The Sean Morgan Report

Russia Has Already Won the Ukrainian War? with Matt Ehret | SEAN MORGAN REPORT Ep. 13

Sean Morgan

In this episode of SMR, Sean Morgan interviews Matt Ehret about the news that the Ukrainians have given up their offensive and Poland has stopped supplying weapons. Ehret explains the levels of the deep state and who really pulls the strings of the puppets like Biden and Zelensky.

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Speaker 1:

So the Sean Morgan Report. Is Russia really winning the war in Ukraine and why has Poland stopped supplying weapons to Zelensky?

Speaker 2:

We are in was behind the destruction of Nord Stream 2. So he is really. When he says something about his contacts telling him information about what's going on, you gotta take it very seriously. So the fact that I think what he said here about the incongruity between reality and the fiction, that those geopolitical planners in Washington wish to believe it real, is very interesting.

Speaker 2:

I think that the original game plan for the entire proxy war against Russia, as it was laid out years and years ago this thing even began, you could say, over a decade ago, when the ball was already put into motion to overthrow a view that was democratically elected of Yanukovych and install a Western proxy that would be run by and would use many neo-Nazi operatives as their dogs of war. So this is already a war that has been put into motion a long time ago to expand NATO. And now they're saying, well, russia should have already been collapsed, they should have already been destroyed economically, there should already have been a coup d'etat to overthrow Putin from the inside. And all of these things have failed and the Russian economy has only continued to grow. Their productive power of the military and every other sector has increased, and yet the geopolitical dreamers are, I think, drinking too much of their own Kool-Aid, believing their own propaganda, and they're incapable of deflecting from their mission, which is the destruction of Russia, and even if that means killing every Ukrainian, so be it.

Speaker 2:

And you heard that, with Stoltenberg who came out saying we wish for a speedy recovery, but it cannot happen without full victory militarily by Ukraine. That Stoltenberg just delivered at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, which is just completely devoid of the reality that the Ukrainians have lost over 70,000 people since June. Since this offensive began, everything that has been poured into Ukraine has gone either into corruption and graft or just the outright murder of people who have been pulled off the streets in Ukraine and Kiev to go and be used as cannon fodder. Young men are. There's hardly gonna be a young man alive under the age of 70 in Ukraine within a year if this continues. So yeah, the reality is slapping the fantasy down pretty fast.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of hard to understand why one side that should know that they're losing is not coming to the negotiables, not willing to make any compromise and doesn't want the war to end, especially if now you would think it would be able to be settled with better terms than in the future, when then they're in a worse position. And so it does seem like they're drinking their own kool-aid, so to speak. But Seymour Hearst says that the soldiers themselves would probably do a mutiny if they were forced to do a real offensive. And so they're not even doing a real offensive, and he's saying that probably they won't be able to do one. And so then we've got. Zelensky was rejected from speaking in front of Congress. The Speaker of the House is trying to get more money for him, but he doesn't have the votes. And then pull into stopping supplying weapons to Ukraine. So what does all of that pretend for you?

Speaker 2:

Well, it's again reality as it is breaking the fantasy. And I think that even though Biden has tried to commit another $32 billion or something ridiculous to Ukraine, as we're seeing, there's a bigger, more serious resistance than we've seen yet from the Congress saying, no, look, we're not, we'll do it, but only into the condition that there's some serious oversight, that there's an actual plan to win the war. We're not seeing any plans. There's no oversight, there's no accountability, so they're not going to let it happen. It seems.

Speaker 2:

As far as Poland, which up until 13 seconds ago was the biggest cheerleader for Ukraine victory, with many Polish mercenaries sent into Ukraine, many of whom have gotten obliterated. It was a killing field of Polish legionary volunteers. They're seeing that again. There's a new game in town that this is not going to win. It's a black hole that'll just suck everybody in, and Duda, the president of Poland, made the point that Ukraine is like a drowning man. He will pull everybody in with them if we continue to give them the support. So no more weapons to Ukraine from Poland. That's a big deal.

Speaker 2:

The other thing is the grain deal. Zelenski is flaunting his privilege and his sense of superiority because again people are believing their propaganda. Zelenski is believing his own propaganda and he's been used as a tool but trumped up to become this new Messiah figure and he is, I think, like a bit of a method actor on this. He's starting to actually think that he is this great Messiah of democracy, despite the fact that he is overseeing offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands for hundreds of billions of dollars to his own name. He's part of the graft, but he believes this delusion. And so Poland has said look, we're going to protect our farmers from the flooding and the dumping of cheap grain from Poland, which has been happening. So now Poland is attacking Ukraine, is attacking Poland, they're attacking Hungary, they're attacking Slovakia at the World Trade Organization, saying, look, they're breaking the rules, they're defending their farmers. That's hurting us and destroying our ability to win the war against the Russians. So what I think are seeing right now is the transatlantic technocratic zombies operating a system which is so full of self-contradictions that it is eating itself up, it's cannibalizing itself.

Speaker 2:

And again you have Biden, you have Blinken, you've got Stoltenberg, ursula van der Leyen unelected Ursula van der Leyen, by the way trying to say that Zelensky represents Zelensky, who just canceled the Ukrainian elections. Unless the US gives them $5 billion. No elections, so there's not going to be elections. These are people who are representing the rules-based democratic order. They don't even do elections. They jail their political opponents. In the US, they're actually trying to run a law fair on Trump, who should have been the president and who will become president unless they can do everything that they can to destroy him on the legal front. But even there, I mean, the contradictions are enormous. And so the system that is supposed to be, this unified Euro-Atlanticist system where everybody is on the same page, which we hear in every single speech given by Blinken and Biden and Stoltenberg and van der Leyen it's not true. The thing itself is breaking down under its own stupidity, wow.

Speaker 1:

Great insights. We're going to take a quick break, but when we come back, I want to ask you about Biden and Zelensky, because they're touted as these beacons of democracy and yet they are suppressing their political opponents and political speech. And so are they puppets. And who's really pulling the strings? I want to ask you that as soon as we get back, the world is about to shift.

Speaker 3:

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Speaker 1:

That was Mike Lindell, who has been canceled by all the mainstream retailers. So it's up to us patriots to support other patriots. Click on the link below. Use that Amp promo code. Well, we're here with Matthew Aritz. He's been talking about NATO, talking about the fiction that Ukraine could ever even win against Russia, and I'm asking about Biden, now about Zelensky, these two puppets who don't really seem to be grand strategists themselves. They seem to be very convenient puppets to carry out these globalist plans. Who's really pulling the strings? Is it the same group? Who's pulling the strings for both? How do you view this, matt?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I do very much see this as a common source of handlers managing both sides of the same operation. I mean, what you have is there was a figure named Lyndon LaRouche who made a very good point many years ago, back in, I think, 2000 that I watched this speech and he made the point that the oligarchy is a vicious beast. The inner core of oligarchy is made up of very, very evil, evil, vicious strategists. However, oligarchy has a weak spot. The weak spot is that they require many degrees of separation between those who are causing the actions on the stage of the world and those who are actually making it happen as auxiliaries. So you need to have degrees of separation between the thinkers, the planners and the doers on the field.

Speaker 2:

The doers today we see are some of the most mediocre personalities, devoid of any substance. And just look at a personality like a Ursula van der Leyen or a Justin Trudeau Biden. Obviously there's nothing there except ego corruption, but there's nothing of substance. Zelensky is a very similar personality type. They're actors. They don't treat reality as if it is real. They treat it purely for their own self-aggrandizing motivations. They sacrifice their own children in some cases. In the case of Justin, he himself is sort of a sacrificial child of a princeling family under his father, pierre, who was smarter but still ultimately cut from the same technocratic cloth of loving being part of a conspiracy and just wanting to be a manager of an upper alpha class but with higher up alphas above him. So that's what these guys just want to be. They just want to be slave slavish enforcers, kind of like you had in the cotton plantations of the Confederate South. You know, these things would be managed by house slaves that would do the whipping, that would be in control of a certain grouping of slaves that they would have to beat down. That type of system still exists under the technocratic, liberal world order and the machinery is very similar.

Speaker 2:

I mean, barisma was used as one of several conduits around which the Biden family became enmeshed ever more into this operation, to the point that Biden had to go and celebrate on camera at a Council on Foreign Relations Summit back in 2016, how he got the prosecutor general of Ukraine who was investigating the crimes of barisma. That would have implicated his own son, hunter. A lot of graft hunter was getting paid $50,000 a month for having no skills, just to sit on the board and get access to his father, who was then vice president. Now he got that prosecutor general fired by threatening to withhold us aid in the form of like a billion dollars from the Poroshenko government of Ukraine. So you have barisma.

Speaker 2:

What was barisma it was in charge of? It was, or is run by Igor Koloboskoy himself, who was a serious sociopathic oligarch who had deep, deep ties to a variety of military industrial sector figures, as well as the Malaysia Airlines operation that was run out of Ukraine and a whole bunch of things. So you have like a system of internalized core graft and, yeah, the Biden and the Zelensky clan are all on board. They again don't have substance. They're useful tools. They're ultimately expendable if something you know, if needed. So, yeah, they're very mediocre. Though, and I think that's the key thing is that the oligarchy relies on ever more stupid, mediocre auxiliaries to carry out their orders, which makes which is, something useful. If you're a creative humanist, who is able, who wants to fight this, this empire, that's an important thing to know that they will make these, these missteps left and right.

Speaker 1:

And Matt, you know there's these puppets, biden and Zelensky. You know they. They haven't been very well recruited because they lack that substance that you talked about, but who's pulling the strings above them? Who who's at the next degree? Because you mentioned several degrees of separation between the grand strategists and these puppets. So so George Soros has had his tentacles in Ukraine for a while. Would he be one of them?

Speaker 2:

Soros would certainly be one of them. He was somebody recruited early on by Evelyn Deroth child in the sixties to become the first of what became a whole new type of mercenary financial mercenary in the age of globalization that would be unleashed with the trilateral commission takeover of the United States in the seventies. This is something which we saw with the wave of deregulation, the stripping of the sovereign nation state, of the Republic and all nations of their authority to influence or manage the private cartels, the private financier class of Wall Street that were then allowed to create mergers and mergers and acquisitions and just run a muck with this idea of money is everything logic for shareholder value, which resulted very, very understandably in an age of only Wal-Mart's, monsanto's these multinationals that had more power and influence than any sovereign nation state would be coming out on top. Henry Kissinger was somebody who worked closely with Soros in this regard. Being an overseer with David Rockefeller and Zabigny Brzezinski of the trilateral commission, henry Kissinger had been recruited much earlier in the fifties by the Rockefellers Nelson specifically to manage the America in the New World Order program, a Rockefeller commission program in 1956. Kissinger was also a chairman, or at least on the steering committee, of the Bilderberger group. So he was somebody who was very vicious, like Soros was brought in to understand a greater role of what he was going to be doing within a greater tapestry that existed before he was born and would continue to reverberate after he was born, versus, let's say, the bubblehead idiots like a Zelensky or Trudeau or a Biden, who are not. They don't have the mental power to understand any of these things. They have a very, very limited role to play.

Speaker 2:

So Kissinger Um played one hand of this Reconquest of the world under a one-world government that would be tied to what George ball another high-level trilateral Commission builder, burger steering committee member, who was also, I would say, on that upper tier of higher managers Called the world's corporation. That would be the replacement for the sovereign nation-state system. Kissinger Did it in his way. He worked with these private speculators like Soros, carrying out economic destruction of sovereign countries that were not playing by the rules of what became the rules based international order. It was an arbitrary set of rules by a masterclass and who those who didn't abide by those rules and chose to defend their people using protectionism or state credit. That was vorboten in the age of globalization and would be destroyed and punished by people like Soros who speculated against their currencies and brought them back into a line With the big game after they were broken and their people were sufficiently Starved, like we saw in Malaysia and the battles with many of the Asian economies in the 90s, by Soros. And Soros work closely with Mark Malik Brown, another high-level planner, who controlled smartmatic, a vote fraud operating system.

Speaker 2:

International, which works closely with Dominion, was very active in the United States for many years, and Mark Malik Brown is somebody who set up things like the International crisis group with Soros in the 90s while they were both funding the International criminal court that put out arrest warrants for leaders that they don't like, like Putin or President Bashir or Slobodan Milosevic was an early victim of this. So these characters, they did they, they brought on this idea of Humanitarian warfare. Soft regime change is a new type of overthrow of governments you don't like at using the cover of democracy and human rights. So that's what the international crisis group has been assigned to do, which plays to this very day. Ben O'Malley, who's a road scholar, very close friend, family friend of Blinken, was the head of the international crisis group for many years and if you want to think about it from the higher standpoint.

Speaker 2:

It's understood and it has been understood that the oxford, the London London School of Economics are sort of the, the, the zones that indoctrinate the doers of the New World Order, since especially the roundtable movement brought in the, the road scholarship system of indoctrination of elites into these universities, whereas Cambridge is the, where the thinkers are trained, usually multi-generational Children from higher level families who are groomed to become the, those who would be entrusted with the higher knowledge, like the Bertrand Russell's, the John Maynard Keynes is, are brought in through Cambridge.

Speaker 2:

They're usually made Cambridge Apostles and they created a program that will then be carried out by degrees of doers. And Kissinger was part of a Cambridge no sorry in a Chatham house of Harvard program overseen by a road scholar named William Yandel Elliot, who is an Oxford road scholar himself, who worked very closely with a bunch of Anglophile pilgrim society globalists in the 1920s and 30s and 40s, training a new generation of young elites, kissinger being one of them, pierre Li at Trudeau being another one who was trained under Yandel Elliot. Zabidia Brazinski and Samuel P Huntington were two Two others who were trained and groomed under this freak, which were part of a British controlled deep state operation in America.

Speaker 1:

So you've got Cambridge and Oxford and London School of Economics in the UK, and then they're very connected to Harvard and Yale. You got the road scholars and the different Organizations that you mentioned, like trilateral Commission, chatham house and all of these different things. So you've got the puppets at the bottom. It's funny we think of them as at the top, the presidents of nation states, that they're at the bottom of this ladder, and then you've got the next level managers above them, like the Soros is, and so forth, and then the people who recruited them are. You mentioned Rothschild and you mentioned Rockefeller. Is there anyone that you would say is even above them?

Speaker 2:

Oh, Sure, I mean, these are the Rockefellers are kind of Nuvo Riesh, kind of like the Bronfman's. It's another sort of mercenary dynasty where Samuel Bronfman, at an early stage, john D Rockefeller, were good sociopaths, kind of like Soros, you know. They had certain tasks that they accomplished very effectively, without, without being troubled by matters of conscience, and they were granted and awarded certain privileges. They were brought into inner clubs and their kids were granted a sort of like limited dynasty to have those same privileges Religious carried forth into future generations. Which is why all of the Rockefeller brothers, the grandsons of John D All, had very, very powerful roles to play that they they filled in very, very enthusiastically in their own time.

Speaker 2:

The current batch of Rockefellers currently alive today, the younger bratchers, are equally enthusiastic, although there is a mediocrity, a lowering of IQ, it seems, almost every decade. Which is an unfortunate but also in some ways fortunate aspect of the oligarchy is that they create a net of Culture of mediocrity and stupidity for their victims to better manipulate us. But at the same time, those same nets that they cast end up catching their own children, who then end up, you know, falling into the, into the sway of hedonistic popular culture, drug use, other things that you know. Even the, the, the local drug dealer, knows you don't consume your own material. But these oligarchs, they seem to have children that always do so. But that being said, there even the Rothschilds are of a powerful family. But they're limited there. They were brought in in the 1740s, you know, when a coin dealer who was a sociopath named Amshel, had certain roles to play in economic warfare for as part of a court Uden, court Jew program.

Speaker 2:

Of these, these court Jews, who were more satanic than Jew, they were more than happy to kill their own Jewish people as long as they got a comfy seat within the, the higher nobility, and they were then granted their own mercenary dynasty. They would, they would do the, the economic destruction, terror, economic warfare against nations that were enemies of the British Empire, um I, but they were always. They were always. They had a limited amount of decisions that they themselves could play. They had to abide by certain rules of the older bloodlines that go back to the days, I believe, of the old Roman Empire, whereby there are to this very day the Orsini family.

Speaker 2:

There's a variety of families which celebrate the fact that they've had several Venetian doges, a couple of Roman emperors, members of the Roman Senate that were all leading figures within the system of pagan cult operatives that manage the pagan cults of the Roman Empire before and during the time of Jesus. So I think you're dealing with something that probably goes back in a direct continuity to the worst days of Babylon and even before that. Some of the stuff gets difficult to investigate. But there is this higher family bloodline thing above those court mercenaries who are often these, you know, jewish families that are treated like they're the great supervillains but in reality they're ultimately disposable as well.

Speaker 1:

Wow, it's interesting to hear you talk about the different layers of the deep state and the fact that it involves the British, it involves the Roman Empire, it involves Babylon. It spans a lot of different civilizations and cultures, but one thing they have in common is that psychopathy, you know, and that's how they recruit others who are willing to do those things without a conscience. And we're running out of time. But one last news item I wanted to mention is this DHS ability for foreigners, illegal immigrants, to book direct flights to the United States using an app. This is all paid for by Biden's administration. You don't have a lot of time, so if you could just respond to that news item and then go directly into talking about the Canadian Patriot Review and what you're up to.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's been a longstanding agenda to destroy the nation state through a variety of techniques. One of those techniques has been to destroy nations' abilities to support their people through a variety of things we've touched on in the course of this show, so that people are forced to then leave their countries. It's not easy to do, and by getting this flood of global immigration you will then be able to undermine the cohesive cultural matrices that are necessary for the maintenance of national identities, national patriotism, which has always been a target for destruction, so that a new global culture could be brought online that would be more manageable, more inclined to not identify with any nation state and will be adaptable to a new set of organizing myths, organizing political structures under world government of a new technocratic feudal elite. So yeah, the immigration policy is one aspect of that, so I'll just say it that way.

Speaker 2:

As far as the Canadian Patriot, that's where I do so if people want to buy the books that myself and my wife have written the Clash of the Two Americas, the Untolled History of Canada there's a whole myriad of books that we've published over the past few years. That's all available on Canadianpatriotorg, including breaking news, history and other things that we encourage people to dig into.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much Matt for your work and for enlightening us and thank you all of you for watching AmpNewsus. We are America's Patriot-only network. You can go to AmpNewsus, register for Amp Insider. Every Thursday, talk to our show hosts, get your questions answered. Go to SeanWorganReportcom get my breaking news updates. God bless all you Patriots. Good night and good luck.

Speaker 3:

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Speaker 2:

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Speaker 3:

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