICS nations are currently challenging the hegemony of the Five Eyes and how France seems poised to join that fight.

As we expose these powerful entities, we'll go beyond the realm of politics, venturing into the intricacies of the global economy. We'll dissect the impact of the trilateral commission's globalization efforts and how it has led to infrastructure decay and labor exploitation. Stay with us as we tackle the role of gold in currency issues, exploring potential solutions for a looming financial crisis. And finally, brace yourself as we discuss the implications of a systemic breakdown. This is an episode brimming with revelations, insights, and the unvarnished truth you don't want to miss!

Sean Morgan quizzes historian Matt Ehret about breaking news headlines in the context of suppressed history.
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Breaking History is
Sean Morgan:
Matt Ehret:

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Breaking History. My name is Sean Morgan. I'm the host of the Sean Morgan Report over at Amped News and I'm here with Matthew Errett of the Canadian Patriot Review and the Rising Tide Foundation. Matt, you're doing really great work putting out documentaries, speaking at events. Tell me the latest that you've been up to.

Speaker 2:

Well, the latest, as you pointed out, have been really trying to promote a new documentary on the ugly truth of NATO. Operation Gladiator, the Five Eyes and CISIS, which is the Canadian version of the CIA, Itself grew out of an embarrassing phenomenon in the 70s when it was discovered through an inquiry, a public inquiry that our intelligence service, which was a special operations branch of the RCMP not exactly the deadly due rates we were sold in Iraqi and Boeulinkle were actually responsible for controlling, carrying out and even deploying terrorist cells throughout the 1960s and into the 70s, called the FLQ, and they were caught red-handed taking munitions from RCMP arsenals and giving it to those in those cells who were being handled by the RCMP handlers. Rcmp officers were found spray painting FLQ symbols, which was the name of this Maoist, leninist terrorist group that was setting up bombs all over Montreal and Quebec more broadly, which justified a martial law with tanks on the streets overseen by the first Trudeau dictator back in October 1970 and the murder of one of our leading, probably the last authentic Christian statesman, the deputy premier of Quebec named Pierre Laporte. So when those revelations went public, a new civilian agency had to be created to take the, to rebrand that special operations unit of the RCMP and that became CESIS, the Canadian Security Intelligence Establishment, and it's been sort of carrying out the same thing and in the documentary we go through some of the dirty tricks that they've been caught red-handed doing.

Speaker 2:

As far as running, one of the key CESIS agents, grant Bristol, was deployed to create a domestic terror white supremacist group in Canada in 1989 called the Heritage Front, which leaked reports proved he was a CESIS agent who not only created but then managed this thing, which again was used to justify more expansive controls over our security, based on this threat of domestic terror, which has obviously been repackaged again for a modern era, both by the FBI in the US as well as some Canadian variants which try to basically say that anybody who is defending freedom, whether you're a trucker or other, against mandates, you must be a Nazi. But then the actual Nazis who were running things like the RCMP Special Operations Unit and the CIA and FBI after World War II, the actual leading Nazis who were never punished in Nuremberg and ended up taking control of our government. So, along with their retreat and banking controllers, those things you're not allowed to call Nazi. It's only if you call them Nazi that you're a Nazi. Apparently that's the new rule of the game. So we tried to showcase a lot of this history.

Speaker 2:

The Five Eyes what is the Five Eyes? Why does the US have these devils packed with the British to after World War II? And we did this in the context of trying to ask is it true what CISIS is telling Canadians about Chinese government election interference into Canada, which all has emerged over the past few months? And it's really driving Canadians into a frenzy of fear porn about the big bed Chinese commie infiltration of Canada and our election process, which again all stems from a CISIS anonymous, a classified report that nobody's really seen. But we're all supposed to be afraid and angry just like we were throughout the Cold War. So yeah, it's a pretty hardcore documentary. I hope people like it.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, matt, my headset just went out. I have to go grab the other one. But I did want to find out the chain of command for this CIA of Canada. Are they actually under, you think the British, or is the CIA calling the shots? You can answer that I'm gonna go grab my other headsets and you can just keep going. Sorry about that.

Speaker 2:

No, that's a great question. Sean knows that he could throw something like that at me and I'll just go yeah, what Sean asked is an important question and it deals with a fallacy, a mythology that's been created. I think people who have already watched previous episodes of Breaking History understand this. The British Empire never disappeared. We've been told that the British Empire disbanded its empire, let its colonies go free after World War II and now it's an American empire that took up the new role. That's not true, and so, in the course of the documentary and a lot of other things in my book series, I think pretty well that not only is that a lie, but that the same day that CESIS was, that sort of the Five Eyes was created, of which CESIS is a new Canadian branch that works with the CSE, the Communication Security Establishment, which is sort of the Canadian version of the NSA. This was created on March 6th 1946. This was the same day that Winston Churchill delivered his Iron Curtain speech, calling for an Anglo-Saxon alliance and an integration of US and British systems to control the world, essentially Same day, and that was when the UK-USA signals agreement was also created. Right, that was the base of the Five Eyes, which was soon joined by Canada, australia, new Zealand, with the USA and Britain.

Speaker 2:

Now people are often told that Britain is the one being led by the big bad USA, but the reality is that no, the US has been turned into the dumb giant, as an analyst, who I appreciate Mike Billington has called it over the recent years, and over the dead bodies of people like Bobby Kennedy, john F Kennedy, who tried to resist this transformation of the USA from a sovereign, anti-imperial, pro-development nation which it once was. That's America's heritage, that's what makes America good, and they resisted it. They were gunned down and the transformation of America into this weapon of empire where it became the enforcer coming out of World War II, britain was a very weak economy. America was a very strong economy, so that's why, especially through the military, it was the only country that wasn't devastated by the war and it came out with a huge productive power on every level. And the military was something which was chosen to be used as a battering ram against small countries that wanted their independence and increasingly, the enemies of Franklin Roosevelt once Roosevelt was dead on April 12th 1945, took control. They purged the US intelligence as well as the US government of its patriots, who were all labeled red commies because they all wanted an alliance of cooperation with nations like Russia and China, who were all of a sudden supposed to be our enemies, even though Russia and China took on something like 92% of the German and Japanese fascist Wehrmacht and Japanese war machine. That was 10 million Chinese who fought and died to stop the Japanese success and it was 28 million Russians who died.

Speaker 2:

Stopping the success of the Nazi war machine Like this is a huge amount of sacrifice and they were working as brothers in arms with the United States when it was still sane in fighting against this Wall Street. London funded operation to create a new world order. So all of a sudden, of course, they had to become our enemies, and the Nazis and the Japanese fascists that were our enemies during World War II had to become our allies. Who began getting jobs like Alan Della started hiring leading Nazis who were never punished at Nuremberg. Reinhardt Galen became the in charge of Western and intelligence. You had I think it was something like eight Nazis consecutively were in charge of NATO's Central European Command. The Supreme Allied Commander of NATO for a certain period was a leading SS officer, and it goes on and on.

Speaker 2:

I mean it's huge, but it was always British GCHQ and MI6 at the helm shaping the policy and shaping the behavior around which the new rewired deep state would control and take control of the US foreign policy and domestic policy throughout the 1950s, 60s, 70s, and they were helped by certain Scottish right free Masonic outfits like the FBI that were run by 33rd degree Freemason fanatic cross dresser pervert J Edgar Hoover, who oversaw eight American presidents right Eight that's a huge amount of influence for this guy and ran the United States as a dictatorship where children were telling on their parents to their teachers. I was reading about these different case studies on the 1950s and 60s where teachers were telling students if you hear your parents speaking about anti-imperialism or things like that that criticize the government they are, you have to report them to the teacher, and students were doing this. Parents were losing their job. Some parents were going to jail because they were speaking about anti-imperialism, which was supposed to be a sign that you were a communist. And that's what J Edgar Hoover, the messaging of mockingbird CIA, mockingbird media that was overseen by Alan Dulles were putting forth into the zeitgeist. And so there was this climate of fear and terror of your neighbor, of being caught, of being overheard saying things that were politically unwise to say, that could get your security clearance destroyed, your job destroyed, your career destroyed.

Speaker 2:

And America? This is an unresolved trauma that a lot of Americans haven't resolved. They haven't worked out their trauma and because they've been ignoring what happened to us and I say Canadians as well, as you know, we're America as well we are thus susceptible to having these different hypnotic trances induced upon us by those who cast the spells and created the trauma back in the 50s and 60s. And we're falling for the exact same Kool-Aid, the same beat that we fell for back in the day.

Speaker 2:

And it's all being revived once again around the big bed Chinese and Russian super villains that we should be afraid of and we should be, you know, even promote war with, if it means saving our freedoms. The same thing was done with the Freedom Fries, you know, when we were all when the Soviet Union collapsed. People wonder, well, how was it that Islamic terrorism became all of a sudden like the number one hot button issue? And it's like. Well, if you look at who created 9-11, who created Al Qaeda, who created the first 9-11 attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, this is the FBI.

Speaker 1:

It's the same playbook that you described in Canada, where they fund the terrorism and then they use the terrorism as an excuse to grab more power. So it's this Anglo-American establishment, the Five Eyes, and these Commonwealth nations that we saw the pandemic and all of the tyranny was concentrated in those countries foremost, and now we've got the BRICS nations kind of challenging that hegemony and France, you know, is now making some signals that they're willing to challenge it. Can you talk about that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely. Well, that's the weird thing. I'm not a fan of Macron. I don't think anybody who's saying should be a fan of Macron. But at the same time, macron is not an island.

Speaker 2:

There is a whole French establishment around him that has a massive amount of influence, both in the, especially in the business sector. Total France is still one of the primary nuclear economies of the world. They have 70% of their energy from nuclear power. They're one of the only viable industrial bases left in Europe that otherwise has been just as hollowed out as Philadelphia and the United States has been hollowed out. So Germany and France are sort of the two viable industrial economies that have not been torn down yet, although there is an effort to do that, as we see with the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline and other viable energy policies that otherwise could keep Europe from collapsing. That's being destroyed by the Anglo-American program to create a proxy war with Russia and China. Now there's a push to break Europe off of China completely, just like what we have being cleaved in the United States.

Speaker 2:

So Macron has actually done some interesting things. Number one he came back from his last visit to China, where he was basically dragged by the collar by the French business community Basically saying, okay, we're going to start Settling transactions of natural gas in Chinese yuan instead of US dollars, which is a big thing and a big no-no. The other thing that he did just five days ago is he Said France is gonna veto the NATO office, the liaison office in Tokyo. Now what is that? Well, you know there's, there's a push for global NATO. It's been already put forth for many years to create a global one-world police force around Military hegemony, around NATO, which was formerly supposed to be disbanded. Really, after the Soviet Union collapsed it lost its mandate. It was only created To get around the US, the UN Security Council, which gave Russia and China some veto right on what military policy Happens in the world. So they had to get around that. They created NATO, again staffed by Nazis, and as a way to sort of fight the war against communism, and the five eyes were the eyes and ears and Encounter intelligence of NATO.

Speaker 2:

But when the Soviet Union collapsed, nato should have disappeared. Not only did they not disappear it, it went from 15 to now, today, 30 Member states. It's gonna be 31, with Sweden Becoming a member, which now Turkey has pulled back and said they're gonna allow Turkey, as Sweden to be a member, despite the fact that Sweden is harboring harboring terrorist groups that have been, that have carried out acts of terrorism Against Turkey. But despite that, I don't know what the hell happened. What threats occurred against Erdogan of the backrooms, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

But it's expanded, and not only did it expand on the Atlantic side, around Russia's soft underbelly, but now they want to bring it into the what's known as the quad, which involves Australia being a member of the Pacific NATO, south Korea, japan, india and, effectively, taiwan is a proxy NATO country. Japan would be the key entry point, since Japan is the most controlled of all of those nations of the Pacific, behind Australia, obviously, japan having 50,000 US troops still stationed on Japan as a military colony of the United States. Unfortunately, it's not a sovereign country and the Japanese militarists that were never punished after World War two, who carried out genocide against American troops as well as Chinese and Russian POWs, those Japanese Figures, those killers, were turned into war heroes, just as they were in many other Eastern European country, in Finland and not in Ukraine, in Estonia and Lithuania, where we have many of these former Nazi collaborating killers who are celebrated three, four generations after World War two as great heroes of the war. Same problem in Japan, and the Japanese have this sort of militaristic problem that hasn't been resolved from the old samurai days. I don't fully understand all of the dynamics, but it's being used and cultivated by the Japanese handlers.

Speaker 2:

So they wanted to create a NATO office in Tokyo, which was about to happen, until France stepped in and said, no, we're gonna veto that, which is good, very good.

Speaker 2:

And Then France also applied to join the bricks.

Speaker 2:

Not to apply, but they applied to join the bricks conference, the summit in South Africa at the end of this month, which is a big summit that's going to feature.

Speaker 2:

There's 44 nations which have all signed on and applied to be members of the bricks, plus grouping which is increasingly taking on a coherence that we've never seen before. South, you know, middle Eastern countries, many 14 African nations, many Latin American nations, caribbean and other in Asian, but now to have France also playing a positive role is unacceptable and I think it's only when you look at all of these things that we can understand why France is being destabilized To this day through this. You know the riots that people are told oh yeah, that's the people angry against the abusive French government and it's like yeah, kind of. But no, there's the hand of color revolutionary of warfare, fifth generation warfare tactics underway right now to do asymmetric destabilizations of France, to bring them back in the line with the great game, instead of them playing a role in the, you know, the more rational New system that is fighting against the death cult in Eurasia.

Speaker 1:

So there are some, some very influential, wealthy, powerful people in France and other places who are now realizing they don't want to go along with this Anglo-American Plan to destabilize their own countries because there's an alternative. They can settle their business deals and other currencies perhaps a bricks currency and I want to talk to you about that because of some comments that Robert Kennedy Jr Made and and in the whole anticipation of this meeting in South Africa in August, where they might even be announcing that they're gonna be releasing a gold banked, a gold backed or commodity backed Digital currency. So this is, these are just huge tectonic shifts geopolitically. That could be happening and I want to dig into that. But let's talk about our sponsors. We've got my pillow. I want to play a new video here for my pillow, so people can get an idea of a Really cool, cool promotion that's going on here. So I'm gonna play that Just one moment.

Speaker 3:

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Speaker 4:

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Speaker 3:

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Speaker 1:

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Speaker 1:

And so I want to get back to the subject at hand, which was the idea that this meeting in August in South Africa, where the the Russian Embassy Alluded that they're going to be doing a gold backed currency announcement, and there are all kinds of signals that that's why they chose Durban, south Africa, and so forth. And now we've got RFK Jr Talking about a Bitcoin backed American currency, referencing his uncle JFK's silver and gold certificates. So I was wondering if you could take us back in time to how significant JFK's proposals for currency were and Perhaps what he was fighting against and why he was assassinated.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm, yeah, it's. It's an important and it is a complex topic in some ways, but it has a simplicity to it that I think is important and often lacking. For the first part, on the on the bricks question, yeah, I think it's inevitable that You'd have to be really under a rock or really working very hard to hold on to the illusion that somehow the system that we have known for the past 50 years is gonna somehow come back to normal. It ain't gonna happen like the system was designed to blow it's. It was designed to have a time bomb function built into what was created in 1970 71, when the US dollar was floated from the gold reserve fixed exchange rate system under Nixon and specifically George Shultz and Kissinger, who were managing that policy on behalf of what became the, the trilateral Commission. It was a David Rockefeller group that was set up under the helm of Kissinger and Zabigny Brzezinski.

Speaker 2:

This thing was behind everything that, everything bad that you could imagine that happened to the world over the past 50 years. Yet you can't understand it if you don't look at the trilateral Commission. So the, the cutting off of the dollar from the fixed exchange gold gold reserve standard Was was a key coup that established a new type of paradigm of banking that was premised around the idea that you could always just create more debt without creating anything of real value in the real, what's called physical economy. Everything just became financialized. So people were looking at numbers on stock market broker balance sheets and just looking at the price valuations of commodities being speculated upon on the Nasdaq or New York Stock Exchange, and they forgot about reality. Right Like the decay of the water management systems, that we need to have access to water. Our highway systems are our basic electricity grids all of these things were allowed to atrophy the means of producing food and and Finished goods for our own needs as a people, to be a sovereign economy.

Speaker 2:

That was disbanded as we went for what was called globalization, and all globalization was was a system of empire where you basically told nation states that no longer will you have an influence over regulating banks, regulating the economy using protectionism. Everyone's gonna abide by the rules of, you know, global free markets and, as such, the the cheapest price is gonna become the law. Everything we're gonna do is, is is going to be geared now towards seeking to buy low, sell dear. We want cheap goods. We don't want good quality goods. We don't want high-paid labor, we want cheap sweatshops in China producing crap, with poor people doing work, using obsolete technology to feed our dollar stores, while our Dollar buying power is going to obviously diminish as our nation loses the ability to produce for itself and we became consumers without the ability to produce.

Speaker 2:

The producing class of Asia mostly, but also Mexico, became the workers, who would be too Poor to consume what they produce, and no nation would then have the strength to stand on its own two feet and the only people who would be Advent in an advantageous position would be the middlemen, above the nations, the, the increased, you know, integrated corporate, corporate interests and banking interests that had Converged, things like the Bilderberger group, the globalist, you know, meeting group, and their their junior partner, the Davos groupings that became the coordinating hands behind the new world order now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a type of feudal system where the big shareholders control everything and then everyone is purposefully prevented from prosperity.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, yeah, exactly that. And so in that sense it was a, it was a might makes right Hobbesian world of dog eat dog, you know, each against all. And so this idea of this ultra Darwinian survival of the thinnest logic that was like told to just run amok, that was behind the creation of NAFTA, which Henry Kissinger called the greatest step towards the New World Order, nafta 1992. This is the idea, or the creation of the Maastricht Maast, I can't pronounce this. Maastricht, it's a German word treaty that created the euro, that got rid of that, abolished the rights of any European country from emitting their own currency, controlling their own credit using protectionism. The euro system crushed that and it put private corporations and private banks into a position of greater power than any sovereign nation state, which should never be the case.

Speaker 2:

That's why we created sovereign nation states to begin with, centuries ago, back in 1648, was so that the people would have a power to fight against the rapacious oligarchs who always wanted to keep us in a feudal slave state. That's why we organized ourselves, created self government and an idea of nations that would be able to use both as a defensive shield but also as an offensive weapon against that very oligarchal agency that's been trying to repaciously keep us controlled since the days of ancient Rome and Babylon. So we were told. Now, in the new age of globalization, that's old wisdom. We don't use nation states anymore. They're disruptive, they're selfish, they don't play a role in the global markets. That's why we have things like the World Trade Organization that was brought online to create the new rules of what's called the rules based international order, of which there's no rules written down. What that is? It's really just the Anglo-American dominance of the world that everybody has to somehow abide by, and if you don't, you're breaking the rules, and that's what the president is doing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's just one of their buzzwords. They like to talk about democracy and the world order and rules based order, but it's all just buzzwords for their democracy, their order, right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly their rights to rape and pillage as they see fit, unhingered by morality. So, again, that's why what the BRICS plus nations are doing right now is so very important, because it breaks the rules of the established order that they have wished to bring online for a very long time. And it involves you know, it's not really, it doesn't fit any of the categories that we've been given, that we're expected to fit the world into in a simplistic way, because you have, you know, it's not capitalist, it's not communist, it's not socialist, it's not totalitarian, it's not fascist, it's national, it's. You have a whole bunch of nations and civilizational interests that all recognize that they're being targeted for destruction, as we always have been, that have created a coalition of survival and have recognized that the system that currently has been dominating for the past 50, 60 years is collapsing. It will collapse.

Speaker 2:

We will get a new system, but now the fight is whether the operating structure of that new system is going to be premised around the sort of thing that we see from the death cult technocrats of transhumist you know the transhumanist vibes around Klaus Schwab who want to create a stakeholder capitalist idea of a new green, eco economy, which really just is another way of saying depopulation.

Speaker 2:

You know, which is what Mark Carney has said, when he you know the green central banker, the green eco warrior central banker, mark Carney that Canada gave to the world, I'm so sorry has said that, you know, for those companies that can make the shift to the green economy and decarbonize, you will be rewarded handsomely, and for those companies that fail to make that shift, you will cease to exist.

Speaker 2:

And he said this type of thing many times. So a lot of the nations, as well as the companies, the private sector here, are these sorts of things and they're like well, we have to now fight back for the first time, and many of these companies in France or in the United States that were behind, I think, and still are a big dynamic of what could possibly allow the US to survive the coming storm and extract the deep state involves the actual useful industrialist capitalist inside of America that recognize that they're being targeted for destruction and have to organize right now to create a new type of environment, the way that we saw with 2016,. That has to be done on hypergear, possibly with a Bobby Kennedy Jr Trump alliance of some sort. That I believe has to happen and I think a lot of people are thinking on these terms, which then is able to figure the.

Speaker 2:

United States so that it can join the BRICS discussions for a new currency system, industrial development and yeah, I mean the idea of having crypto with a basket of different types of commodities gold, silver, other things that have a precedent in the better US history. That would be a very viable and I think it will be inevitable that that is something that is increasingly going to be brought online in the BRICS.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you mentioned that the BRICS are something that can't be easily categorized and I think that conservatives and really anyone in the political sphere tries to just say well, the BRICS are just controlled by China.

Speaker 1:

China is the enemy, china wants to have the world's reserve currency, and so I think that that's an oversimplification. And especially, we're going to see in August and beyond what the BRICS nations actually decide to do. But it does seem to me that a way to preserve the sovereignty and the control of the credit and the control of the issuance of their own currency, and everything would be very simplified with just a simple gold backed currency. So all of the nations would have their own currency. They'd still issue it themselves, the self-control of their own credit, but they would have to back it with gold reserves, so it would still be interchangeable with each other. Now, a basket of currencies might be kind of complicated to calculate. What are your thoughts on that? As far as like what is the most intuitive, logical thing that the BRICS nations would do to challenge the hegemony of the US dollar?

Speaker 2:

It would probably be multi-phased. At first, the US dollar is still the hegemonic currency that I think something like 70% or so of the international transactions and balance and settling of payments, trading balances and other things happen through use of US dollar reserves. But the proportion that is replacing that coming from Ruples, rupees, juana especially, and other local currencies that are affiliated with those allies of the BRICS, is increasing at a vast, vast rate. So I don't think that. I think at first you might see it as sort of a way to get around US sanctions, because that's one of the best tools for the US military industrial complex to sanction, to conduct economic warfare against countries you don't like is through sanctioning them, which kills I mean, it kills a lot of people. If you can cripple a nation's economy, you destroy the people's ability to feed themselves. It's a murderous policy of sanctioning that we've been doing to Iran and many other countries. I don't even think there's more than like 20 countries in the world that we have not sanctioned. That being said, having this type of alternative currency basket does get you around that danger. It also empowers those nations to be able to integrate and cooperate with, creating alternative market baskets that they can now do business with and sell to, which obviously has huge benefits, but it also creates, if it's done and it is, if you look at how economics and political economy more broadly are defined by a lot of these countries of Eurasia. It's a different set of rules and norms of practice, a different set of value. So, like the things that you would get trained to do in studying business management or macroeconomics in Harvard or Yale, and then you'd go to work in Wall Street or a think tank a lot of those types of ways of thinking about political economy that we do as a matter of course in the West, you would go to jail trying to do that same sort of thing in China, like speculating on derivative contracts or making derivative contracts based upon increasing rates of artificial speculative capital as debt that is not based on anything real. You go to jail for gambling with other people's money. That's why China didn't get rid of their Glass-Steagall law, where every other nation did so. They maintained a separation of commercial and investment banking in China. That's the only country in the world that maintained a solid separation. So if you invest in something that it's not like, you're not allowed. To invest in speculation, you're allowed, but you cannot expect people's savings and the clean part of the banking system to be integrated with that practice. And if one of those banks do collapse after gambling, well, it's allowed to collapse. It's not going to be bailed out by the state, which is the case in the US and the broader West, which is very different. So we have two big defiles.

Speaker 2:

China has a state-driven economy based upon national economics, so do so do increasingly many of its allies. So the idea of building, emitting credit for specific projects that are five, 10, 20, 30 years, is the sort of thing that what we see en masse in in terms of looking at what they're doing in Eurasia or in the Middle East, where there's a reconstruction program, or increasingly Saudi Arabia, which is getting off of this oil speculation trip that they've been stuck on for too long. They're actually looking at building high speed rail, industrial corridors, things that take a long time, and it's the project that defines the behavior of the capital in a way that allows for the private sector to flourish. There's a blossoming private sector, but at the same time, it doesn't negate the existence of national power, it's. They both go together. And when you look at John F Kennedy, that's exactly what we had was a system of national economics with long term planning. The biggest and this is where I hope Robert F Kennedy Jr is really really studied his uncle's program, because that's where America built something like 70 hydroelectric massive dams in the short three year period John F Kennedy was in power. He organized the system using, like investment tax credits so that if you were productive enterprise, well, you wouldn't have to pay taxes. If you were going to service and build your, your service stations or apply new R&D, if those investments would, would not be taxed, because you want to. You want to make it more profitable, to do things that are both good for your shareholders and also good for your nation at the same time, not one or the other. So that's where there was, like the biggest hard infrastructure and soft infrastructure revolutions going on under John F Kennedy's administration, which was really something that was embedded in the best US American constitutional economic practices going back to your the 181791.

Speaker 2:

And Donald Trump even spoke about this, too, when Donald Trump gave a speech where he said his Kentucky speech in 2017. He described this as the the American model, and I have a quote here where Trump says the Republican Party, the party of Abraham Lincoln, goes forward united, determined and ready to welcome millions of Democrats, independence and anyone who believes in the greatness of America and the righteous heart of the American people. The American model this is the system our founders wanted. Our greatest American leaders, including George Washington, alexander Hamilton, jackson Lincoln they all agreed that for America to be a strong nation, it must also be a great manufacturing nation, says Donald Trump.

Speaker 2:

That's a powerful understanding of what the oligarchy has been trying to destroy from within and from without for the past 250 years is America as a manufacturing nation that could produce for itself and thus trade fairly not free, but fair trade with other nations where, after you produce for what your people need you, the excess production can be the basis of international exchange. So it's not like you're isolationist, it's just that you're caring about high quality labor in your nation as well as high quality labor in other nations that all look out for your common self interest. And it's not like you're angels, but it's just common sense self interest. It's better to do that than to have never ending wars or gamble with with non existent debt. Right, it's common sense. It'll last longer and you'll be in a safer, secure, happier world when you do that, which is very pragmatic, and that's what I see coming out of Russia, china, india, pakistan, many of the other nations that have had enough of the whole global empire way of doing things.

Speaker 1:

That's what Trump ran on. That's what he won on in 2016 is this idea of American greatness and you could really just replace the word great or greatness with productive. You know, that's what he ran on was the idea of that we we gave away our productivity and our manufacturing base to China, and now we need to reclaim that and rebuild that, and so it's going to be really interesting to see Robert Kennedy and Trump, you know, on the campaign trail talking about these things, these commonalities. Can you talk about the silver certificates and the gold certificates of Kennedy? Because RFK junior brought this up in a recent video where he basically endorsed Bitcoin and lambasted fiat currency. So this is you know when, when? It's not since Ron Paul running for president has anyone really touched this issue of fiat currency.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So for me and I'm still trying to wrap my head around this, because for the longest time I was of the opinion that JFK had because we all know where we should know about his executive order 1110 that called that granted the treasury the right to issue silver certificates. That was done, I think, in 1963, in June 63 or something. It wasn't soon thereafter that Kennedy died. Now there was there was a twofold problem. I'm still trying to fully wrap my head around. Number one the price. Kennedy understood physical economy. He understood productivity. He understood industrial production as being key to independence. So one of the problems is that the industrial use of silver was increasing at a greater rate than the monetary basis of silver at silver itself. Having silver as the basis of a currency so just having like having silver hoarded in vaults to be a basis of reserve for currency in in circulation had less value than actually having a silver in industrial production and the value was was something like 80% higher in the industrial base than it was in the US currency market. So that that was a weird thing that JFK was trying to figure out. How do I resolve that problem? He obviously valued and I value production more than I'm not. I'm not like somebody who just looks at metal by itself, but metal plays a role in all sorts of industrial needs. So I don't fully get the dynamics fully, fully of what JFK was trying to. I'm just investigating now. I'm going to write something next week after I fully wrap my head around the nuance of it all.

Speaker 2:

But RFK RFK junior did make a point that he would circulate, I think, 1% at first of a deep treasury bills in the form of something that would be crypto based and probably also a silver, gold based or backed, which is a common sense and, I think, smart thing to do. We've been living in a fiat system where there's nothing backing money's value except for speculation of what currency speculators like George Soros say that they think the money should be worth, based upon completely irrelevant standards. Like you know, they would be able to do that. So on the price of currencies premised around, in the case of the US, the price of oil, because it's the petrodollar right since 1973, all oil around the OPEC nations would only be paid for in US dollars. So that tied the US currency, detached from the US gold reserve system, ever more deeply into the price of oil products and the value there on the spot futures market, which then became completely, you know, devoid. You could have what cost? Maybe $2 and 50 cents to make a barrel of oil in Saudi Arabia, and then they were paying for 80, 90, $120 a barrel on the spot markets caused by people like Soros or other speculators who don't care about reality. They just care about making money with money and gambling on the prices of what they think think it might be worth, like as if you were at a market, so that increasingly then that insanity shaped the value then of of currencies themselves.

Speaker 2:

So you definitely want that's fiat. That's, that's a currency based on nothing real. There's no reserves in the banks of gold or anything like that. China has been hoarding and buying up slowly and it's been doing massive amounts of gold for a couple of decades and it's really quite astounding. So is Russia. We don't even know the exact price. It's they, you know, but they're aware that we need to create something that's going to have a reasonable standard around which the new currency system is going to be based.

Speaker 2:

And gold is something we can all agree on has intrinsic value, both for industrial but also just because it has it's been. It's it's sort of like a legacy thing that's been going on for thousands of years. And I would say, just warn people, it's not the goal that causes the value, and it's not because people want the goal that it has value. It's rather because we we have a physical economy with productive processes that can always leap beyond the limits of growth by encouraging new discoveries and inventions. And in the minds of people, which is the core of the cause of all resources, is the mind of people, where the, where the resource that creates resources, which is why overpopulation is a myth. It's good to have more people, because that means more problem solvers, if you treat them well and don't treat them like a beast right, because that every baby in Africa doesn't have to be mining cobalt for our solar panels in Congo as we have today. These babies, if they were given a real human, you know experience, could be the, the roots in the Beethoven's and the Einstein's and the mox plonks, making discoveries into fundamental laws of reality and benefiting our society In an immortal way. So that's the cause of the real value.

Speaker 2:

And if you want to choose silver and gold, to like Mechanically hook the behavior of your monetary system so that you can't just print money infinitely, that's great, but at the end of the day, we always have to have the understanding that it's it's, it's this deeper, spiritual, metaphysical Process that generates the whole force of value to begin with. At the end of the day, because even their gold can still be manipulated. You know, like in the. We've seen this in the 19th century. You know, in the, the British bankers were able to hoard and control the gold Production zones, the gold commodities, and then also shape the price of gold, kind of like the abuses of crypto, where sometimes crypto is often, unfortunately, that's what Achilles heels is. It's, it's, its value is based upon speculation and not on reality.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can thinking now of the founding fathers creating, you know, the different branches of government to try to prevent manipulation and tyranny and have checks and balances. We need the same type of thing for money where we don't allow the manipulation or it's difficult to manipulate, and I think that's what's so seductive about Bitcoin, the limited supply and the Set protocol and that kind of thing. So very interesting that someone running for president is talking about Bitcoin tied to an American currency and now the bricks. You know the Russian embassy alluding to gold being having the limited supply and making it harder to manipulate compared to what the bankers do now and the central bankers. So let's take a pause here and talk about our sponsors, because we're gonna. I don't want to forget about them. They are what's keeping Badlands running right now. We've got the flying gang run. Come run company.

Speaker 1:

It's an America first made in Florida. It's Patriot owned, woman owned a luxury brand of handcrafted rum made from pure Florida sugar cane Aged in ex bourbon barrels and then select cask finished. Flying gang rum has no added sugar, colors, flavoring or adulterance of any kind. Is pure rum and they're changing the perception of what sping rum is all about. So flying gang rum is to Florida, what wine is to Napa and bourbon is to Kentucky and whiskey to Tennessee. This iconic rum is made in the USA for the connoisseur and it's a light, aromatic, sipping rum that has been perfected to offer an experience that captures the rich history and unique character of handcrafted rum. So you can check out that. It's a flying gang rum. They transferred to a time when Florida's seas were wild and untamed. It's an amazing rum. You can check that out. Go to flying gang calm Slash shop rum. Use promo code badlands for free shipping over a hundred dollars and you can get that in the link in the description below.

Speaker 1:

We also have the bootleg products. Aspiring to be, the Patriot grocery store started six years ago by sheer will and determination, mike started making bootleg salsa out of his kitchen and bootlegging it to people in his community, and Customer demand led to his exit from the IT world and bootleg products was born. So it's from a small beginnings. The Mike now delivers his products to over 350 grocery stores in the Midwest and bootleg is independently operated by Mike and his family a true American first legacy. So they've gone from offering just a few varieties of salsa to like a full array of products to fit any taste buds. So they have chili sauces, seasonings, dressings and more. So, yeah, let's, let's go to the link in the description below. You can get the bootleg products it's bootleg products, calm and you can use that promo code badlands for a free bottle of taco seasoning.

Speaker 1:

Well, we've got about 11 minutes left, and so I want to kind of Round out our topic here, because we are on the precipice of a big change. We've got the class swabs of the world, the five eyes, the Anglo-American establishment, as you've called it. They want to tank this system that, as you pointed out, as well as a ticking time bomb from the moment it was conceived. So we can't even pay off this debt. It's not possible, so it's going to implode. Probably they're going to try to trigger that somehow.

Speaker 1:

They want to release their own Centralized programmable money. They've been publishing that everywhere, on the Bank of International Settlements website and so forth. We've got the Fed now system being launched in the US this month, so they're getting their tentacles involved in surveilling every transaction in the United States and everything that's involved in international transactions that involve American banks, and so the system is gonna tank. They're gonna try to launch something. They'll probably use XRP or some kind of technology like that, and what's the alternative? Looks like it's gold Bitcoin, the bricks currency. You know, as I'm kind of talking about the subject, what's coming to mind for you, matt?

Speaker 2:

well. What's coming to mind for me is the inevitability of an emergency conference around the. You have to sort of like, put yourself vicariously into the shoes of Statesmen and people in general Living through the next wave of the breakdown of the system. It's a systemic breakdown Now. We've never lived through that in our living experience.

Speaker 2:

The the closest thing that I could find is some combination of what happened in 1922, 23 in Germany and Weimar that Resulted in a controlled hyperinflation, a destruction of the germ. Are once the once viable germ are German Mark that that people were were were using this toilet paper or burning Billion-dollar bills to keep warm, because it was easier to find that than it was toilet burn money, then then then to find toilet paper. So it lost all value. And it was done by designed by those who are organizing the League of Nations, which came about at the same time as they were creating the Treaty of Versailles, the so-called debt repayments, which were designed to be impossible levels of repayment after World War one, an artificial war that never should have Happened to begin with, done and organized completely by British geopolitical designs and manipulation. There's no reason for it. So there's some combination of that, but now, instead of it just being Weimar Germany. It's global, it's a global hyperinflation, everything but concentrated in the transatlantic at this point because, you know, again, those bricks plus nations are increasingly getting out of the, the cage that was lit on fire, and some combination of the Dileveraging of the system of 1929, block Tuesday I, which saw the banking system melt down under a controlled trigger of the selling of broker call loans or the calling in of broker call loans on a coordinated fashion that triggered the collapse of the overinflated US stock markets that ushered in four years of starvation on the streets of America and the Great Depression. So we got some combination of both. We don't know exactly what form that's going to take, but there's eight billion of us on the earth For the first time, a viable coalition of sovereign nation states and civilizational systems which have broken free and are trying to create something based upon a much more reasonable set of standards. We're going to have an emergency conference. The conference might look something like what we saw during that two week period in New Hampshire the Bretton Woods Conference, of course.

Speaker 2:

At nearing the end of World War II, that saw 46 countries get together to discuss, well, what will be the new system after World War II. Now, at the time the Cold War had not been initiated yet, the Anglo-American special relationship had not been created yet, the Five Eyes, the CIA, had not been created yet there were still many more patriots and very high levels of influence within the US and Canadian governments that had not been purged yet. And the overarching design. That's why the idea of a fixed exchange rate was settled by Harry Dexter White, who led the US delegation, against the one world globalist like John Maynard, who promoted a one world boncourt, one world currency, at Bretton Woods, representing the Bank of England, saying the Bank of England and the Bank of International Settlements should control this new global boncourt. That would then be the basis of a contraction of the world population because he was a big follower of Maltes as well and the limitation of industrial growth in colonized, dark skinned areas of the world. They should not be allowed to access industrial progress. That was one of the John Maynard King's points. The American faction said no, everybody has a right to have the benefits of the New Deal and they fought to create New Deals for like industrial renaissance processes, for Africa, for India, for South America, all the world at large.

Speaker 2:

Unfortunately, roosevelt was poisoned. He never no autopsy. He died way too early. He didn't get to oversee any of this. His allies Harry Dexter Wright soon was also died. Many deaths of these leading patriots at the time occurred. And the traders, the deep state, the Rhodes Scholars, the Fabians took over control of US foreign and domestic and monetary policy.

Speaker 2:

So I think we're going to see a conference like that It'll be initiated. There's two different sort of agendas One, the Davos agenda, that wants to have their emergency conference around exactly what you said. And then you have this the BRICS leadership is pushing for their own conference to resolve the crisis in a way that preserves the institution of the sovereign nation state, which is itself enshrined in the UN charter itself. Franklin Roosevelt ensured that it would not be like another League of Nations, but and that's why, if you go to the article one and article two of the UN charter, it's nothing like the League of Nations, which calls for the original calls for the abolishment of nation states. The UN charter enshrines it as sacred and ensures that nothing will infringe upon the sovereignty of the nation state system. That's what Russia and China and India and others are calling for, saying we need to revive in opposition to the rules based international order agenda, which is just another way of saying New World Order, anti nation state.

Speaker 2:

So the US Canada? Well, canada is probably going to be dragged. If it participates, it'll be dragged by the neck. But if you can get a Trump Bobby Kennedy alliance of some sort or either one of those two guys, I see them both as authentic human beings who I think would be able to do things in the face of the crisis that involve a debt jubilee or race.

Speaker 2:

The debt that it will never be. It was illegally incurred, most of the debts in order to keep us enslaved. Thus it's not legit debt. If it was done as a form of warfare, it's not legit. You don't have to honor that which is designed to destroy you. So that has to have like a debt jubilee, like they did in ancient times, a race. Press the delete button on the bad debts, the good debts that are tied to the viable economy. Protect it, reorganize the banks, like we did in 1932, 33 under bank protection, government protection, reorganization, and then force the banks to behave according to moral law that benefits the needs of people to have access to industrial and agricultural production. Those are the sorts of things that we could do and participate in that emergency that would not be run by Davos. Death cultists, in my view.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if we have France defecting to the BRICS now, that could be a signal that other countries are going to do it as well. And, like you said, if we can get a Kennedy or a Trump or a combination of the both to join the BRICS as well, can you imagine if America and the BRICS are on the same side? I mean everyone would just say, okay, well, we're going to join the only system that exists. So it's really this British Five Eyes Davos group that you also mentioned, that power center that they're trying to, you know, through the captured American Biden administration, keep this American dollar hegemony going. But if the Americans join the BRICS with a gold backed kind of agreement, that would definitely change things. So we're definitely running out of time. Where can people go to? You know, access your recent documentary.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I, if any, and I would like people, I would like this to go viral. So if people watch this and you're moved by it or freaked out or a bit of both, which I hope is the case, please share it. You can go to canadianpatriotorg, you should easily find it. It's called China election interference, the ugly truth of ceaseless NATO in the Five Eyes. Amplify it, help get this out. I want, I want us to have some dent on the zeitgeist. So yeah, canadianpatriotorg.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for your work. I learned a lot today and you know this is a fascinating topic and I'm looking forward to discussing this with you in August after the meeting in Durban, south Africa, the BRICS nation, so we can see how this plays out. Thank you, matthew. God bless all you badlands people out there. See you next time.

Speaker 2:

Thanks, man Thanks.