The Sean Morgan Report
The Sean Morgan Report
Narrative Convergence with Burning Bright | SEAN MORGAN REPORT Ep. 12
In this episode of SMR, Sean Morgan interviews Burning Bright about Trump’s strategy in terms of narrative and political warfare.
Direct from the political turbulence, join my conversation with Bernie Breit, the insightful editor of the Badlands Media Substack, as we cut through the noise to analyze Trump's captivating political moves and legal strategies. Our conversation dances from the powerful image of Trump's mugshot, his positioning as a gladiator archetype, to the game of narrative warfare that colours his journey. Dive right in to understand Trump's potent symbolism that resonates across the aisle and the overarching importance of storytelling in American politics.
Whether you're a political junkie or a casual observer, our deep-dive into the consequential events of January 6th, the intriguing influence of media stalwarts like Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk, and Dave Portnoy, and the enigmatic Trump-Putin dynamic is a must-listen. The departure of Tucker from Fox and Musk's strategic Twitter usage are just a few of the threads we pull at in our exploration. Stay with us till the very end as we offer tools to navigate these narrative waters and maintain positivity amidst the political chaos. Tune in for a riveting foray into the pulse of American politics.
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Next, in the Sean Morgan Report, bernie Breit gives us his insight into Trump's political and legal strategies. We're going to question the mainstream narrative and expose media propaganda right now. That's a great question. That's a good question. That's a great question. Well, that's a really good question. That's a great question. Well, you're right. Well, bernie Breit is the editor of the Badlands Media Substack and the host of several shows on the network, so thank you for coming on the show. You've been putting out some great articles on your sub stack as well. Tell me about what's on your mind, what you've been writing about.
Speaker 3:Yeah, thanks, man, it's good to talk to you again. Been a little bit Lately. It's funny. I've always got all these plans of what I'm going to write about and I've got a document that was supposed to just be weekly notes and now it's turned into like a 70 page document of ideas I'm someday going to write when I can clone myself a few times. But lately it's no surprise that everything going on with Trump has kind of been pulling me into that orbit. So a lot of my recent stuff has been focusing on not just the Trump mugshot, which is obviously one of the biggest sort of narrative events to happen in quite some time, but everything kind of surrounding what I see as his sort of strategy if there is one in 2023 and beyond.
Speaker 1:Well, let's start out with the mugshot, because I completely agree with you An image is worth more than a million words, or a thousand words, however the saying goes. The point is that image is more powerful than any speech or any video or any type of thing that he could have done. The looks as at all to me. It reminds me of a Western movie where you have like the hero character who's put behind bars but he's actually innocent and he's going to take revenge on the bad guys and the whole town is rooting for him and saying you can do it. Please tell me. You're a fiction writer, you understand these things, so can you explain to me what was accomplished with that mugshot?
Speaker 3:Yeah, I mean I was not the first one. I think great minds think alike in this community. I saw many, many different figures, from YouTube to rumble and beyond, saying it was the mugshot heard around the world. They sort of queued us up for that one. And you mentioned, I'm a fiction writer and one of the things that I sort of became known for when I first started delving into the socio-political world was I think I might have coined the phrase war of stories.
Speaker 3:Narrative warfare, psychological warfare, is something that a lot of us talk about. I just kind of put a little bit of a different spin on that and started referring to a lot of what we're looking at as the war of stories. And when I say that, when I say the word story, I think that term has a bit of a fictional connotation within. Within people they think when you say story they think false or they think fictional. But obviously stories can be true or false, they can be fictional or non-fictional. But what I'm fascinated by is the shape of stories.
Speaker 3:I was talking to one of my co-hosts, just Human, this past week about the shape of stories by Kurt Vonnegut, the hero's journey.
Speaker 3:A lot of people are familiar with that and if you start to sort of look at the info war and the political realm not even just in the conspiracy realm and some of the things that we think might be going on, but also in sort of normie mainstream politics there's an understanding among the most savvy political analysts good and bad that the American mind, the collective mind, is moved by stories.
Speaker 3:And as I say in my writing, you know who moves stories is characters and Donald Trump is a real person. But he is also a character, he's also a symbol and I totally agree with you. You know you met, you used the sheriff refrain. I wrote an article about a week ago called Let them Fight and it was sort of all leading up to this mugshot. I referred to Trump recently as sort of a gladiator archetype and I really think that if you watch the movie gladiator with Russell Crowe and you see how that man who starts off as a slave starts to get the entirety of Rome on his side against Commodus the emperor, that's sort of the position that I feel Donald Trump has perhaps willingly placed himself into because it's highly effective for his purposes.
Speaker 1:Well, that's a good point. I think he has purposefully put himself in this position and he's very familiar with with story, with narrative, with character. I mean, he had the number one show on TV, his whole stern faced, you're fired thing on. The apprentice was not the real Trump, it was an aspect of himself that he played up and put into a type of character, and now we see a church Hill type of figure. This mugshot what does that mugshot mean to you? What is he saying with that expression?
Speaker 3:Well, it's funny actually, sort of at Badlands we were talking about, we were taking good natured bets back and forth. What do you think the expression is going to be? I was wrong, I called it wrong Myself and John Harold had said we think he's going to be a little playful with the expression. We think maybe he's going to sort of belittle the whole clown show that's being erected around him, the circus around him, just human and Chris Paul both thought that he would do what he did, which was to be sort of very serious, like you said.
Speaker 3:I like that refrain or that comparison you just made to church Hill, because it really does sort of look like a I'm not screwing around type of expression. And I think that part of why that image has gone so viral and so memetic and in a bipartisan manner, which is which is, I think, one of the keys, one of the things to key in on here, is that on my sort of liberal normie feed for for my day job, all the liberals were also passing that image around and they don't realize that they're actually making it more memetic. So I think what he was communicating in that image is that I often say in his speaking patterns I pay attention to the Trump aside. He often says a lot of things between things he says. He says he speaks to multiple audiences. You're totally right, you know, bringing up the apprentice, donald Trump is an entertainer, but he's also kind of known as the truth teller to a lot of us in what we call the truth community, and I think that image was was playing to his base and saying you know, I'm taking this seriously and they're not going to get away with this.
Speaker 3:But I really think that that facial expression is directed at sort of the figures in the deep state in the system of systems. I think there's been a lot of people that we track in the info war that have had chances to choose a different path and maybe still have a chance to choose a different path, and it feels to me like they're being given the last chance. That that's what I took out of that expression I took. Are you sure you want to do this? Because there is no going back once, once we cross this line and I think we're really getting close to those final red lines, that we don't really have access to what those red lines are, but the people that know on both sides know what those lines are, and they probably know they're about to cross them.
Speaker 1:Well, let's talk about Trump's legal strategy, if there is one. I mean, it does seem like he's been ceding this idea of getting indicted even before he was indicted. You've pointed that out. So please tell me about Trump's legal strategy.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and we don't know. We don't know what's going to actually happen here, but I love one of the theories one of my co-hosts just human came up with that We've started calling the disclosure defense strategy. This actually loops all the way into John Herald's research on the devolution theory, continuity of government, and what a lot of that theory is founded on is the baseline belief that the 2020 presidential election was effectively stolen from Donald Trump. That's probably not a controversial thing to say to most Trump supporters, but if we're all being honest with ourselves, there hasn't been a direct public disclosure of the actuals surrounding these election fraud claims. There's been various claims that have been made. Some of them have been proven, some of them have not.
Speaker 3:We believe that if anybody has evidence of election fraud in 2020, it was probably the man who was the president at that time. He had put together a DNI. John Ratcliffe, director of national intelligence, was in charge of specifically sussing out whether or not there was any evidence of election fraud. We don't know whether or not a determination was made there, but Trump has claimed he had evidence of election fraud right. So Now we've got the Jack Smith prosecution coming in and using terms that are basically alleging that Donald Trump knew he was forwarding false claims when he made comments to the January 6 crowd and to his base in general over the last several years since that election.
Speaker 3:So wouldn't it be something if it is actually the system, or the opposition, the legal system that is not just asking Donald Trump to provide evidence of election fraud, but legally compelling him to do so? To me, not only would this be a great way to get evidence of election fraud on the record, but it's also a great way to provide Trump with another term that I use a lot, called narrative shielding. Where it isn't Donald Trump inserting himself into the conversation and keeping this thing going, it's actually the establishment forcing him into a position where he may have to disclose evidence of election fraud, and then, if that does happen, then I think the gloves are kind of off. At that point, we would be in a completely unprecedented situation. What does that mean for 2020? What does that mean for 2024? I have no idea, but it would feel like a missed opportunity if this was not the direction that this trial heads in.
Speaker 1:Yeah, isn't it interesting that it just puts all the eyeballs on this subject. It's almost too perfect. Like you said before, it's almost as if if he didn't plan it himself, then he at least allowed it to happen in a way, because he wants it to happen. In a certain sense, we're not just talking about Trump, the person. He has a team. Hopefully, if this is as high a stakes a game as we think it is, then he would have military strategists who would be assisting him. It's kind of silly to think that he doesn't have a plan or there is no strategy at all, that it's just taking every day at a time and seeing where it goes. Let's talk about the end game here, because they want to make him ineligible to run for president.
Speaker 1:This is becoming very high stakes, where you have one side being compelled to hate Donald Trump at a stronger and stronger level, saying he should be behind bars. Maybe even some people think that he should be executed because they're throwing out some pretty serious charges against him. You got that crowd that's just the hatred is rising and rising, and rising. Then the other crowd that's just as angry for the injustice of it all. This is something that Tucker, I believe, brought up with Trump about the possibility of civil war, he agreed that it is that bad, that it's a really bad combination of having these emotions run so high. Obviously no one wants a civil war, except for maybe the deep state. Can you roll through those possibilities and how Trump and his team of strategists might avoid a civil war but still might capitalize on these high emotions?
Speaker 3:I think that is the concern. A lot of us have done a lot of digging I know you've done a lot of digging and reporting personally into January 6th. There's a lot of things that happened on January 6th that were the result of or I should say that there were a lot of things that did not occur on January 6th 2021, that the mainstream media alleges occurred, but there were also federal agents involved that could have been intel agencies involved. That said, something that some of MAGA has difficulty accepting is that there were also groups pretending to be MAGA, pretending to be aligned with Donald Trump, that did a lot of narrative damage to his movement, even if they didn't do a lot of actual damage. So to your point, when you're looking at whether or not there's some kind of plan here with Donald Trump and we know he has military strategists behind him he did have military strategists behind him. He probably still does he has to be aware, more so than even we are, of the state of the nation. In that Tucker interview that you refer to, he mentioned something along the lines of he's never seen passion and anger and hatred like this. That wasn't, I think, all directed at the MAGA base. I think a lot of that was referencing the left, antifa, the sort of communist movement that's unfortunately been stoked within our nation.
Speaker 3:But this is one of the reasons where when I sort of as a baseline, when I'm theorizing, when I'm trying to map things out, I have a belief that patriots are trying to avoid any kind of kinetic situations, total societal fallout, all that kind of stuff. And again, the disclosure defense strategy. If we start getting these things on the record, if people start seeing progress being made in the direction of justice, then I think a lot of that stuff will be smoothed over. I also just would I always say this on the other shows that I'm on, but Trump's base has to maintain their peaceful natures. They have to maintain, as just human often says, understanding is greater than reacting.
Speaker 3:The bottom line is if the deep state, if the establishment, could have rolled Donald Trump up, if they actually could have taken him out of the game, so to speak, completely, whatever way you want to map that, they would have done so.
Speaker 3:It's clear that they would have done so. It implies that if patriots are not in full control of the game board, they're in much more control than the enemy would like them to be. So I don't like to engage in blind faith toward Donald Trump or toward patriots, but I feel that the overall sort of direction of the collective mind is going inexorably in Donald Trump's position, in his direction. I think that we're moving the mind, I mean the mugshot. In general, there was a massive mimetic response to that, and something that I don't think can be discounted is the response of the black American community, especially on Twitter, on X, on social media. It was huge and you're starting to see more of a centrist and even a leftward swing toward Trump, because of the state of the country and because only one side is pushing the divisiveness and everybody, including that side, knows who it is.
Speaker 1:Yeah, as soon as things get so exaggerated and so it becomes so obvious that, of course, you're going to have certain contingents pointing it out and just finally acknowledging it. Right, we do have to take a quick break, but when we come back, I do want to ask you about really what's next. Is Trump going to take power? Is he going to be that retribution? Is there going to be a hot war with Russia? This is something Tucker has pointed out, that he believes there could be an assassination attempt on Trump, that they were going to try to really do a hot war with Russia to try to distract everyone, and so forth. So we'll talk about that and everything you're working on, baby, as soon as we get back. We don't have a lot of time left, but I do want to get your perspective on what Tucker insinuated that we could be having an assassination attempt on Trump, could be having a hot war with Russia. I want to get your thoughts on that and then let us know about how we can access your sub-stack and your shows.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I think both of those topics are actually tied in together. I first got into the Info War by writing the Righteous Russia series, which was a bit of a thought experiment. It wasn't trying to allege that Russia has always been righteous. It was trying to play a bit of a mind game and say what if we reframe everything the powers that be tell us about the Russian Federation, especially in the last 30 years or so, and we start to play a game of hypothetically turning that around, and I think when you do that, recent history starts to look a little bit like it makes a lot more sense. I would say, when Tucker's talking about the potential of a kinetic war with Russia and he's kind of dovetailing that into theories about the deep state trying to take Donald Trump out, I don't think either of those things will happen on an actual basis. But my sort of foundational theory has been the scare event theory that I do believe the world, and the West in particular, are going to be brought to the precipice. They're going to be brought to the belief that we are about to engage Vladimir Putin in kinetic war.
Speaker 3:Every time you see nuclear warheads being moved through the Baltic, every time you see a fresh Ukrainian drone strike on Russian territory every time you see NATO trying to grant Ukraine membership into them, into the Union. These are all escalatory sort of patterns that are increasingly making Western citizens uncomfortable. They're making them tense. They don't have to be friends with Vladimir Putin. They don't have to be a fan of Russia. They don't have to be a fan of Donald Trump and this is where Trump comes back in. They don't have to like Trump or Putin to know that war with Russia is not a good thing for the West. So I think what we're going to get on a narrative basis is we're going to get citizens of the West calling for de-escalation with Russia, and the only public leader in the West who is doing that is Donald Trump, and I think you can kind of put the pieces together of Trump being a problem solver, a dealmaker and maybe a peacemaker.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I have seen those viral videos of protesters really calling out people for trying to start World War III with Russia. It's like a glitch in the matrix when it happens, because it really does wake people up, because the leftist used to be anti-war and all of a sudden there was supposedly pro-war, so I'm sure that does wake people up. The recent interview with Tucker, with Victor Orban from Hungary, basically saying Donald Trump is the savior who can make this peace deal what did you think when you heard that?
Speaker 3:Yeah, I'm a huge fan of Victor Orban. I don't pretend to know all of his history. One funny thing about that I mean Tucker's on fire lately with who he's choosing to highlight. And the hilarious thing about the left and mainstream media response to the Orban interview is this is a man who was jailed by Soviets in his youth. He was jailed by communist Soviets and the mainstream media is trying to tell you that he's some sort of ideological Russia sympathizer when he's saying that he doesn't want World War III. So, as you point out, it's created this cognitive dissonance where you're watching lefties and I was born in New England, I was a registered Democrat, I used to call myself a JFK Democrat and now the Democrats are the party of World War III. They're the party of eradicate Russia. When I see Orban giving interviews like that and talking about Donald Trump, this is when I sort of map again onto the idea of patriot control.
Speaker 3:It is not possible for me to believe that Donald Trump abdicated the proverbial throne in the West knowing there was election fraud and does not have the sort of framework of a peace deal in place with Vladimir Putin. I think that we're going to be brought to that precipice. I think the establishment is going to take the blame for that escalation. And then I think the story is going to tell us that Donald Trump came in and managed to make a deal with Vladimir Putin. But I think these men know each other.
Speaker 3:I think we can see by people in the former Trump cabinet. The former Trump cabinet are still taking meetings with foreign officials when members of the Biden team are not even allowed in some of these nations. I think this is all mapping onto the idea that deals are already in place and that we're kind of watching some psychological warfare play out. Until we have the public mandate where we need our neighbors who didn't vote for Donald Trump to be saying you know what? They should just let him fly over there and talk to Vlad. And once we get to that point, I think we're going to be almost there. We're going to be almost at the peacemaker stage.
Speaker 1:It really is like a book, like a story, where you have a conflict and then this save your figure. Who brings that resolution to all that tension? So it does seem like this narrative has been weaved, and yet it doesn't mean we're not facing real enemies who are really trying to stop, stop our progress or really trying to start World War Three. Now you brought up Tucker being an important piece of this. You know his stories are on fire. He is choosing the right people. He does have a huge reach now it's the fact he left Fox News or was kicked out, and now he's on X. So that brings Elon Musk also into this group of people who are highlighting certain stories and boosting them and making them go viral. So can you comment on that? Talk about how Tucker is not just another newsman and how Elon Musk is not just another entrepreneur in this situation.
Speaker 3:Yeah, there's a lot of my recent writing and theorizing. I've been I've been using the term mind movers. You know, we talk about the collective mind a lot. We talk about psychological warfare and in the best stories, as we said at the beginning of this interview, you have characters, characters or mind movers.
Speaker 3:And I think I was wrong about Elon Musk a couple of years ago. I thought he came out of nowhere. He's got all the hallmarks of establishment, sort of infiltrator, and I think I was right for the wrong reasons, or I was wrong for the right reasons, I should say. I do think Elon kind of came out of nowhere, but I think that the net effects of all of his deployments, including purchasing Twitter and rebranding it Chris Paul refers to Twitter as a, as an intelligence weapon, which is what a lot of us would probably agree it was before Elon Musk. It's certainly not perfect now. There's certainly still some censorship, but Elon has been moving the collective mind in the right direction and he's been doing so by giving people like Tucker a platform.
Speaker 3:Now that we see Tucker sort of unchained, look at that, look at who he's having on his show and even figures that people don't think are that important, like in the New England area, dave Portnoy of Barstool Sports. That guy is a very important public figure. That guy just got on Tucker. He's talking about censorship on the left. He's talking about the woke sports complex and he just repurchased his company that he had sold to a conglomerate a few years ago.
Speaker 3:So there's a lot of moving parts that I think we're never really going to know the truth of how all this stuff came together. But I use the term convergence quite a bit lately and I think we're seeing not only a convergence of narratives, we're seeing a convergence of mind, movers of characters, and when you start to see how they're all deploying these narratives from Tucker to Trump to Elon, to even Dave Portnoy whether they're all read it on things or not I mean probably not completely but we're seeing that Some of these people may be read in on plans and some of these people are probably just reading the cultural tea leaves. Either way, it's a win for us and it's a sign that the figures in the know know where things are heading.
Speaker 1:Right and really just the cool factor I mean to determine what is trendy and what is cool and what is in and what is out is a very important cultural tool, and we've had all of these Hollywood machine types prove themselves to just be lackeys for the controllers. And now we've got new people who they may not be perfect to the, dave Port noise and the and your tates of the world, but they are questioning things and that's what we want the normies to do, and so I do think it's very important culturally. So we've run out of time. Can you tell us where people can access your shows, your sub stack and all of your work?
Speaker 3:Yeah, I appear on a few shows a week on Badlands Media. You can find them at Badlands Media on Rumble. Maybe if I, if I do eventually go full time, we'll expand that again, do some more shows. But otherwise I'm trying to write at least one media article a week on the Burning Bright sub stack. It's all free there. Go to burningbrightsubstackcom.
Speaker 3:The one I released today is called Overton's goalpost and that's all about sort of a cognitive cipher through which we might observe sort of wins in the Info War. It's a it's sort of a pattern, a narrative pattern that I feel that I've noticed in the media, industrial complex and sometimes people in this audience. Because we pay attention to the stuff we do, we can get bummed out, we can get blackpilled. So a lot of my intentions in my writing is to try to come up with tools for myself, cognitive and psychological tools that are also useful for my readers, to sort of engage with narrative warfare. And I think when you do start to read these things you start to realize that things are. Things are difficult but they're actually a lot better than a lot of times than we're told they are.
Speaker 1:Right. I think that a lot of times with psychological operations, the people, the normies, the regular people that are busy with their day jobs because they can't see it all, because they don't understand it all, then they become victims of it. But as soon as you start to see deeper, you gain a sense of control over your own life because you can shield yourself from from being taken advantage of and being influenced. You do a great job. You're your gifted writer, your gifted analyst and you you make things fun. So I think it's really fun to to watch on these shows and the humor that you bring to your writing into your shows. So thank you for doing what you're not everybody loves it.
Speaker 3:But hey, you can't. You can't take the, you can't take the crap to stir bar out of the, out of the Bostonian, I think.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you can't. You can't win everyone anyway, so keep doing what you're doing. Thanks for coming on the show and thank you for watching amp news US. We are America's patriot only network. Go to amp news and register for amp insider. Every Thursday you can talk to our show hosts and other experts and get your questions answered. And go to Sean Morgan reportcom Get my breaking news updates. God bless all you patriots. Good night, good luck.
Speaker 2:Reach a loyal demographic of freedom loving Americans who vote with their dollars. Promote your patriot business on amp news. Contact Sean Morgan and Sean at amp news dot us.