The Sean Morgan Report

Breaking History Ep 16: Is The Deep State Baiting New BRICS Nations Into A Middle East War?

Sean Morgan

Sean Morgan quizzes historian Matt Ehret about breaking news headlines in the context of suppressed history.
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Speaker 1:

I'm Sean Morgan from SeanMorganReportcom. We're gonna discuss the breaking news through the context of suppressed history with historian Matt Erich from the Canadian Patriot Review. Matt, what's the latest with you and your work, your writing and your sub-stack documentaries? Tell me what's up.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, there's a lot being juggled right now, but I think everyone's focus right now is on the Holy Land and the danger of a new Holy War breaking out. So I think that I'd say 80% of my presentations and my work has revolved around trying to provide some sense of context to that whole really tragic situation that's unfolding. And a lot of people who really should know a lot better, who have looked into 9-11, who have realized that there was an inside job, that there is a higher oligarchical agency working left and right dynamics to get us into a polarized victimhood where we all kind of like converge in the same tragic slaughterhouse. A lot of the people who have woken up to these things are still falling back into their profiles which is really unfortunate either being completely for Palestine or completely for Israel, and the reality is that there's a higher hand manipulating this whole situation that involves fifth columnists inside of Palestine as well as inside of Israel, who've always wanted to destroy the type of outbreaks of peace that we've seen periodically from time to time emerge, like we did with the case of Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat in the 1990s, who arranged the Oslo Peace Accords, got the Nobel Prize for that, but it was sabotaged the idea of actually creating a two-state solution, recognizing Palestine as a real sovereign country, with a vote at the UN. That was supposed to all happen for the first time after 80 years of or no, I mean at the time it was maybe 55 years of Palestine being occupied, having their territory stolen, living in essentially concentration camp or apartheid situations. After all of this time, finally, palestine was supposed to be recognized as a sovereign nation state and economic development projects were supposed to begin to start a real rebuilding process.

Speaker 2:

Until Yitzhak Rabin was killed by not a Muslim but rather a Zionist freak terrorist who kills the Israeli prime minister to sabotage that, with the idea that if we give concede one inch of territory to the dirty lowly Arabs, that will be a reneging on God's promise to the chosen people. And so he killed Yitzhak Rabin. And then Yasser Arafat, who also was one of the clearest headed thinkers, was also killed by polonium poisoning. There you go, and a Swiss group of scientists did a test on his body after it was exhumed, on the request of his wife, suha, back in 2004, and found that indeed he was murdered, assassinated.

Speaker 2:

So the reason why is because there are intelligence agencies like the Five Eyes that have deep, deep penetration into not only Israel, with a faction within Israel that wants to blow up essentially that entire or expunge all non-Jews from that entire region. That is some called Greater Israel, to the point that, even if it means nuclear war, it's all part of God's commandment. And then you've got fifth columnists tied to the Five Eyes in the Arab world, in Hamas, in the Muslim Brotherhood, which is an outgrowth of British intelligence back in the 20s that created Hamas to begin with. That's operated out of Qatar, which is a hubs that has been supplying ISIS with its needs in Iraq and in Syria for many, many years. Qatar is a very controlled environment and that's where the leadership of Hamas lives in luxury, so they don't live in the Gaza.

Speaker 2:

So we're being played, and I'm just trying to find different ways to provide new evidence in all of my discussions to help people see how they're being emotionally manipulated to fall into this controlled set of narratives that is ultimately going to lead us towards an unwinnable, possibly nuclear chain reaction war drive, like we did in World War I, where people didn't realize, like couldn't have imagined at the beginning of 2014, that within two months everybody would be fighting everybody in a global conflagration. No way, nobody could imagine that. And you just see how certain secret military treaties built up behind the scenes could be manipulated by grand strategists that could then be triggered, as we have with Iran with certain military agreements, with Russia, with China, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Hezbollah in Lebanon, who's also getting attacked by Israel and doing counterattacks. Israel is attacking Egypt, they're attacking Syria, they're bombing air Like. It's like there's this insanity that's just like pushed up, appeared onto the scene.

Speaker 1:

That that's just driving people into madness Meeting nation states into this conflict could escalate really quickly with the way it's going. Is that what you're saying?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I was disturbed to discover that there was such a thing called the. You ever hear of the Samson Plan?

Speaker 1:

No, what's the Samson Plan?

Speaker 2:

Goldemeyer, the ex-prime minister of Israel, put this thing forth, making the point in 1973 that during the Yom Kippur War that Israel has had on their books since the 60s something called the Samson Plan. So the Samson Plan is a strategic doctrine held forth by some of the craziest fanatics inside of the Israeli deep state who have basically said they're willing to blow up the world, including their own allies, if they don't get their way. Basically is how it goes If they feel existentially threatened in any fashion and you're dealing with trauma like real psych cases here it's very easy to make them feel existentially threatened they will launch an all out general war, like Samson did in the Old Testament when he killed the Philistines after his hair was cut off and he found his strength. But it was a mass suicide too right, like he committed suicide while killing his enemies, and that's a really that should cause most people to pull back and think well, what the hell kind of psychodynamics are shaping that Middle Eastern world? Because Israel is sold and there are good Israelis who still want to bring back the Yitzhak Rabin, david Ben-Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel, who had problems but he was an overall peacemaker. They wanna bring back that idea of finding peace with the Arab world, building economic cooperation that will benefit the kids living in the next generation, both Arab and Israeli alike. There are people who wanna do that.

Speaker 2:

But then you have this other faction that's been incubated, just like ISIS, and these radical Islamic terrorists have been incubated by the CIA, before that MI6, before that British intelligence, going back to the Palestinian expedition fund and the British Cairo office in the 1870s, 1880s. That funded and bankrolled the great philosophers of the Arab world who gave rise to, like Salafism, the ideological matrix of the Muslim brotherhood, of Wahhabism, which is basically like a way, a philosophy of reading and interpreting the Quran which inclines one to radical violence. You hide instead of looking for all of the places the Quran encourages peace and loving your neighbor. There's a lot of places where the Salafists will just philosophically think that's irrelevant. To be a good Muslim, it requires more focused on violent jihad, and they'll just like zero in on that stuff. So this is the type of thing that the British love, and they bankrolled the key philosopher who made this thing back in the 1870s. They then bankrolled four decades later and that's not Al Farabi, it's oh, I'm forgetting his name, but I'll get his name later, but then they bankrolled a couple of decades later.

Speaker 2:

Oh, there it is. It's Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, payroll of the British Cairo office 1879 to 82, and Hassan al-Banna, who was, in 1928, the founder of the Muslim brotherhood, operating again out of Egypt, which Britain ran economically like a satrap for about 70 years until Nasser nationalized, basically had a military coup in the 50s, supported by Eisenhower, by the way, and great American patriots were okay with that. It was just the American traders who were not okay with that, pushing for war with Egypt After Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal on Egyptian territory, which the British said was theirs, and there was nearly a war with Israel and France and Britain against Egypt, which Eisenhower stopped. But the Muslim brotherhood were the British instrument that was used to try to kill Nasser and give the Suez Canal back to the British, and Nasser banned the Muslim brotherhood, who went underground, and that is the basis.

Speaker 2:

People wanna know, the heart of the fifth columnists in Egypt. That's what it is. It's a revival of the old ISIS cults as well. That is part of the old mystery sects of empire that go back to what organized the Roman Empire.

Speaker 1:

So you don't think it's a coincidence that the acronym for Islamic State is ISIS?

Speaker 2:

No, I don't anymore. I used to think that that was a coincidence, but no, I think that those who named it that knew exactly what they were doing. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that's shocking actually.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so there's an image I wanted to show real quick, because some people are pointing out how much money not only, of course, is going to Israel with these military aid packages, but also to Iran, and then they give money to Hamas and then somehow Americans are funding both sides of this war. And I also wanted to point out that Israel is paying for ads to target American citizens to support this war, and a lot of people are wondering if this is going to get to the point where, I mean, we already have American special forces dying over there. But is there going to be? Is America going to get baited into this war? And will there have to be a draft or something if Americans are going to fight in it? And would Israel as a nation state be investing in targeting Americans if it wasn't so important to get military aid from the American taxpayers? Great, question.

Speaker 2:

I think that there's two ways this can go. On the one hand, you do have something like 12,000 American troops being sent. I think they've arrived off of a certain battle fleet that's arrived in the Mediterranean. There's the Gerald Ford battle fleet that's already there as a variety of destroyers, battleships, very dangerous. There's American troops who are being sent there, possibly to support the ground invasion that's been postponed. Would that require a greater escalation of US involvement militarily? Because if there were ground invasion, what's the likelihood then that Lebanon and Iran are going to get enmeshed into that? Probably pretty high.

Speaker 2:

At which point do the neocons, who have been just like frothing at the mouth for many, many years, like General Wesley Clark had said 20 years ago when he was the head of NATO he was briefed by Paul Wolfwood saying after Iraq we're going to go for Libya, then Syria, then Lebanon, then Egypt, then Iran is actually before Egypt, so he'd already pointed this out. They've wanted this. Lindsey Graham is saying we have to strike Iran, many. So at what point do agreements get triggered that involve official US military involvement? I don't know. Is it possible that Israel is afraid that they're going to? Are they insecure? I think a lot of what's going on right now is coming from a degree of insecurity because they feel like they have to use the. The Samson plan involves threatening your neighbors, threatening your allies, even attacking your allies, destroying your allies if they don't come in supporting you. This is, I think, what we're seeing a partial expression of with the threats to Americans right now saying you better come and help us. I think that there's a sense that they don't have the popular support, or even the institutional support for US military full blown support of a total war against the Arab world, because that would become a war against of the entire Arab world, against Israel, and maybe even China and Russia could get enmeshed. So I think that they have a sense that that's not necessarily going to happen, and I'm reminded of a remark that Henry Kissinger made a decade ago more than that, in 2012, when he spoke to the Jerusalem Post asking him about the future of Israel and he said, no, in 10 years Israel will not even exist. And he freaked out the Jerusalem Post journalists because they're like what are you talking about? What's he talking about? Kissinger represents a very high level of strategic planning and I think that when I take a step back and I look at Israel on the grand chessboard for the past over a century.

Speaker 2:

It was never meant to be a permanent fixture of the world map. Those who founded Israel Lord Balfour, lord Milner, lloyd George were anti-Semitic, pro-fascist, pro-nazis. They wanted to get and persuade the world, like the world Jews spread out over the world, to go and live in this very controlled area within a volatile region. That would be strategically important for the British Empire to maintain instability on the world map. That's always been the point. Why else would the British Empire, run by the most radical anti-Jewish, anti-semitic, pro-fascist, pro-nazi killers, put so much of their devotion, time and energy over decades into the Balfour Accords, into creating British Mandate Palestine, into the propaganda to persuade the international Jews of Eastern Europe and Russia to go? And actually, you want to live in the desert. You don't like living in the towns that your families have been living in for centuries. No, that's actually not what you want. You think you do. You actually want to live in the desert. That takes a lot of persuasion and a lot of intimidation and that's why the British put forth things like the anti-Jewish protocols of Zion.

Speaker 2:

Hoax, which was cooked up by the Ocarina and British and French intelligence high level in the 1890s was to promote anti-Semitism amongst the elites as well as amongst the mobs who would create pogroms in Russia which traumatized the many Jews. That resulted in mass mobs of pitchfork and torch and pitchfork Christians who were led to believe that the Jews are evil and you have to kill them before they kill you, and many Jews were killed. And then you had Hitler, who believed in the protocols of Zion as well, and Henry Ford and all of the American deep state operatives who were supporting fascism and eugenics were all like that was the big thing in the 1920s. Everyone who was like you know who is a money bags was a believer and a promoter of the protocols of Zion Jewish freemasonic conspiracy document, which you read, the damn thing, and it reads like a cartoon. You'd have to be a brain dead idiot who believes in comic book reality to read this thing. And if you think that evil doers actually talk that way, no, it's the most comic bookie thing. But it worked and Hitler believed it. And so that created such a trauma of chaos for so many of the Jews living in Europe that it became finally more desirable to live in the desert. And it worked.

Speaker 2:

And they started like getting them all into one area, which would be useful for a period of the Cold War, often used by Nazis as well. Because if you look at people like a Mossad, which was created by the CIA, they received their intelligence and information from Otto Scorseni, the leading SS killer, who was working with the Egyptian and the Syrian military on behalf of the British after World War Two, or Alouis Bruner, who was providing intelligence to Mossad the whole time. They had a whole list of unrepentant Nazis in the 50s and 60s working with Israeli intelligence. That itself was founded by British and American secret forces in the 50s, and so the idea was to just use Israel for a period.

Speaker 2:

There's a reason why no Rothschild member of the Rothschild family ever lived permanently in Israel. They put so much money into getting other Jews there, but they never lived there. They know it's destined to eventually be burnt off the map in some massive consummation that would usher in as Rabbi Cook, the famous British choice for the Ashkenazi Rabbi of British Mandate Palestine who created the entire Merkaz-Yashiv movement of the settlers, these illegal settlers that would be conditioned to think that they have to go illegally into the Palestinian settlements to provoke to basically, like, reclaim their land that should be theirs, even though it's not recognized as such. It was through this Rabbi Cook Isaac Cook, who has a huge amount of influence in the Likud party. As an ideal, an ideologue, he was calling for the necessity for the end of civilization to coincide with a global conflagration that would bring in Armageddon and usher in the Messiah, at which point the Solomon temple could be reconstructed on the Holy Mount, which is where the Holy of Holies of the Islamic….

Speaker 1:

That's kind of scary when you compare that to the Samson plan, which is basically a big suicide mission. Bring everybody down. That's part of the plan. It is destroy everything, including ourselves. It's very creepy to think that these anti-Semites were trying to round up all the Jews around the world and put them all in one concentration camp of a state to be destroyed later.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it's really creepy. It's not like the typical concentration camp that we imagine, because Israel is where it's sold and it's true there are very high-level, high technology, high living standards. It's sold as a great democracy of the Middle East. On the surface, some of the structure of democracy has been permitted, the material standards of living are quite good, it's true, for a lot of Israelis who live there. But the overall thing is that it was always a temporary project that would involve creating something useful, that would be an instrument that would be tied to things like what Merilanski was doing. You have the whole Jewish criminal syndicate system of the Bronfman's that were needed to bring in as the apex of the drug culture.

Speaker 2:

In the 20th century the Bronfman dynasty was brought into Canada. Samuel Bronfman was made a knight of the Order of Bath that's one of the highest knighthoods that one can receive from the British monarchy for works and services rendered to the British Empire. That's Samuel Bronfman, the guy who created organized crime in North America, under which Lucky Luciano and the Italian, sicilian, corsican crime syndicates were cultivated. But it was always these groups. Merilanski was a major, major, high-level part of this operation that was very much tied to activities, money laundering, other forms of terrorist financing and things that supported international narcotics traffic gambling activities. The creation of Las Vegas.

Speaker 2:

Israel played a role in a lot of that. That's what the Whitney Webb did a good deep dive on this with her one nation under blackmail going in through what was Epstein really a part of? Who Controlled him? What were these things? So it played a role, but those who were Servicing the Empire were yet nominally Jews. But they were more. They were more satanic than they were Jews. They were more half more than happy to kill their fellow Jews who were not in the inside club, as much as they were willing to kill Americans or Arabs or Africans. They didn't care. They're Satanists more than anything else, and this is where I think a lot of Christians and Arabs who get burned by some of these activities.

Speaker 2:

We see only the surface name of a Rothschild or a Bronfman or a landscape and we then say, oh, it's the Jews. You know what? It falls right into our prejudices of. They're the Christ killers anyway. Of course they're doing this, of course, and so it. And then you know you. You see how we're profiled and how things like the protocol of Zion Documents have been nurtured over the years, to the point that, even today, even though it's been proven to be a hoax of forgery, people are still using it to justify their interpretation of the very real conspiracy that involves Jewish bankers. That's true, that's a true thing, but there's something being left out with that narrative framing that ignores the higher agency, manipulating them and ultimately willing to burn them off the map. And and yeah, it's creepy that these, these are the, the figures that supported Nazism.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, you always point out, it's the Anglo-American elite that are the group if you want to call it a group behind a lot of this, and Yet they're willing, perfectly willing, to destroy the UK and America in the process Of all of this. I mean, look at the immigration that that's happened in the UK. It's changed the the identity of the UK in the last couple of decades. Look at what's happening in America. A color revolution has happened right before our eyes. So the Anglo-American elites are perfectly happy to destroy Americans and British people in the process, just like with this Jewish elite is willing to destroy the Jews in the process. I wanted to point out a couple more facts and figures, the history of this conflict. This is an interesting illustration of Palestine and the population of Palestinians and how it's dwindled since 1917 to the present day. You know so, you know you get the word genocide thrown around, but these people had to relocate and go somewhere else, and so the, the identity of this landmass has completely changed. Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely and then the actual number of people who were killed in these conflicts. It's pretty one-sided actually. Yeah, when you look at the numbers. Yeah, I mean that's so important that you have Palestinians for every Israeli who dies.

Speaker 2:

Yes, no, it's good that you put this up because people need to understand. Where does this sense? Like you know I, there's images that are being shown across the media of much you know, many Palestinians, many people in the Arab world. Here's an image.

Speaker 1:

That's been shown that, and on the right you can see that this was an AI doctored image.

Speaker 2:

Oh, so there's a lot of propaganda, oh yeah, yeah, no, I mean the we're being fed the such a barrage of propaganda. I mean we only saw this really after 9-11, you know, when they found, like you know, the passports of Of the various terrorists that took control of the planes right at the base of the incinerated World Trade Centers and then all of a sudden you've got these pristine passports and they did. This same sort of thing is happening today. We were told from 2001 that you have the axis of evil. That's when we were told that you have the same thing, the axis of evil. That's when that was was marketed right North Korea, iran, iraq, and that's who we have to bomb to save the free and democratic rules based international order.

Speaker 2:

And we're shown pictures of our told stories of Iraqis killing babies. We're told this in desert storm like that justified that. You know. You have this girl crying saying I was a nurse and Baghdad and Saddam's forces killed the babies. They threw them out of the incubators and snopped them in their heads. Then we discover afterwards this girl is the daughter of the Iraqi ambassador to the United States.

Speaker 2:

None of this was true. There was never any evidence, but the emotional, the felt thought was adequate to brainwash us so that people champion, supporting an illegal attack onto Iraq number one. And then we did it again, being told the same things again Iraq is baby eaters and they're killing babies. And so we supported it the second time and we got the passport of the guy. The passport, by the way, all of the people who participated in 9 11 were Saudis. Not a single Iraqi participated, not a single Afghani participated. But the two countries we bomb to the to hell were Afghanistan and Iraq, who had nothing to do really with 9 11 at all.

Speaker 2:

And it's like today, if we really want to treat Hamas as if they are this terrorist thing, that which I mean, I think they are, but they are a terrorist organization, but at the same time, it's not like ISIS, it's not like al-Qaeda which we did create, by the way, like that was created by the CIA, openly and directly, and was used and incubated and deployed by the CIA, by MI 6, against Libya, in the Libyan Islamic fighters group, against Mali, with the Boko Haram, the, the Malian, the African branch of al-Qaeda, the Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria, which was the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda that became ISIS. All funded bankroll, logistically supplied by the US and their allies. So, and especially Britain, through the white helmets. So we have openly that. And then we're told, no, but Hamas, which really only has conducted violence specifically against Israel. And again, when you look at the images that you just showed, you kind of understand where the hot, the feelings of hostility come from, even if we don't want to necessarily say that that's the right way, because that is the wrong way to deal with being a suppressed people is to go for terrorism, which we shouldn't endorse. That and in fact Hamas was created, as Chaz Freeman, the American ambassador to Saudi Arabia, pointed out, by Israeli and American intelligence in the first Intifada in 1987, the first place. So American, israeli intelligence created out of the Muslim Brotherhood Hamas to be a counterpull to Yasser Arafat from the Palestinian, palestinian Liberation Organization. So we created this thing to be the thing that would stop and block and prevent and disrupt any type of positive, constructive thinking that would emerge from the Yasser Arafat circle by by provoking violence instead and destroying the type of like, when you go back to that, that image you showed of the, the five images of Israel, palestine, the Oslo Accords called for bringing back Palestinian territory to the 1967 borders before the Seven Years War. Right now it's all fragmented, there's no. There's little enclaves surrounded by like electric fences and you need permits to move and your water is turned off. There's no clean water. It's terrible. There's no jobs. There's desperation. That's what what the Oslo Accords of Arafat and Yitzhak were being called for returning to to create at least some sense of a viable nation state and build infrastructure. Trump called for doing the same thing to with the Abraham Accords. That was part of the recognition of Israel was also bringing back the borders of 1967 before Israel took all of those regions from after the Seven Days Six Days War, which itself was an inside job.

Speaker 2:

The Six Days War was admitted to by many, many high level Israeli officials. This is actually something useful. People are told. This is a sacred myth, we've been told.

Speaker 2:

The Israelis had to destroy the Arab armies of Egypt and Syria and Jordan.

Speaker 2:

They had to do this preemptively because they were about to be attacked.

Speaker 2:

So they did it and then took all this territory. Did they have to? Was there evidence that there was going to be an attack against Israel? No, and that was admitted to by the Chief of Logistics Command of the General Staff of Israel in 1973, who said the thesis according to which the dangers of genocide hung over us in June 1967 and according to which Israel was fighting for her survival was nothing more than a bluff which was born and bred after the war, and even American CIA analysts in 1967 were trying to blow the whistle saying look, there is no evidence that Nasser is going to attack the, the, the. The cause of that intelligence that Nasser was given that Israeli was going to attack Egypt, which is why they they blocked the Suez canal, which was supposedly some act of war, and then station some troops around Israel, was as a message to say don't attack us, because he was given intelligence that Israel was going to attack them. Israel was given intelligence, that is, that Egypt was going to attack them, and Syria and Jordan.

Speaker 1:

So you can see how there there's an invisible hand kind of manipulating both sides and and that's why it's always good to be skeptical of these people like Lindsay Graham who want us to do first strikes, exactly because I mean, that's not not the path to peace and negotiation to be talking about attacking your enemy before they attack you. This is a good time to do a break here to talk about the people who are keeping bad lands going. So I want to talk about ascent nutrition. Many of us, many of you, have heard us talking about ascent nutrition products over the previous months and we'd like to announce that they are offering bad landers 10% off their pine pollen tincture. Pine pollen tincture is wild harvested in his nature's highest source of DHEA and other brasino steroids which help our libido, motivation, brain health, circulation and detox, and it tastes really good to. I've actually tried this product and it's very sweet to the to the taste buds. Their pine pollen tincture contains over 200 bioavailable nutrients, including bioavailable glutathione and the highly sought after brassin steroids. The safe and natural compounds found within pine pollen mimic human hormone functioning in different ways, which is why I can help support things like libido, blood flow, motivation and focus, so pine pollen has been used in Eastern medicine for well over 2000 years and is commonly offered to help increase overall vitality and energy in life, support reproductive health and strengthen the immune system. Ascent nutrition is offering bad landers 10% off their pine pollen tincture and all other products through the end of October at badlandsmediatv. So that's badlandsmediatv slash ascent promote promo code is badlands.

Speaker 1:

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Speaker 1:

So you know you sent me some really interesting links before the show showing that the US, south Korea and Japan are conducting historic first military exercise together in the vicinity of the Korean Peninsula. This is interesting because Korea, you know they don't feel too good about Japan attacking them in World War II, but South Korea and Japan both proxies of the US against China, so that's interesting to see that escalating in that region. And then you sent me this one that Turkey is supposedly ready to approve fresh NATO expansion. Interesting to me because in the same breath Erdogan is saying that Hamas is not a terrorist organization, they're freedom fighters. So he seems to be playing both sides. And you also showed this link that for the first time the Five Eyes Intelligence chiefs are all getting together and promoting this. So what do you think is relevant about these news items to bring to people's attention?

Speaker 2:

Well, I don't only have 10 minutes left so I'll chutter, I guess, condense. The important thing is, I think, that there is a hectic fear right now going on that the nature of the New World Order that was planned and declared victorious back in 1993 or 92, with the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the US victory in the Cold War, is slipping away in many ways. So, on the one hand, the intelligence of the Five Eyes chiefs which, by the way, the Five Eyes is not American run, it is British run, british created. It was a British MI6 chief that set up the NSA or the thing that became the NSA, the Black Chamber, back in World War II or World War I. Even that was British intelligence. British intelligence declared it with the UK-USA Signals Agreement in 1946, the same day that the Anglo-American special relationship was being created. They were the ones who oversaw the purge of US intelligence with the OSS and the reconstruction of US intelligence with the CIA. And this is the same entity that oversaw the creation of the Mossad as a way to get around the slightly too nationally oriented Shin Bet that had been created in 1948 with the Israeli Defense Forces version one. So, and this is the thing that incorporated Nazis, all of the unreconstructed, the leading Nazis of Reinhard Galen, the officials, like I mentioned, autoskortsenian, all of these, these creeps were incorporated into this Five Eyes apparatus that set about creating a control of global information and global perception management, especially throughout the Cold War. Today, their major enemy, as all of them have agreed upon at this Five Eyes meeting that occurred this week, is China, has got to be undermined any way possible. There's every form of full spectrum warfare going on asymmetric information, you name it, and the war is in the minds. The battlefield is in the mind of the American and European and Canadian people primarily. That's the domain, the topology of where this battle is being waged. So that's our minds, are the target. At the end of the day, they want to create this, and so this involves that aspect of conceptual war, but also you have hard war too.

Speaker 2:

So the current first US Korea, south Korea, japan military drills. This is championed as a great victory by Biden that he's bringing peace between Japan and South Korea since World War II and didn't happen, and it's like, well, it's not kind of a half, not really a victory, because these are two military colonies of the US. South Korea hosts 28,000 US troops who have full control over Korea's military affairs. Japan hosts 56,000 US military officers. They have bases that even many high level Korean generals are not allowed to go into. South Korea also hosts a part of what's called FAD, a FAD missile shield, pointed both at Russia and at China, which has been built up since over a decade, begun under Obama, and people say, oh, it's about Korea, crazy North Korea, and it's like no, that Korea was always just an excuse. It was always about full spectrum dominance around Russia and China so that the West could have first strike hegemony over the ability of Russia or China to launch any counterattack if they were assaulted by nuclear warheads. Which is why there's about 130,000 US troops stationed all across what's called the Pacific NATO or the Quad.

Speaker 2:

They're also very pissed with India because India was supposed to be a member of the five eyes, called the nine eyes. They were supposed to become a member, they said no. At the end of the day, they were supposed to become a member of the Quad, the Pacific NATO they said no. This is also why Justin Trudeau, a puppet of the five eyes, and the British Empire has supported breaking all ties with India and they're casting blame, saying oh look, the five eyes has given us intelligence that India Modi directly killed this Canadian citizen who's part of an Indian separatist organization in Kult Kalistan. So that justified now the complete shutting down of business relations and ties. You can't even get a visa if you want to go to India, if you're a Canadian.

Speaker 2:

They've already done this with China a few months back, saying oh yeah, china did election interference. That's what the five eyes told us. We don't need evidence, that's true. So that cut off. That justified more sanctions against China, more cutting off business contacts and more dragnet against anybody who's a voice trying to say, maybe we shouldn't go to war with China? Well, now you're a Chinese agent. So they're doing the same thing they did during the Cold War. They did this already with Russiagate against Americans and Canadians who are trying to say maybe Russia is not our enemy, maybe it's more like the deep state. No, you're a Russian agent if you say that. So that's what they're doing now and again. So now you have these very provocative military drills. China is very concerned that this could escalate.

Speaker 2:

The five eyes again are saying things like oh yeah, china's done technological theft against America. No, undoubtedly there have been both sides. That's the nature of globalization. It's a dirty game in the 70s, 80s, 90s, yes. However, one of the fallacies that struck me is that they're saying oh, yeah, look, china is becoming a world leader in high speed rail, in magnetic levitation rail, in quantum computing. They got all of that by stealing it from us and it's like, well, why don't we have that then, if they got all this stuff by stealing it, we don't have any high speed rail, we have no magnetic levitation rail, we don't do quantum computing, we have none of it. How do you justify this? But and then they say fentanyl, well, see, okay, yeah, china.

Speaker 2:

And that's why given Newsom just met with Xi Jinping, because partially, given Newsom is being promoted or he's being set up to become a replacement for Biden, so they have to have him going on little royal trips. But part of it is because China got out of the Paris Accords back in June and they basically create a precedent where other countries now are really talking seriously about following China out of the carbon emission reduction treaties of the Paris Accords that are so important for the COP 27 green depopulation agenda. China basically said no, we're a sovereign nation, we don't have to shut down our carbon, we don't have to be overseen by any supernational body and they said any nation can do it too. So that was where you had Kissinger and Elon Musk and Blinken and everybody going as dignitaries to try to like, beg China or threaten China to get back into the suicide pact. And I gave a Newsom that was a big reason why he went to China was to try to persuade China to get back into the suicide pact on green energy.

Speaker 1:

It's interesting that Xi Jinping was willing to meet with Gavin Newsom because it seems like he's not willing to meet with Biden officials a lot of the time or Biden himself. What do you think about that?

Speaker 2:

He's always been willing to meet with Biden or Blinken. Oh, sometimes he'll put us for a mystery Go meet with him. I think that China is being somewhat they're gentlemen like, in the sense of like they won't go and they'll always act very polite to even people who are foreign dignitaries, who don't like them. But it doesn't mean because you're being polite to somebody, meaning that you're with them or you agree with them. And I think that China kind of knows that Biden is a lame duck and they kind of know that there is a higher selection club that wants Gavin Newsom in. So I think that they know that it's probably wise to talk to Gavin Newsom, since he might become there's a chance that he might become the president of the United States that they're going to have to start dealing with. So I think that it probably goes into something more like real politics.

Speaker 1:

Right, we're going to take another quick break here, because we actually have 18, 16 minutes left because we started late. Yeah, let me play these interesting videos here about people who are helping badlands. Keep going. Yeah, we've got Earth Garden botanicals. Are you looking for herbal solutions that are clean and natural? Look no further than Earth Garden Botanicals, your America first herbalist.

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Speaker 3:

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Speaker 3:

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Speaker 1:

Chlorine dioxide. That's something you're usually not allowed to talk about and I wonder why. Well, you know, Matt, if you talked about India opting out of this group and you talked about China also being all of a sudden enemy number one of the Five Eyes, and they opted out of the Paris Accord. So you got China and India, Russia, they've got this counter alliance and going against these Five Eyes nations, and we're seeing that play out with the BRICS economic alliance, possibly a currency to compete with the dollar. So where does the BRICS alliance, where do they fit on the military playing field with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

Speaker 2:

Well, there's not too much of a, there's not a military aspect to the BRICS per se. It's an economic and trade agreement, more than anything else. However, the BRICS to understand why this, the arsonists are lighting the fire in the heart of the Middle East now, I think couldn't be answered without recognizing the upgrade of the BRICS to include now Saudi Arabia, the UAE, egypt, ethiopia, iran, argentina as well. But those primary five Arab states are very important. Iran is Persian, but Muslim states are extremely important to understand why this is happening Because with their induction into the group, raising it from the original five to 11 in June 2024, this is going to become a game changer on a massive level.

Speaker 2:

Saudi Arabia has played a key role in expunging a lot of the most satanic elements of their own deep state, like Prince Bandar bin Sultan and the other groupings that were part of the Bush Cheney 9-11 operation back in September 11th. This occurred through the complicity of Saudi groups that funded, finance, bankroll much of that operation and even provided some operatives to play a role in that. A lot of this was unveiled by the Declassified 18 pages or 16 pages of the 9-11 Commission report, or 26 pages, anyway, declassified pages that were recently Declassified. We now saw the Saudi Embassy, prince Bandar, playing a key role. These figures were expunged in 2017 with a major, major purge that most Westerners don't fully understand anything about.

Speaker 2:

Since then, saudi Arabia has adopted a very different strategic doctrine, centered around not just simply being a puppet state providing sponsorship of terrorism and making your money in oil, but nothing else to becoming a nation wanting full spectrum manufacturing infrastructure, high speed rail, which they are building largely through the assistance of China. Uae has also gotten on board with a robust nuclear program. Saudi Arabia is going for that as well, egypt also big time. And all of these are zones which exist on strategic areas like choke points of the Suez Canal, the Red Sea, the Bob El Mandar Strait, the Straits of Hormuz, which is another area where major flows of oil and goods move through the Iranian Straits as well, between Saudi Arabia and Iran. You got the same thing as well with the.

Speaker 1:

You can't forget all the oil producing nations right, iran and Saudi Arabia, uae, I mean they control a lot of the world's energy.

Speaker 2:

They control a lot of the world's energy and they're going for a different paradigm that's much healthier because it's based upon long-term thinking. Building things that are going to take five to 30 years to even construct that's very good. To do those sorts of things. That creates a moral vitality for business practice. Investments profit is transformed from simply speculation or extraction of goods, turning goods into money as quickly as possible, which is crap at building anything long-term versus something that has real value to it. They were working because of Trump and what he put in motion with the Abraham Accords, which Russia and China have largely backed up and supported, which is the recognition of Israel by their Arab neighbors. They created a business climate where you could start actually thinking about investing as a private investor into areas that normally you would never invest in because it's so volatile, when you can normalize the relations which, again, everybody was getting on board with before October 7th with Israel and you could revive what is being discussed of a two-state solution, which Russia, china especially, were supporting Iran. A lot of people are blaming Iran for being behind Hamas. This is part of what I'm noticing. Is the CIA Western trope that I've not seen the evidence. I've seen the evidence that Hamas is primarily Qatar-driven and Qatar is a Anglo. It's part of the Anglo sphere. It is not part of the Persian-Brix orientation at all. That's a bit of a deflection I'm seeing. That's a very dangerous thing that falls into the Lindsey Graham, dick Cheney, liz Cheney trappings that want to have a preemptive strike there. Then you have the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which is more of a counterpulting data and is more of a security pact. It's here that you do have Iran, india, pakistan, who are all full members. Saudi Arabia is an observer nation that could become a full member. There's a long list of other nations. There's about, I think, 13 that I last saw waiting to join the 11 nation-strong Shanghai Cooperation Organization China, russia, india or the China, russia, india and Iran are the primary ones. There's many more growing. Brick says about 43 nations waiting to join as well. That could easily explode massively.

Speaker 2:

I use the word in a positive way in this case. Here again, it's where you start getting into the shady. What are the legal demands? That if one member nation get into a conflict, other nations have to join suit, like we have with NATO? I don't see a similar thing like that. There's no collective security agreement with them, but there are still things that are dangerous. There are military pacts. Nato is much more dangerous, which is why Turkey has to play this very. I don't envy Erdogan because he has to walk in both worlds, because he's part of NATO, but at the same time, if he does get into a conflict, all NATO has to get into that same war. That's part of Article 5.

Speaker 2:

Him supporting or allowing for Sweden's entry into NATO as you, as you brought up and I didn't touch on earlier is Uncomfortable but at the same time not the worst thing, because it still has to be ratified by the Turkish Parliament. That may not happen. It has to then still be read. Ratified by the Hungarian Parliament probably won't happen or bonds against it. Sweden also isn't as radicalized as the as the.

Speaker 2:

The Ukrainian Situation was, where you have more aggressive Nazi killers romanticizing Hitler and Bandera in Ukraine that have been incubated by the, by Western intelligence in Ukraine, making them much more of a dangerous Thing to have on in NATO, whereas with Sweden there wasn't as much effort to cultivate Nazi killers. There was a Nazi problem. Sweden was allied or was helping the Nazis, or at least the Swedish leadership was in World War two, but they haven't really had the same type of romanticization of Nazism as the Ukrainians had. So I don't think the Russians are as concerned with Sweden being part of NATO as they were with Ukraine or with Georgia, which is again going through their own turmoil right now. So, yeah, I think the bricks is an important thing, but it's not military and it is behind what was the decision making to blow up the? That region has a lot to do with the bricks Evolving to their next level.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can see a possibility here. When you pointed out that Saudi Arabia, iran, uae, these are new members of bricks, that If those countries were baited into a war and they had to expend a bunch of resources and lives, then that's, that's an attack against the bricks alliance. So this, this whole ploy to bait different countries into a war, could be a way of just Weakening this, this alliance. That is a counter to the five eyes NATO alliance that we've been talking about. Yeah, so yeah, it seems like it's interesting to watch this conflict play out in the mainstream on Twitter or now it's xcom, and how the, the alternative media like us, have really been refreshingly Journalistic in talking about this, this conflict, whereas on on xcom You've got these different conservative incorporated People who are just on the Israel bandwagon, and then you've got these radical leftists that are like pro Hamas protestors and they all seem crazy when you hear them to To like these conspiracy theorists like us in our basement doing podcasts and talking about how the deep states funding and provoking both sides.

Speaker 1:

So Isn't it great to be in this kind of information age where you know an amateur like myself Can can compete with the CNN in the control of the narrative? I don't call you an amateur because you've got more knowledge under your belts, but you know it's so. It's so great to be to be able to do this and and you know it's been it's been hard to keep keep our voice being de-platformed and so forth on YouTube and PayPal and all these different platforms. But we're still going and we're still sharing this message of Rationality and of research instead of this kind of ideology of Tribalism and just joining a group and raising the flag and saying I I am with Israel and against Russia, no matter what, because that's what the propagandists have been telling me for decades. So you've got a Few minutes here to close out with your, your closing remarks, matt, anything you want to leave the audience to think about or to To point out any of the work that you're doing on substack in your documentaries.

Speaker 2:

Sure well, I couldn't agree with you more. And yeah, you know, we didn't have this with 9-11. There wasn't this type of alternative media access that people could have, and you had to be sort of somebody who was brought into Certain inner clubs if you wanted to be somebody who had a voice on a platform. But that would also mean that you had to go through Journalistic school, journalism training in university, go through all, get all of your proper papers Meaning you probably had to sell your soul or at least get brainwashed along the way. And then you're, you're taught to be a Stenographer for the 5i intelligence instead of being a real journalist. So you're taught like they teach journalists today. You know, you, you get, you get your feed from either the CIA Government office and you repeat it, or some centralized information bureau like there's just like three Reuters. You know there's a couple, but Um, and then you repeat, you try to make your own words and you repeat but that's that's how journalists are taught to be these days, and and that that is the outgrowth of project mockingbird that didn't disappear. So the fact that we, with no journalism per se, university Training or having been part of any clubs, can actually have a voice to bring some sense of nuance and pull people, help people raise their minds above the controlled narratives, is really good that there's so many voices out there that are able to do this. This is the fact that that made Trump Trump's election victory possible in the first place, in a world that should never have permitted that. When the when you think about the new world order controls that they had centralized by that time of 2016, that was a statistic impossibility, but it was. It was made possible by citizens who were able to think so. Yeah, I'd say for people anyway.

Speaker 2:

Anybody who wants to get a deeper dive into some of my recent stuff my books Rise are on the rising tide foundation and Canadian patriot org. Clash of the two Americas on told history of Canada. And a new video series on the hidden hand behind UFOs is about to be released, which should be on Halloween. We're aiming for that as the release date of episode one. My wife and I have been making these things and so that's gonna be crazy interesting Not what people think it might be, but it's gonna be crazy interesting. So keep your eyes on that. Canadian patriot org.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm happy you guys are releasing that before the fake alien invasion hologram so people can be prepared when that happens. I love how you guys Waking people up to the psy ops so that they're not as susceptible to them. You guys are a power couple. Keep on doing what you're doing. Thanks for watching on Badlands, everyone. We'll see you in the next breaking history. You.