The Sean Morgan Report
The Sean Morgan Report
Science Unshackled with Matt Ehret | SEAN MORGAN REPORT Ep. 18
In this episode of SMR, Sean Morgan interviews Matt Ehret about his latest book that details the war between two schools of thought throughout western civilization and how it will determine our fate.
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Next, on the Sean Morgan Report, matthew Arrett talks about how science has been perverted long before the pandemic. We're gonna question the mainstream narrative and expose media propaganda right now.
Speaker 2:That's a great question. That's a good question. Great question, that's a great question.
Speaker 1:Well, that's a really good question. It's a great question. Matthew Arrett is the editor of the Canadian Patriot Review. Matt, thanks for joining us. Tell me why you decided to write this new book about science unleashed.
Speaker 4:Well, the purpose was I supposed to think about a follow-up, because I had written a four volume book series called the Clash of the Two Americas, and one of the things left untouched within the four volume sort of reconstruction of the story of the deep state in America. Where did it come from? How was it organized by the British Empire? What is the British Empire? That's still undead. That's still an active force that interfaces with you know, various political cults, like the Fabian society, the round table movement, the Rhodes Scholar operation that did so much damage. So, in terms of shaping our history, our narratives, the models, even in science, that, like Eric Lander, the guy who is the head of Joe Biden's science policy, was a Rhodes Scholar right, indoctrinated in Oxford, like they all are, and re-infused back into the USA To carry out or advance the agenda for essentially rebranding fascism and eugenics, the science of population control, around a new set of stories that look different, but it's the same vicious thing that the Nazis were trying to do. And so why don't people see this? It's a multi-dimensional war against the human soul, the mind and the body. Why do people have so much difficulty? The most educated people, it seems, have the most difficulty in wrapping their minds around conspiracies that have shaped all of human civilization, which is causal, right. So human civilization is a very special thing. Humanity is a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful thing. We're each of us sacred and we're animated by a love of freedom that our soul needs. Like our body needs water and food, our soul needs freedom and dignity, which requires a fight against tyranny. Those who would wish to enslave us, who have a different idea of what human beings are, is made in the image, maybe, of mud. So this clash of ideas is at the causal nexus of the shaping of all human systems. Wars, assassinations, revolutions, you name it. You can't understand any of it if you don't look at the opposing view of human nature and God and law that has shaped everything in different parts of the world. So why is it that this causality, which is in the domain of intentions and ideas, is so difficult for people who have been processed through this university materialistic system, who choose to instead think about popular explanations that have no bearing on conspiracies and become like a bad word? That's a sign that you're crazy. So the science in shackled was to get it like.
Speaker 4:Well, what is the battleground of the mind and soul, especially around science that has shaped the last 2000 years, and I tried to take a step back.
Speaker 4:It's about 270 pages, this book, and it's called Restoring Causality in a World of Chaos.
Speaker 4:To try to get it that there's not just one thing called Western science, like we've been told in a simplistic fashion, which is a lie that goes from, like Plato, to the Renaissance, the Enlightenment and their modern age of Eric Lenders, genetics and you know the oversaw, the CRISPR technology and the human genome project and all these things.
Speaker 4:There's not one continuity, there's two opposing currents, sort of a clash of two sciences with one current based upon a belief in God, a belief in the human soul, the belief in the idea that we are made in the image of a creator, which gives rise to the great discoveries creatively throughout the ages. That allows us to overcome the limits to growth, sustain more people at a higher quality of life. That's tied to the technology of government and its improvement as well. As Benjamin Franklin, the great scientist of his day, understood that these are two sides of the same coin his discovery on electricity and his discoveries and fight for political freedom. Two sides of the same fight, and I tried to get across how these two currents of science have manifested throughout the ages, with certain chapters dealing with the battles over cosmology, over atomic physics, over life sciences, things like that.
Speaker 1:It's so ambitious. You did such a great job. As I was looking through the book, you know just Western civilization a lot of people agree started with the Greeks and with Socrates and Plato. And then you describe this divergence between these two opposing currents, as you called it. So when did it start? When did it diverge? Plato's student Aristotle, can you talk about how these two sides started to oppose each other?
Speaker 4:Well, I think that it was already divergent before Plato and Aristotle were having their disputes in the School of Athens, but I think it was the most documented with their works. So it's something we can like, latch onto and study more clinically because of their works having survived. I would say that the Platonic School and we're given a lie saying that Aristotle advanced Plato's thesis or theories, not true. If you actually look at the Platonic Dialogues and I've read them all and if you read the core works of Aristotle, the Nicomachean Ethics, his physics, there's certain core presumptions that place both men in two different universes that they think they exist in. Now I would say that the Platonic world. If you read the Mino Dialogue, the Philebus, the Phaedo, he's always very clear that the human being is distinguished by a divine spark of an immortal soul that we can prove exists, that is shaped by the Creator, who has a triune attribute or quality of being of the Creator, the created in creation, which he develops in his Tamea's Dialogue. So there's an idea of a soul, whereas in Aristotle there's an idea of a blank slate, that there is no soul that pre-exists, but rather we just are tabula rasa, which means that those who control the levers of truth, the definitions are those who have power, who can impress their will onto the students or the victims within that society that they wish to influence.
Speaker 4:So, whereas Plato's getting across in his Allegory of the Cave that the point of the true philosopher is to love wisdom, not to act like a sophist and say that you have wisdom, and that means not only getting out of the cave, where people might believe that in shadows being real, cast by shadow makers behind them that they don't know exist, but also the willingness to go back into the cave out of love of your fellow man, even at risk of your own life, which is the part that the oligarchy who likes using Plato's Republic as a guide for their manipulations.
Speaker 4:They don't like. That part that Plato, or through the voice of Socrates, says the true philosopher must, after learning how to think and use the eyes of reason to look at the world as it is, through knowledge instead of through the senses, then go back morally into the cave to help others. They hate that part, because that's the part that, again, a Benjamin Franklin, a Martin Luther King Jr at JFK is tapping into when they're developing their courage and creative powers to fight against systems of global evil. So, yeah, that's one of many differences between the Platonic and Aristotelian way of thinking of human beings, the creator and the creation that we're supposed to be exploring.
Speaker 1:And here we are in the modern age where you have these different gurus, technocrats talking about merging with the singularity and installing brain chips and so forth, and you never hear any of them talking about liberating others from slavery or mental slavery. It's always just we are gods and we need to liberate ourselves and just bask in the glory of our greatness once we merge with the machine. So such a different philosophy. I'm even reminded of the Eastern religions and Buddhism, where, once you achieve enlightenment, you're supposed to actually go back and, through many lifetimes, help enlighten others, not just stay in Nirvana and enjoy yourself. So there is this kind of moral versus amoral of the two schools of thought. And you talked about the creator versus the creator, less the atheistic versus the believer as another way of looking at these two currents. So what are some of the other attributes of these two currents?
Speaker 4:Sure yeah.
Speaker 4:Well, one of them is the idea that the universe is organized in a fashion which is noble to the mind of somebody who has nurtured their poetic, aesthetical identity.
Speaker 4:To render one's soul sensitive to higher beauty, higher sentiments, is an important component of the Platonic philosophy that takes note that if we want to avoid the error of projecting our own neurotic disorders onto the creator, when we conceptualize what the essence of the creator is, which is what oligarchs will do, right, the idea of a tyrannical God that wants obedience, kind of like a tyrant wants in a fascist world system, that's a mistake.
Speaker 4:You want to first tap into your love the sense that there's a connection between beauty, truth and goodness as different sides of the same thing, which is necessary as we cultivate our powers of mind and emotions to feel again universal sentiments. Not sentiments like I like cake, that's very relative but sentiments like I despise injustice. I am angered when the good is unnecessarily subverted for evil, when lies are believed in. That feeling that I get now, that I had when I was, it's a similar feeling that I had when I was five, though every particle in my body that makes up my bones, my skin, my flesh, my blood is different. That same essence of, like Matthew at five years old, who hated lies or and hated injustice or felt something.
Speaker 1:It's a similar feeling, though more matured, based on my discoveries over the years so Played over in his, in his, to me so you're saying that the bad art movement, the modern arts, which, which Could be just a dot on the wall and we're all supposed to stare at it and we don't get it, so we can't enjoy the art world anymore like we could looking at a Cezanne. So this kind of modern art movement of perverting art From beauty to ugliness and celebrating ugliness is part of these two different schools of thought. Battling it out, oh big time?
Speaker 4:Yeah, most certainly, most certainly. And then that's why I even have chapter a chapter in the appendices on the CIA's creation of modern art, abstract art, atonalism of Scho Schoenberg and Jackson Pollock, all these things that are just paint, paint splatterings or, as you pointed out, just like a dot and is. If you could come up with a bullshit, sorry, if you could come up with some intellectual justification for for that dot representing something Seemingly deep, then it could sell for hundreds of millions of dollars, which is part of also money laundering. But it's also part of the initiation of the elites, the new, the nouveau rich, into the inner Clubs. They have to buy, drop a few hundred million or billion dollars on this bad art that has been popularized by the CIA as part of the war against the soul of the people.
Speaker 4:Because if you can't judge what is beautiful, you, you, you no longer lose. You lose of an important capacity To judge a lie, an evil, an ugly, idea or intention. Because when you, when you judge, well, what's the difference between a Barack Obama or a Martin Luther King jr? I, well, they use flowery language, they use rhetoric which appeals to emotions, but one actually has a beautiful, discoverable intention shaping the unfolding of the words, whereas the other has only lies and fakery with a very evil intention ultimately hiding behind the words that a sensualist would not be able to discern.
Speaker 4:So you've got to be able to have an aesthetically developed sense of universal beauty and how it is tied to reason. It's not separate, and the CIA broke that apart by saying no reason in art is the tyranny of reason that pollutes good art. And if you want to be a good artist, you have to be free to be irrational, free to have a cult of ugliness, to be ugly if you want to, because being ugly is more authentic and more honest, because ugliness is the world and the world is made of these ugly, polluting, hypocritical humans who lie to themselves. So a true artist must be an emotionally ugly expressionist that will reflect the truth of the world and not be a hypocrite trying to be beautiful when we're ugly. So it's all this baggage came in with that that made us more pliable.
Speaker 1:I guess the two schools of thought at this point could be good versus evil when you put it that way, because when you think about Soviet architecture and the impact that had on the way people think about themselves and their peers and society and I'm also relating to that Warren Buffett's partner, charlie Munger, was willing to pay for a hundred-some million dollar dormitory as long as they wouldn't put windows in it.
Speaker 1:And there were different architects who worked on the project who ended up quitting because they just thought it was so inhumane to put human beings in that type of environment of imprisoning them, even though people were supposedly getting a free dorm room or the university was getting a free building. It's like getting a free prison. Is it something that you really want to give to people? So that's what we're up against. The richest, most powerful people in the world want to put us in buildings that don't have windows. This is disturbing, but it's important to understand. We are going to take a quick break as soon as we get back. Matt will explain more of these two schools of thought in his book Science Unshackled as soon as we get back.
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Speaker 1:We're talking to Matt Eric, the author of science on shackled. So, matt, there are these different figureheads in the history of science, like Newton, you know they form the basis of everything. You know, Darwin, I mean. We learned in school about these important figures and in the book you tear them apart. So can you take us, after Plato and Aristotle, into the cosmology? What were the two different schools of thoughts that you identified related to our cosmology?
Speaker 4:Yeah, sure, well, I did. I did indeed tear them apart, so to speak.
Speaker 4:I think the two opposing characteristics of these two schools of thought is that one presumes a universe which is ultimately animated by the absence of life, or otherwise known as death and decay, that the universe is a clock, almost like a clockwork universe, which has a limited amount of energy into making things move, and every time something moves it takes up energy which is then pulled out from the system as a whole as things are increasingly moving towards a death state. As known it's been retooled in our current standard theory, cosmology, as the heat death of the universe at some point in the future. Now the other school presumes and this is a Platonic school, the Pythagorean school that gave rise to the great creative revolutions and discoveries that also had a political, freedom-oriented expression too presumes a principle of life animating, not death, but life animating the universe and creativity being something based on the concept that God is not only the creator of the universe but is not absent in any part of the universe, that every part of the universe, however small or large or whatever, is full of the principle of creation by the creator himself as a constant living God, not a dead God or a tyrannical God that created the universe but is impotent to actually influence the universe after it was created perfect, because it's not perfect, there is evil. So, and that's the consequence of human beings having the ability to be wrong, to believe in lies and act accordingly. So the Newtonian world.
Speaker 4:If you look at Newton, many of the God heads of science that we've been fed that we have to sort of pay homage to unquestionably Darwin, newton. There's many others if you actually look at their writings and look at the source of their discoveries, because their equations often will have a functionality to them. The inverse square law or the infinitesimal calculus is useful, but the source of it is never them. There's always. You will find, on digging, as I tried to get across in source documentation, the. What became known as gravity under Newton was actually discovered by Johannes Kepler over 80 years before Newton. The infinitesimal calculus attributed to Newton was actually made by people like the Bromouli brothers and Godfrey Leibniz, a follower of Kepler, and both all Platonists of the Augustinian tradition, all following a Pythagorean thinking that the universe is organized harmonically according to a musical principle that also manifests visually in the geometric domain. That is tied to the five platonic solids as well, which create certain proportions that have musical expression, and that's how Kepler proved his planetary laws, as you could find by reading his harmonies of the world, which I did with a grouping of friends when I was working through the LaRouche organization and Schiller Institute many years ago.
Speaker 4:That gave me that opportunity and then you could see, okay, the people who we celebrate for having made these discoveries and we rememberized their formula, but we don't learn about the essence of the discovery is our frauds. They're actually frauds. Working with black magical circles within the Rose accrucian networks of Francis Bacon, john John D, like Newton, was a black magician. He was an alchemist, a numerologist, and there's no evidence of any actual science work in his surviving papers other than alchemy and black magic and numerology trying to calculate the end of the world. That's all we have, whereas the other scientists, like Kepler and Leibniz and Bernoulli you could see their physical experimentation they're not trying to impose a mathematical view onto the universe, but they're. They're trying to make their mathematical limited language adapt to the created discoveries of the universe. They're not.
Speaker 4:And this is the difference between the transhumanists and the eugenicists and the imperialists versus true scientists. They have the humility to know that we will always be. We will never know everything. We will never be gods. We have to have that humility, such that we can then make discoveries of God's creation and be more sensitive to how little we actually know, but how good we actually can be by acting According to those discoveries.
Speaker 4:That allows us new freedoms to fly.
Speaker 4:When we discover laws of aerodynamics, right.
Speaker 4:When we discover the laws, the mysterious laws of electricity we have, we can all of a sudden use electricity in a way that allows us to overcome limits to growth.
Speaker 4:That allows us new abilities to sustain more people at a higher quality of life, which the oligarchy despises the Malthusians, the controllers of Darwin like Thomas Huxley, the extension of Darwin into eugenics and social Darwinism under Galton and Herbert Spencer, and their extension into the transhumanists, led by people like Thomas Huxley, julian Huxley and Aldous Huxley. They all deny, they hate, they despise this fact that human beings are a species, that of an open system. We can discover more of ourselves inwardly as we discover more outwardly, and you read the writings of people like Max Planck, madame Curie, mendeliev, who made discoveries where they were all using this, this Platonic, augustinian, keplerian method, in opposition to those who would wish to undermine them, like the Copenhagen School of Quantum Mechanics around Niels Bohr and Oppenheimer and Heisenberg, who are just a cultist. They don't make discoveries, they make descriptive models that can maybe find a limited use but otherwise create an obsturantism that opens the door to justifying why AI will inevitably replace human beings, because we're that limited, unless we fuse with machinery to become relevant again.
Speaker 1:So that's the short side of it, I'm noticing a theme here of that people who have that belief of no creator and the scientists who are leading that side of that school of thought are a cultist and black magicians and Satanists.
Speaker 1:So this is disturbing to learn that some of these people who are put up there as heroes on a pedestal for kids in elementary, middle and high school were part of this kind of dark school. So nowadays we've got the Fauci's, we've got the Bill Nye, the science guys and these various science figureheads that go around acting like experts and acting like they are the authorities. Are there any? Maybe you want to mention a few more in the modern schools of science, maybe our modern quantum mechanics or cosmologies that are string theory, some of these different things that we're still talking about today to try to figure things out? Who are some of the kind of CIA figureheads that are pushing a narrative and who are some legitimate scientists who are really pushing us to understand things to the next level and discover new things? Is there anyone in pop culture or anyone in science that we might have heard of that you might want to point us in that direction, of these two schools still battling it out today?
Speaker 4:Yeah, sure, well, I do go through some of these more contemporary representatives of either school within the pages of my book Science and Shackles. So people can read about those like the recently deceased scientist Robert Goussard, who discovered a completely novel and wonderful approach to fusion energy, which was unfortunately undermined by the US Navy and US Naval intelligence. But there's people like Michael Claridge, a lot of the figures who are currently revolving around the Electric Universe grouping. There are I don't agree with everybody, but there's a lot of really potent science and engineers in that domain doing great work, picking up the torch despite the standard model. Cosmologists and quantum theorists who have really dominated the institutions, and I don't think that most of them are aware of the political funding necessarily behind what they're doing, but it's. That's how cults work, you don't? Not every member knows that they're part of the cult. So again, there's a lot that I go through in the book that showcase the more recent representatives of either school.
Speaker 1:Right. And are there? What would you say to a parent raising a child right now to get them out of that public education type of mindset of obedience to authority rather than critical thinking, to that platonic Socratic method of discovering the truth and building and creating and experimenting? Any anything to point at about how we've got the homeschooling movement and so forth? Go ahead, take it away.
Speaker 4:Yeah, definitely focus on original texts, source texts, to look for people who made discoveries and then read their writings. Don't read about them from other experts. Read the writings. I guarantee you they're eminently readable generally and they will tell you a lot more about how their minds worked when they were making a discovery. Whether it was Kepler, whether it was Leibniz, or whether it was Plato and his followers, like a xenophon and others from the Platonic Academy, you can read their writings and then try to replicate as much as you can do justice to understand, relive the discovery process and in so doing, new faculties will be presented to you that you won't even imagine.
Speaker 4:It's much better than just memorizing the right answers, like we've often been conditioned to in the current education system to memorize but not understand why a formula is true. So why is A squared plus B squared equals C squared? What does that physically mean in the physical universe? When you deal with squares and triangles, what's being expressed? Why is it true? How did Pythagoras think when he was making that discovery? What about the doubling of a square? What actions physically must be happening that are not simply mathematical to the doubling of the surface area of a square that makes it double its surface area, instead of just saying like one squared times two equals two. Do it geometrically, do it in the real world that exists first, and then you could start seeing that math is a useful but limited shadow domain, a tool, but not something we should be worshiping, whereas the oligarchy wants us to worship the tool and identify it as if it is governing Follow the rules.
Speaker 1:We've got these laws and we just seem to memorize the laws and follow the rule book rather than continue to make discoveries and see the patterns that may exist. Doing great work, Matt. Where can people go to buy the book?
Speaker 4:They can go to canadianpatriotorg or write me at CanadianPatriot1776 at tutanotacom, and we have free copy, not free, sorry. We have signed copies I could send your way. Also, books on the clash of the two Americas and my wife's books on the employer in which the Black Sun never set, also available signed copies, or on Amazon, on our websites.
Speaker 1:You and your wife are such a power couple in our movement. You're doing really great work to deprogram us, to educate us, break us down and build us up. Matt, you're doing really great research and I really admire what you're doing and I think if everyone wants to dive in, just go to canadianpatriotorg. Thank you, matt, for coming on the show and thank you all of you for watching AMP News. We are America's Patriot Network. You can get my breaking news updates seanmorganreportcom and get our latest shows on the ampnewsus. God bless all you Patriots. Good night, good luck sings M you.