The Sean Morgan Report

Elon Musk and the Race for AI Dominance in 2024 (Sean Morgan and Kristi Leigh)

Sean Morgan

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Speaker 1:

He's joining us now to give us insight on AI. Thank you for joining us, Sean.

Speaker 2:

You're welcome, christy. It's really interesting how most people are not aware of the story behind the story with AI. As you know, openai came on the scene with Chad GPT. It blew everyone away its capabilities. Those capabilities keep advancing so quickly that it looks like just with this type of generative AI they're going to be able to replace whole sectors of the global economy. It's already happening. There's already massive tech layoffs. What people don't know is a lot of those layoffs are just being replaced by AI capabilities by big tech. But what's so interesting is that OpenAI was co-founded by Elon Musk. Most people don't even know that. He's been complaining ever since they came on the scene about how they're. He launched a competing AI company. Xai raised $6 billion and now the post valuation for that company is $24 billion. Aware of is that Elon Musk is basically a part of an AI arms race, that this AI is not just a way for us to type emails in a faster, easier way. Ai is really the most important technological revolution in history and it has military applications.

Speaker 1:

Elon Musk is no doubt so smart and he's very dynamic and brave and he's really become a part of this culture war. But you know, you have everyone saying, you know, from one end of the spectrum, he's our hero, you know. And then from the other end of the spectrum, I did an interview with Alex Jones, who's like, who knows, he might be the Antichrist. So where, where do you stand right now? I know because you've done extensive research. You've looked at Elon Musk's, I guess, journey when it comes to AI and all of that. So how are you feeling right now about Elon Musk? Do you think he can be trusted? How are you feeling right now about Elon Musk? Do you think he?

Speaker 2:

can be trusted. Well, you know, I do like the fact that he's donated millions of dollars to pro-fertility charities. He's against this whole World Economic Forum deep state narrative that we're overpopulated and we need to reduce the population. He speaks out against election fraud and election tampering, so he's an advocate for that, which is great, and, of course, he did protect free speech for the most part. He's the only big tech executive that's stood up for free speech, so he has all of that going for him.

Speaker 2:

But what I tried to tease out of my article is that he's extremely powerful. It's hard to understate his power, because it's not just ai, it's not just tesla, it's not just spacex. There's so many different companies and they all link together in an overall strategy, basically for power dominance, and it makes you wonder is this just one person? You know, is this just one person and their personal strategy, or does he have allies in governments? Does he have allies who are other investors? Because he's basically going up against the rest of the big tech and we know how Google and Amazon and Meta and all the rest handled 2020. They were completely aligned with a deep state, and so what we have is an AI arms race of Elon Musk who owns XAI.

Speaker 2:

Tesla is an AI company. It's also a robotics company. When you combine AI with robotics, that's very powerful. And so, yeah, it's basically Elon Musk and his investors and his allies, whoever they might be, perhaps even Trump and his team, because I mean, what other big tech person is giving Trump a platform? You know he's reposting Trump all the time on Xcom make you wonder if this is a global power conflict and you have all of big tech aligned with the deep state, apparently versus Elon Musk. It does make you wonder if there's actually a lot more people behind him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it sure does, and you know we could talk a long time about the arms aspect of this and how scary that is. I mean, we just recently just the acceleration of AI in general. It's just accelerated, I think, faster than any of us were prepared for, I think even the creators themselves. I had to ask and see if you saw this article I saw from discerntv and it talks about lab-grown human brains that are enslaved, called organoids, to run computers, because I guess part of the AI element is that it can take too much energy. So now they're combining human brains to help run computers and actually like doing a reward thing, where, where they reward them with good stimulant electron nodes or whatever, um, when it does what it's supposed to, and then like basically torture on the other side so they're trained to obey for their short lives. I mean this is just astounding. It sounds like a conspiracy, but this is actually happening. I don't know if you had a chance to see that story, but we're getting into some crazy territory, right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're really getting into some gray areas morally and ethically with biology using human cells, human stem cells and so forth. And, of course, elon Musk is the founder of Neuralink, which just had their first successful implant in a human patient. They implanted this device in the cranium, in the brain of a disabled man, and now he can control a computer with his thoughts, and this is something that you know. Maybe people still think it's at the research phase with monkeys, but it's beyond that it's successfully been implemented in humans.

Speaker 2:

And so when you look at the World Economic Forum and this whole deep state narrative about combining technology and human biology and that we have to merge with AI and all of this stuff, how scary would it be, you know, if a company or a billionaire or a government had the power to be able to either be directly hooked in to someone's brain or potentially just the ability to hack into a device.

Speaker 2:

It could be people voluntarily get implanted and then it can get hacked. And AI I mean that's one of the things that's so brilliant about AI is they can do this coding and it can do these types of cyber operations by itself, and so, as it advances, of course, that's something we need to be aware of, and so that's just another example of a technology that it's a deep state technology. It's something part of their narrative, but Elon Musk is at the cutting edge and he's working against the deep state, so it does kind of make you wonder is there a strategy at play here where it's better for the good guys to be at the cutting edge of this type of weaponization? They can be easily weaponized, so so it's basically these are. These are military weapons that are being developed by the good guys and the bad guys, and it's a race on who can, who can win and who can develop these weapons first and control them well, sometimes competition isn't best for everyone, and with something that you know, creators haven't necessarily been able to even explain how it works.

Speaker 1:

I can't ignore the spiritual element to this. Personally, do you think that there's a spiritual element to this, something that can be used by demonic forces?

Speaker 2:

something that can be used by demonic forces. Of course, there's always a spiritual element to everything, and that is kind of the disturbing part that we don't have any faith-based tech executives or politicians speaking out about religious opposition to this type of research that you talked about, uh, and, and so someone does has to step up. I don't think it's quite enough that elon musk is saying I'm a humanist, we need someone, uh, and maybe, maybe he will have an awakening. You know, it's interesting, tucker is getting so vocal about spirituality and he's bringing that to the masses, and I've it's happened in myself in the last few years a spiritual awakening happening, and so, you know, I do think this is a question for humanity. We are the ones who ultimately need to decide how this technology power is distributed, so we need to step into our own power and step up for our rights.

Speaker 1:

Well, sean, we so appreciate you being on the leading edge of following these stories about AI, because I think that so many of us get caught up in the politics and the infighting and all of that, that we ignore this huge threat to humanity that has so many spiritual elements and everything. So it's so important to keep on bringing it back to the latest in AI and what's being done and what kind of a threat it is, and so we appreciate you focusing on that, and we know you have so many other awesome things to share, a unique perspective being there in Brazil and so we look forward to having you back. But I want viewers to know that they can find your report easily if you want to go ahead and pitch that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you can go to seanmorganreportcom sign up for the newsletter. I'll be sending this article that I just wrote about Elon Musk and others regularly.

Speaker 1:

Love it Well again, look forward to having you back. Thank you so much for your time, sean.