The Sean Morgan Report
The Sean Morgan Report
Americans Targeted in 5G Warfare with Duane Cates | SEAN MORGAN REPORT Ep. 16
In this episode of SMR, Sean Morgan interviews Duane Cates about Elon Musk's pro-humanity wake-up campaign, the new speaker of the house, and the Israeli Conflict.
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Next, on the Sean Morgan report, dwing Kate's join us to give his analysis on the conflict in Israel, the Politics in the house and also the rhetoric from the long must we're gonna question the mainstream narrative and expose media propaganda Right now.
Speaker 2:That's a great question. That's a good question. Great question, that's a great question.
Speaker 1:We are joined by Dwayne, kate's prolific sub-stack writer. And, dwayne, you know, you've really been Batting batting a thousand, as you call it on your sub-stack with your analysis. Tell me, tell me what you've been, what you've been writing about.
Speaker 2:I've been running several series. The couple of last ones I've written about are about, basically this is I said, this 5g warfare is basically Humanity versus extinctionists. Actually, that's, that's not quite right. Let me see what was the title of my last. I'm gonna get it wrong. Okay, this 5g war is basically Ascension versus genocide. That's the correct statement. Okay, of my last Thunderdome I'm writing part two right now, and Elon Musk is definitely a part of that.
Speaker 2:We're basically engaged in a 5g war against people that either want to uplift humanity or, in essence, end humanity, and that's that's what I'm currently writing, and I'm just noticing that, with what Elon Musk has been saying recently, it's actually everything we've been experiencing like for the past quarter of a century. We're beginning to realize that these people are not interested in simply corraling humanity. They're not simply interested in Controlling humanity, robbing humanity blind. They already have basically 97% of our money, its value. They've stolen it by inflation over decades. Now they're going for property and your property, and at this point they're beginning to be exposed, and I think that that absolutely amazing interview on the Joe Rogan experience with Elon Musk, which just debuted about a day or two days ago, is is really Stepping up the pace of the exposure of who these people are that are, in my view, literally engaging in a soul war against humanity.
Speaker 1:Right and all the normies tuning into Joe Rogan, millions and millions of people more people tuning in there than the mainstream media and Elon Musk is calling out George Soros as fundamentally against humanity. This is such an important thing for regular people to understand, isn't it?
Speaker 2:It is Irregardless of what motives George Soros and the people of his ill I would let Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and some of these other actors in with him Irregardless of what their actual intentions or motives are. The results are what we are all ending up having to live with, and Soros has been having effect, I say, for at least the last quarter of a century. Here in this country. Most people don't know that he he invested in security technologies prior to his Launching, his launching these, these Election campaigns for what we are now calling the Soros DA's. Most people don't realize this. These people always find a way to profit at our expense. They always find a way to do this.
Speaker 2:What most people don't know is is George Soros invested heavily in security Technologies before he unleashed these Soros DA's. And what's going on right now? He's making a mint under the table when people having to buy security bars, cameras, various security technologies and Hardware and software to protect their businesses in their homes. He's making bank off that most people are not aware of it. Okay, so this, this is a a Determination. I call these chaos waves. They create the chaos and then they profit off of it. Elon Musk is calling. So Elon Musk is like a person that really wants the best for humanity and he believes that technology can be an amazing Boon or amazing and assisting in that, when it's also clear that there are other people Soros and his ill that are interested in using these technologies to lock us down and and basically Control our lives and when I say control, I mean basically control us into disaster.
Speaker 1:Right, and also the fact that he wants to turn X calm into the biggest decentralized bank in the world with Bitcoin and other Decentralized crypto currencies. This is big. I mean, people don't realize what's coming here, just right around the corner. And so what Elon Musk is saying and doing, people keep pointing out to the headlines that he he bought Twitter at a loss and like he's, like he's some kind of stupid person, when I don't think. I think he knew exactly what he was doing there and it has been going quite well, I think, if you don't look at the profit numbers, but you look at the impact on freedom of speech and other things. So, dwayne, anything else about Elon Musk you want to touch on?
Speaker 2:Very quickly. Also he was saying in the interview with Joe Rogan he was, joe Rogan, for some strange reason, was wearing a blonde wig. I have no idea why I was doing that. I guess I missed that, that part of the show or what the explanation was, if there was one, but even.
Speaker 1:I'm not sad.
Speaker 2:Oh, it's Halloween, okay, you know, I must get saying that what's happening. The reason he bought Twitter and he felt he had to make that investment or even take the financial hit, was on behalf of humanity. And he said this may sound melodramatic, but he means it the AI that's being incorporated into what he could see on the horizon for Twitter. He described it as the Berkeley or the San Francisco mindset was going. If you understand he talks, it's like a zombie apocalypse in San Francisco right now. Most people don't understand just how absolutely bad it is. Now, if you go looking for it you can find it online You'll see the people posting the clips in the videos and it is absolutely horrendous.
Speaker 2:It's not hyperbole to say that they are undergoing a form of a zombie apocalypse. And he's stating specifically that this mindset was beginning to be banged out worldwide, globally, and he saw that it was gonna have a detrimental effect on civilization. So he said, by buying Twitter and making these changes, he's literally preventing civilization from being destroyed. I don't necessarily see that as hyperbole. And he also stated about AI. If you allow the people that he's referring to and I absolutely concur with this people that consider themselves eugenicists or what I call extinctionists to build and control their version of an AI. It's like looking in a mirror. They wanna end humanity. If you allow them to build that AI, that is exactly what you will achieve. He wants to pull us in a different direction. He's trying to warn us right now. He's trying to pull us in a different direction, where we rise rather than fall into darkness. Rise out of darkness.
Speaker 1:Right, you used the word actor before to describe some of these major grand strategists, whether they're positive or negative, but Elon Musk invested heavily in open AI and now that investment is worth billions and Bill Gates also threw his money into the ring there. So it seems like these oligarchs whether they're positive oligarchs or negative oligarchs are fighting over this control of this technology that could impact humanity so much. Dwayne, we are gonna take a quick break when we come back. I wanna ask you about the politics at play in the house. The new speaker of the house is he a good actor or a bad actor? We're gonna ask you that as soon as we get back.
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Speaker 1:There are some great deals over at MyPillowcom, so make sure you use that AMP 888 promo code to save some money. Well, dwayne, we were talking before the break about the new speaker of the house. It took a while to get there. A lot of votes, a lot of political drama, and we didn't know how this would turn out. We all thought over these weeks and months that the Rhinos would win, because we just didn't seem like we had a good hand, but in the end, a pro-Trump speaker of the house emerged. Trump gave his endorsement of the new speaker of the house and, however, the first thing that he did was sign an aid package to Israel. So what's your take on that?
Speaker 2:OK, most people don't understand what Mike Johnson just did. I want to point out that his being voted in as speaker came out of the blue. First there was going to be Jim Jordan that got shot down. Then it's this guy named Emmer. He got shot down. Here comes Byron Donald, who I would have made a great speaker. He gets shot down and I'm like. So at this point we're just not going to have a speaker, which is fine with me, because basically, apparently, congress's job right now is shipping the US Treasury overseas to private pockets. I don't like that. But all of a sudden, out of nowhere, they get one vote under a guy named Mike Johnson and, if people aren't aware of this, it was 220 GOP in the house and he got 220. After all that chaos we just saw during the previous week, he got 220 GOP votes. In other words, it was 100% unanimous.
Speaker 2:And now what we're seeing with this age is the first thing is to do an aid package to Israel. What most people don't understand I saw people on the X app saying oh god, here is just ruling America first. Absolutely it is, because what Mike Johnson did and most people don't they just see the headline and they don't dig any further. Well, that's OK, I'm here and I'll go ahead and explain what happened. Mike Johnson took the IRS funding that was supposed to be going away, that they put back in. Well, he just said we'll use that funding to send to Israel. And then he separated the 40 billion that Joe Biden wanted to attach to this aid package. He separated it and that's not being sent, okay. And the basically the Uniparty, the Neocons and the Democratic Streamers said do not do that, don't separate the aid packages. Well, he did, he separated them. Okay.
Speaker 2:So basically, what you're hearing is an aid package has been prepared. They voted for it. It passed the House. It's now going to go to the Senate where they are going to kill it. It's not going to pass.
Speaker 2:If, by some miracle, it did pass, joe Biden, who told them and you remember his speech the other day where he sounded like a blithering, you know, potato head he said he's going to and he always does this with his hands we're going to, you know, send to Ukraine and Israel. Okay, no, we're not. No, we're not. And if this aid package does arrive on his desk, he's going to veto it. So what you're witnessing right now. Matt Gates had a brilliant post on the X-App this morning. We're going to find out whether these people in the GOP that are not America. First we're going to find out where those senators, as a matter of fact in the Senate, stand on helping out the people in Israel or helping out the IRS, which is supposed to basically be used against the American people. That is what Mike Johnson is doing right now. He's basically roped-adoping these people using their own policies. He separated that aid package. They told him not to, so no aid, although we did pass an aid package. It's going to die in the Senate.
Speaker 1:I guess we will see how that plays out, but that would be an interesting game of chance for him to try to play here, because it is possible that that money will go to Israel, and is that something that will be a good thing? But it looks like that the support for sending aid or our hard-earned tax dollars to Ukraine has completely evaporated. I mean, we're going to really see these people on the record here in the Senate about how they feel about all this. So let's get into the conflict in Israel, how this all started and your analysis of the commencement of this war.
Speaker 2:Okay, on October 7th, hamas basically launched a very, in a sense, a very well-practiced murder raid which is what it was into Israel and they've so far the body count of the number of human beings that were murdered, in some cases very graphically this is like medieval throwback type stuff or even biblical horrors were unleashed upon these poor people. There's about 1400 of them were murdered that day and everything I've heard from the very beginning about how they were able to launch this attack into Israel without anybody noticing or anything being done. I mean, what kind of blind spot is this is still being addressed, but the fact of the matter is it happened. Those people are actually dead and the people that perpetrated that. Although I'm not going to take sides Israel versus Palestine I am absolutely humanity versus Hamas. No mistake, I make a distinction between Palestinian and Hamas at this point. What has happened is I've watched this since October 7th an actual dividing line has been created by this attack. All of the people who were used to waving their Palestinian flags or Hamas flags in support, the people who had that candies and celebrate these massacres which have happened on a much smaller scale, obviously, but have been happening for decades are suddenly being brought face to face. They're being confronted by an absolute lack of humanity. There are many people for every person, you see that are on these massive protests or celebrations of what happened to those poor people. For everyone, you see I'm thinking there's probably eight or 10 that have basically gone quiet, backed up, and are trying to figure out and reassess their position. So right now, mass are starting to fall everywhere. People are surprised by other people's reaction. This attack by Hamas is absolutely needs to be confronted and excoriated in the strongest possible terms.
Speaker 2:Okay, but I don't believe in making war on the Palestinian people. We have the technology and capability to be a lot more direct and a lot more specific than what I'm saying, and that needs to be addressed as well At this point. As an American I'm America. First, I want to say this very specifically Israel has its own military and its own treasury. If they want moral support to hunt down the people that committed these atrocities, they have my full support.
Speaker 2:However, I don't believe we need to get involved in that conflict. This may be an attempt to start another forever war where the forever war has been ratcheting down in the Middle East. All of a sudden, this develops and everything I've heard about how this was even possible. For this attack to be launched is incoherent and, as my brother, john Kate, says, when you encounter incoherency you need to dig deeper to figure out what you're actually looking at, because I'm not one of these people that's going to get pulled in to just start waving a banner or a flag when we have our own problems in our own country. We can provide moral support, but they don't need one US soldier and they don't need one US dollar.
Speaker 1:That's such a turnaround from the politics of the past, something we can credit to Donald Trump and his movement, this idea of America first. And so, yeah, there isn't as much support for these forever wars as there used to be. And when you frame this in the whole context that you said there are extinctionists who want to destroy humanity, want to bait us into a forever war, it really makes you reevaluate the tribalism of the Israeli military versus Hamas and who are the puppet masters behind the scenes that are doing this? Because I've found it really ironic and really weird how the Biden administration has handled this from a rhetoric standpoint, talking about Islamophobia just as much as anti-Semitism. They're playing both sides and there are some high-level pro-Iran people in the Biden administration who are threatening to walk off. Can you comment on that?
Speaker 2:Okay. One thing I want to point out, just because you just said a specific thing about anti-Semitism, is the wave of anti-Semitism, the very ugly anti-Semitism we're seeing, that is now revealing itself worldwide. Kamala Harris, the other day, as vice president of the United States, came out and said we're working hard to combat Islamophobia. That could not be a more direct message of they are going to allow attacks on people of the Jewish faith in this country. They're looking the other way. At this point, they're giving basically all of the extremists of the Islamists a green light. I can't take that any other way. With regards to the public opinion, the media, all of it. Go ahead.
Speaker 1:No, no, go ahead.
Speaker 2:Okay, with regards to the White House, I've said this before we are not suffering Barack Obama's third term, we are suffering Valerie Jarrett's third term. Valerie Jarrett was one of Obama's principal handlers and I believe right now she is the principal handler for Biden. If you've researched her history, rosanne Barr got absolutely utterly canceled as a human being. I was afraid they're going to go basically pick her up and go throw her into the active volcano in Hawaii which was at Kilauea. Nothing going to throw her in Kilauea. It was all such an outrage. By the way, the outrage about Rosanne Barr wasn't because she was a racist, it was because she dared to utter she, who must not be named just by her initials, vj.
Speaker 2:Valerie Jarrett, who moved to the Calaroma neighborhood in DC, a suburb of DC, with Barack Obama, moved in with them and proceeded to conduct a shadow, a continuation, I believe, of a shadow government that's been trying to control the destiny or the fate of the American people for a number of years, not just under Obama either. This was here long before he was sort of embedded in DUSgov. Valerie Jarrett, as an Iranian background, she did run eight years with Obama basically handling him, not his exclusive handler. There were some other people there.
Speaker 2:But because Obama is not the genius everybody seems to think he is, he basically unplugged him from a teleprompter. He becomes a stuttering idiot. Okay, biden is not much better actually he's much worse but as long as they're able to conduct operations behind him as their shield, they'll continue to do so. The Iranian link in the White House right now is Obama and Valerie Jarrett and several people like. I can't remember the names right now, but we are finding out. There are specific people that are in charge, in some cases, highly sensitive positions involving national security, who are absolutely either cheerleaders or active operatives for the Iranian regime.
Speaker 1:This could be why they're talking so much about Islamophobia in the middle of this attack on Israel, to change the way that Americans think about these conflicts. And we've got the squad right the AOC and Tayyip and the other one. They were one of the only people, the only congress people, who voted against the aid package, so isn't that interesting that the radical left supports Hamas?
Speaker 2:These people are creating chaos waves around the world. So, if you, I paid attention when Soleimani was killed by on Trump's orders and I remember that Netanyahu is now stating that Netanyahu backed out at the last minute, hoping that that would cancel the strike on Soleimani. But if people remember, in DC they were absolutely. They were trying to mass the rage that they were feeling. They were, they were apoplectic, okay. Now they tried to hide that behind. Oh, we're afraid he's going to start a war, this maniac Trump. No, they weren't. They weren't fearful, they were pissed. Okay, because Soleimani was about to launch another chaos wave in the world and they were going to be right there to profit here off of it. Escalation in the forever wars in the Middle East and also the money laundering as foreign aid to all the nations in the region. That is one example. He took out Trump, took out al-Baghdadi, he took out Soleimani. In other words, he is putting out the fires, the chaos waves these people in the global intelligence community are creating.
Speaker 1:Right they called. Didn't they call Baghdadi a religious scholar? Like when he died it was a big, it was something to mourn the way they did the title in the DC. So that's odd and so it is interesting. You're teaching people, regular people, to sense behind the headlines what the emotional tone is. They'll try to say, oh, we're just afraid that we're going to get into a world war. But the reality is that they felt an allegiance to these two extremists.
Speaker 2:They're funding them, they're backing them. These people almost certainly had intelligence community handlers Soleimani was an intelligence community asset, Whenever they and basically people are pointing out. Now people are beginning to see past the curtain. That is one of the benefits of a Trump presidency, where he was laying out so regularly what these people are doing and how they're doing it, that people are beginning with this information being provided even by what I call the vile mainstream media. People are now beginning to look right past the narratives To see what's actually happening. We're living in a world right now where Biden is funding both the Hamas and Israel. Okay, and you look at that and you say when can that possibly make sense? And the answer is they're utilizing. They're utilizing I can't remember the exact word what but they're creating chaos to take advantage of it. And this has been going on, apparently countries even before we had crisis management.
Speaker 1:That usually.
Speaker 2:Start. It's basically no, no more difficult than start the fire. So the water. But at this point these gas agents are being spotted.
Speaker 2:Regular Americans are beginning to realize that the enemy that we're fighting does not recognize non-combatants To them non-combatants just look at what happened in in Israel in early October they do not recognize non-combatants and this is something that we struggle with. We what it's kind of hard for us to To wrap our heads around that and Western civilization, we accept and we acknowledge the existence of non-combatants. They don't. And we're beginning to find out You're gonna go off on a tangent here.
Speaker 2:We're beginning to find out that the American people have been targeted For 5g psychological warfare operations.
Speaker 2:Even Trump has admitted that for the last seven years, the American people have been the target of illegal psychological warfare operations being conducted on us by by Americans. I'm not, but they, the the foreign Opposition to our nation's existence, have been doing this to us for decades and we're beginning to realize is the American people. I think that people like general Michael Flynn and Trump are starting to try to gentle us into the understanding that the American people have been targeted by both foreign and domestic enemies for a very long time. This is one of the reasons the mental health of the country is plummeting. Randy Winegarden and her teachers unions are absolutely taking advantage of young children. They're absolutely taking advantage of them, and the purpose is not just to create chaos, but basically I also say that this is a war on Humanity, and the way humanity renews itself is through progeny, and If you can get a child to go same-set or transition, you are any fact sterilizing them mentally or physically, and that is what they are pushing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's also very demoralizing, not to mention the fact that you're taking the military age men who could defend our way of life. It's very demoralizing to our culture and it's economic warfare. It even gets kinetic when you look at the, the mass shootings and the different Things that end up killing innocent Americans that are actually part of this warfare. That's a whole other rabbit hole. We're not gonna go down, but We've wrapped up the show here. Dwayne, where can people go to learn more about you and your work?
Speaker 2:Okay, I have a Thunder down substack. I was recently kicked off a twitch, sadly, so I used to have a twitch channel but that's gone. But you can find me on Brent kates dot. Sub stack comm and you can also find me on the rumble platform. They pull that up real quick on rumble it is. Let's see if this is rumble comm. Forward slash user forward slash Brent Dwayne, kate's and boys I'm.
Speaker 1:I just don't know what we need. Yep, I'm sure if people do that search for for Brent Dwayne Kate's, they're gonna find your, your stuff and you're doing really great work. You and your brother as well, got to recognize both of you. Thank you for everything you do. Thank you all of you for watching amp news dot us we are America's patriot only network and get my breaking news updates at Sean Morgan report. Calm, god bless all you patriots. Good night.
Speaker 4:Reach a loyal demographic of freedom loving Americans who vote with their dollars. Promote your patriot business on amp news. Contact Sean Morgan at Sean at amp news dot us.